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Kim’s POV*

I kept thinking back to when Luhan gave me my pills back. I snapped out of it when a car beeped at me. I drove all the way home. Once I reached my house I got out of my car and ran to my room. On the way to my room I yelled to my father that I arrived home. I entered my room and laid down on my bed I took another pill as the pain started to rise in my chest. I can’t stop thinking about him. He is attractive and all but I’m not gay. Am I? I stared to question my sexuality. I heard a knock on my door. Tao. “Hey sorry to bother you but I have a question.” He said “What is it?” I asked “It’s about luhan.” He continued “What about him?” I urged “Do you know like him?” He asked I just stared at him with a blank expression. Do I like him? I mean I just met him today. “I” began to say “I don’t know” I finished. He nodded and left. What was that about? I shrugged it off and went back to my bed. Why is he lurking in my head? What’s so special about him that won’t leave me alone? Was it his smile? Was it his looks? What is it? I began to get frustrated and decided to go to sleep.

Tao’s POV*

“So what did he say?” Luhan asked “He said he doesn’t know” I said “As in he doesn’t know if he likes me or he doesn’t know what he is?” He asked “I don’t know, what’s up with you and him anyways?” I asked “Nothing, it’s just that something about him won’t leave me alone, you wouldn’t understand.” He said “I know what you’re trying to say, there’s always something special about a certain person like Xiumin’s special thing is he is cute, adorable, and kind-hearted” I said and I saw Luhan in deep thought. “Well um I should get going” I said Luhan nodded and went the opposite way. I turned and left.

Luhan’s POV*

Why am I feeling this, what’s special about him. I kept walking until I heard a noise. I turned to see a gang cornering me. “Well well look who we have here the infamous Luhan” The leader said “What do you want?” I asked “Nothing we just want vengeance” He said “What?” I asked “You heard him” another guy said “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I continued “Just get him” the leader said. One of the guys ran to me and I dodged his fist and punched him in the gut, I ran and tripped a few guys as I ran and one of them caught me and punched me in the face. “Stop” someone said it sounded like a female voice. “What’s a pretty girl like you roaming out at night?” he asked “I said stop don’t hurt him anymore” she said “Why should we?” he asked “I said so” She continued “Oh sassy how I like them.” He said. The others started to focus more on her than me I took that as an advantage and attacked them. “Run.” I said and she ran I ran as well and pulled her into an alley as they ran past us. “Thanks” I said “No problem” She said “What’s your name?” she continued “Luhan” I said “yours?” I asked “Son na eun” She said “Well thanks again son na eun.” I said “No problem luhan” She said “What did they want?” she asked “I really don’t know I was walking home from somewhere and they randomly came up to me” I said “Oh well I should get going” she said “I’ll walk you home you know just in case” I said “Oh no you don’t have to” she said “No I insist” I said and she blushed. We reached her house. “Thanks” she said “No problem” I said and started to walk away. No it isn’t like in the movies where she holds you back and kisses you nope that didn’t happen. I finally made it home and saw that one of my pictures had been broken someone was or still is in my house. I grabbed a heavy metal object and walked around my house looking for the intruder but I never found him. I blew it off and laid down in bed and Xiumin was still lurking in my head. What is wrong with me? Why am I so obsessed over him? I’ll probably never know.

A/N: So I put the trailer on if you want to see how the story will go I put it here. So hope you like it. AGAIN THE STORY IDEA WAS BORROWED FROM 'THE SNOW FROST QUEEN' ON YOUTUBE. 

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