My Angel in Disguise

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When they arrived at BC Sol that evening, Free was in a better mood. He was even saughting out to give his grandfather another chance, which spoke volumes. He looked at Shu walking beside him, a rare spring on his step. "You're in a good mood."

Shu smiled, "I am. This weather is nice!"

The sun was behind them, soft evening rays kissing their skin. But Free spotted the dark clouds looming over the horizons but chose not to comment on it. They were both in a good mood. A worried Kristina greeted them, she was sitting by the bench near the gates, her shoulder slumping in relief the moment her eyes brushed Free's. "Thank god, you're here!" She said, striding towards them. Free averted his gaze to the ground.

"Yeah, we're back. Sorry, for the stuff I said earlier."

Kristina was shaking her head, she took his shoulders. "It's alright, but he's-"

"I'll talk with him," Free interrupted. The neutral mask slipped back to its place. He turned to Shu with a slight wave. "See you later?"

Shu nodded, giving him an encouraging smile. "Sure. Good luck!"

"Thanks," Free mumbled. Kristina fell into a step beside him as he started walking across the puddled lawn. The snow melted under the sunrays. She looked over her shoulder before they turned the corner and shot him a grateful smile which Shu returned.


When the evening transitioned to twilight, the patter of a faint drizzle knocked against the library window. Shu had tucked himself into the corner, indulged in another dystopian world under the flicker of translucent lights. He looked at the grandfather clock on the fading wall and sighed. It was almost time for dinner. He stayed there for another hour as the storm worsened, the drizzle turning to a vicious storm with sharp winds howling, slamming against the glass windows. He closed the book and placed it on its place on the shelf. He didn't fear anyone borrowing it. Bladers rarely visited the library save for the few nerdy souls who occasionally haunted these lines of shelves.

He stepped into the corridor and immediately regretted his light clothing. Wrapping his arm around himself, Shu hurried towards the cafeteria when a noise startled him. He looked up in time to see Free's blonde head disappearing into the thick of the stormy night, Kristina yelling at him, "Free! Wait."

Silas took her elbow, pushing her back. The others stared, incredulous. Shu watched in astonished silence as his dark figure disappeared into the line of trees. "What happened?" Shu asked, jogging to the group. Valt gave him a worried look.

"He just stormed out," He said. Shu blinked, oh. He was meeting up with his grandfather, wasn't he?

"Did he just storm out alone?"

Sasha messed her hair, "Well, sure as hell, he did. That idiot!" Honey was hugging her side, whimpering. Everyone looked worried, neither braving the storm.

Shu pushed past Kristina, and before anyone could intercept his ridiculous decision, sprinted towards the line of trees. He heard the faint cries of his friends calling his name. The rain slapped against his skin, wind razor sharp against his bare arms. Shu shivered, teeth chattering as he manoeuvred his way through the thick cluster of trees, blindly looking his way forward.

"Free!" He called. "Where are you?" He knew the calls were fruitless. No one would hear me against the billowing cries of the storms. But he tried, ducking under the shadows of branches. His white t-shirt stuck to his skin, his jeans soaking wet. He rubbed at his eyes, scratching at his goosebumps when his cries turned desperate. Following Free into this mayhem was madness. He barely knew these woods. He called out again, throat scratchy. He leaned against a tree, catching his breath as he strode forward, only to be caught on a fallen branch, slamming hard against the ground.

"Shit," Shu muttered. Rubbing at his elbow and winced. He didn't know if he felt the wetness because he was soaked to the bone. Pain shot up his leg as he stood. "Shit," He cursed again, leaning heavily against a tree. "Free," He called out, one last cry of desperation when the distant echo of a familiar voice caught his ear.

"Shu?" Free asked, finally approaching. His blonde locks plastered against his forehead. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Relieved, Shu leaned back, the cold was spreading across his chest, making it harder to breathe. He winced, tugging at his elbow. "I was looking for you," Shu breathed. "You just stormed out!"

"Are you insane? You could've died out here!"

"Well, so could you! Let's go back, please."

