♡CHAPTER - 26♡

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QOTD:-"We will always be best friends because you know too much about me, which I can't afford to reveal. "

So let's continue

Sid's Pov

It's been a long day. I mean practice wasn't tiring but not talking to angel surely was. I had to ignore everyone not just Angel but Dada Di and my friends even Faisu. I seriously don't know if I am doing is right or wrong. But I guess if I want to know about her feelings, I have to continue to act. I hope it works out well.

End of The Pov

In the Nigam Mansion

Author's Pov

It was as usual very busy morning in the Nigam Mansion not just because their college time but also because Mr and Mrs Nigam were returning home after so many days.

Avni was in her room trying to take note on the things she was going to do after Sid will return. She was so determined not to let anybody else take Sid away from her till some days. She had lot of things planned already and was just waiting for her Maddo to return home. Nobody knows she was missing him the most. Although everyone knew she was sad, but what she was hard for them to know.

Our dear Avni was busy in daydreaming about her so called best friend when Abhi barged in her room without knocking.

Abhi - bhoo!!

Avni - You scared me Dada what was this for?

She asked literally being scared by the unwelcomed guest in her room, before Abhi could say anything door burst opened revealing Jannat the great.

Jan - Dada you here why go out I have something urgent to talk to her go now fast we don't have time we have to go to college too go Di must be waiting for you go go go go...

She said in one breath clearly addressing her urgency.

Abhi just rolled his eyes and ignored her.

Abhi - I came here first you talk to her later.

They both started fighting over who would talk first to Avni. Here Avni was getting bored so she thought to paint her nails till then. So I guess she loves to paint her nails.

Avni- Stop both of you, Jan you go I will talk to bhai first then I will talk to you.

Abhi hugged her in excitement teasing Jannat. Who left the room giving unhappy look to Avni.

Avni - So Dada tell me what happened? Did you realise that you like Di finally?

Avni asked abhi in normally shrugging her shoulders where as abhi was dumbfounded by what she said, he couldn't believe she said that.

Abhi - Why would you say that?

Avni - because I am waiting for these since ever since, but you both are so stupid not to realise the feeling you have for each other.

Abhi - oh seriously? I mean is that obvious she likes me?

Avni - Oh dada not only her but you too, you look like lost puppy while you are with her. I mean I don't need to tell you what you feel about her you should realize that you know?

Abhi - Umm I mean I do feel something when I am around her even when she is not around. I always think about her, I do get jealous when she is with some other boy except me and our friends of course. I feel special with her and the way I feel towards her is not the same I feel about anyone else. But I am still not sure, I am kind of confused.

Avni - Dada take time and listen to what your heart says okay don't stress much.

Abhi - Thank you princess, I love you..

Save that for someone else dada, Save all the love yous for Di or should I say bhabhi ?.. Said jannat teasingly to abhi. Who was secretly listening to the conversation slightly peeking her head from the door crack.

Abhi just nervously scratched back of his neck and hit jannat 's head with a pillow who just took a seat beside abhi and was continually giving him teasing looks.

Avni - Guys stop fighting with each other.

She said as she saw both of them busy in a messy pillow fight in her room, that didn't angered her what angered her was her nailpaint which got ruined due to their pillow fight.

Jannat and Abhi quickly arranged the room and sat up straight looking at her.

Avni - ugh you kids leave that and jan tell why are you here? I mean what do you wanted to talk about tell fast, it won't take others to barge here in search of you both now.

Jan - umm I wanted to tell you that umm how should I tell you?

Avni - wait wait don't tell me you are here to confess your undying love for me, I love you too meri Jan.

Jan rolled her eyes and sighed deeply she thought it would be easy to tell her everything. And then she though avni would guess as she guessed it for abhi but seems like she had to do that task herself.

Jan - gurll I think I like someone, I guess I like faisu and I am going to confess it to him as soon as he returns. I just needed someone to share about this and I thought you would be perfect one to know about this first.

Before Avni could reply abhi hugged Jan and congratulated her.

Avni - Come on guys join me in a hug me favourite people got their love of their lives and I am so so so much happy for you guys, I can't express my happiness now. May I tell it to Sid ? OMG he would be so happy hearing this.

Abhi - Calm down princess, I think you should not tell about this to anyone, let this be a little secret between three of us yes?

Both of the rest agreed and as avni said jaireem along with vaishi entered the room oh sorry barged in without knocking avni thought her friends are so Mannerlless. Just let sid come she will complain about it to him.

Then they left for the boring day ahead in the college.

Abhi and jan were really happy about their new found feelings Jan was waiting for Faisu impatiently and abhi trying his best to keep his Vaish away from that gadhedo. Even if it means to bunk the college with her.

Here our Sidneet were most impatient just to see each other one knew the reason why and one still named it as friendship.

End of the Pov

So that is it for today

Sorry for extremely late update but I was seriously busy and thank you all for waiting so patiently for next update.

Qotd :- favourite travelling vehicle?

Till Then

Signing off

Your Author, Arya.

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