"I've lived here for years," Free countered, stepping closer. Shu saw the menace in his eyes and shrunk back against the tree. Nails gripping the calloused bark. "I know my way around here, but you-"

Shu averted his gaze to the ground, "I was worried about you," He whispered.

Something in his eyes softened, Free reached out and placed a hand on his cheek. "You didn't have to, I'm okay."

"No," Shu muttered, feverishly. "You're not. Don't lie to me. Please, everyone's worried." He choked out. Free stepped closer yet, Shu blinked, confused when Free placed a hand under his chin and tilted his face upwards. With rain water running down both their cheeks, Free's face hovered in front of his lips as if about to kiss him. Shu placed his hands on his chest, fingers curling on the fabric of his shirt. "Don't-" He whispered, "Don't you dare."

Free didn't pull away, his other hand curled on the back of his head, their lips were almost touching when he spoke, "Why?" He asked, "I might even like-"

Shu tipped his head back, shaking his head. "No. No, you don't," He pushed him back. "You just need a distraction, Free. Something you need to feel more guilty about, so you would forget whatever happened earlier," Shu gave him a sad smile, "I'm not your distraction."

Free blinked out of his dazed stupor at the bite of his words. He released Shu and stumbled back. "Fuck...fuck, I'm sorry."

Shu breathed hard, wiping at his eyes. The cold has numbed him. He stared at Free. "We have to go," He said, unfazed. "Kristina is worried. Everyone is worried."

If Free recognized his quick change of subject, he chose not to comment upon it. Instead, he nodded dumbly. Shu slipped his hand to Free's. "I've no idea where we are, please take me back."

Free nodded again as if he was a suspended animation in time. He guided them through the trees as they both stumbled back into the muddy lawn of BC Sol. There was no snow, and Shu wondered if he would come down with pneumonia tomorrow. When they reached the corridor, the group was still there. An ashen Valt reached out to Shu as they walked in. Kristina was furious, first at Free, then at him. He didn't have much energy to argue. Instead he stared at his bloody elbow and his jeans ripped by his ankle, blood leaking down a shallow cut across his calf. Free sighed, taking off his jacket and squeezing out the water. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I? Aren't you happy?"

Kristina raised her hand, eyes blazing in fury. Free stared, indifferent. His blankness terrified Shu. It was as if he had closed off everything, leaving a shell of a human behind. "Kris-" Sasha said, placing a hand on his shoulder as Free strode off the corridor, throwing one last look at Shu. His lips curled downwards. Shu willed to forget the feeling of the closeness of his lips against his own, his hands tugging at his clothes in anguish, fingers curling on the back of his head, pulling at his hair. Honcho touched his shoulder, "C'mon let's get you patched up."

Shu blinked at him, dazed. "Huh?"

Kristina turned to him, Shu instinctively flinched, waiting for his round of scolding when she just looked at Honcho. "Yes, please. I'll send Ange with a first aid kit."

He felt Honcho's warm hands guiding him towards their shared room. Valt following close behind them. Honcho opened the bathroom door. Shu thanked him and closed the door. Stripping out of his wet clothes, he stepped into the warm shower, wincing as the scalding water rubbed against his cuts. He watched the water swirled around his feet. He stood, motionless for a while before stepping out and dressing in new clothes. Valt and Honcho were there with Ange when he walked back into the room, the cold chased away, but he could still feel the razor sharp coldness cutting against his skin.

"That was dangerous," Ange said, as he sat beside her. She opened the first aid kit and pulled out the supplies. Shu winced as she dabbed alcohol on his cuts. "You don't know these woods well, Shu. You might've gotten seriously hurt."

Shu ducked his head, studying the rumpled patterns on his shorts. "Is Free okay?" He asked, after a beat. "He looked like he was in a really bad place."

Ange wrapped a clean bandage around his arm. "He's fine. I sent some soup to him, Kristina and Kristian are with him."

Shu looked at her, "What about his grandfather?"

Ange gave him a solemn look. "He's probably sleeping."


"He looked really stern," Honcho added, "I wonder what he said to Free for him to snap that bad. I've never seen him like this."

"I've never seen you like this," Valt said, breaking his rare silence. "What's gotten into you, Shu?"

Ange closed the box, "I brought you some soup too and lemon mixed with honey. Drink them before sleeping, you hear me? And you boys better get to bed, it's late."

"Yes Ange," Valt and Honcho chorused as she walked out of the room.

"No, seriously," Valt took his shoulder, shaking him lightly. "What's wrong with you? Shu? You never did dangerous things like that! You're supposed to be the rational one."

Was he? Oh yes, he was. He used to think twice-no three or four times before acting upon something, always dancing on the precipice of over analysing and spiralling into dark places in his mind. What happened? That was a question Shu asked himself every day. When did he get so reckless? Started going after this boy who was dangerously harmless, a paradox of a soul. The closer they got, the inexplicable his actions became. He convinced Shu there was something more and the next moment they were strangers again. "I'm sorry," Shu muttered, accepting wordless as Honcho handed him the warm bowl of soup. The warmth was comforting. "I don't know what got into me. I just-" He stopped, he saw pieces of himself in Free, sometimes. He was attracted to the loss, because he felt Free would understand. This hollow place in his heart.

"Is everything alright at home?" Valt asked. Shu looked up, surprised as Honcho shifted his weight beside them. The conversation was treading waters of the questions they never asked the albino. Shu nodded, hesitant.

"Yeah..." He whispered, clutching the bowl in his hand tighter. The comforting warmth now scalded his skin.

"I always wondered, you know," Valt said, "Maybe that's why you snapped and went on a rampage. Snakepit and everything. I wish you would talk to me, but you never do," Valt kept talking, his voice rising. "Sometimes, it feels like I'm the only one who thinks of you as a friend, Shu."

It was rare for Valt to speak of their relationship in this light, rarer for him to question Shu's life. They both knew the nature of their relationship was him being completely private and Valt being his extrovert self. Shu sniffled, feeling the closely guarded emotions tearing. "It's not like that," He said. "You know it. You're my best friend, I've never thought of you as anything less, I'm- I'm just..." He choked, doubling over with a sob.

The two boys stared in shock for a moment, before Valt reacted. "I'm sorry," The male stuttered, "I didn't want to make you cry."

Shu shook his head, wiping his tears as Honcho fished the soup bowl out of his hands and placed it on the nightstand. The blonde took a seat beside him on the bed, wrapping one of his strong arms around him. Valt rubbed Shu's hands, holding them together, watching their strongest friend fall apart in pieces in front of them. His body trembled as he wiped his eyes trying to stop the tears. Honcho leaned against him, running his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry," Shu whispered, taking hold of his emotions. "I don't know what got into me."

"You looked like you needed that," Honcho answered, squeezing his shoulder. "Really though, you should let yourself go sometimes. It's not healthy bottling up all that in your mind."

Shu ran the back of his palms over his cheeks, "Yeah, I'll try."

Valt sighed. "You're not a bad person," He said, turning to Shu.

Shu blinked, "Huh?"

"Everyone's treating you like you're a bad person after everything happened. But I know there's more to it. It's frust-" He paused, wrinkling his brows, "Frun- freas-"

"Frustrating?" Shu offered.

"Yes, That! It's that, when you just stand by and let it all happen!"

"You're talking about the internet," Shu smiled, leaning against Honcho. The blonde stiffened before making himself comfortable.

"Yes," Valt sounded desperate as he started to move his hands. "Everyone's saying stuff. And I hate it!"

"Don't use twitter and instagram that much, Valt. It's not healthy."

"This is not about that. Don't change the subject!"

"I don't mind them. Those people are strangers to me."

Honcho sighed, "You two, stop bickering. Get some rest now. We'll talk about this later. And you," He said, flicking Shu's forehead lightly. "You better not pull out stunts like that ever again, you hear me?"

Shu stared for a moment before smiling, ducking his head. "Sure dad."

Valt grinned, "Right!? He sounded just like my dad!"

"Shut up! I don't sound that old!"

"Do it again," Valt cheered. Shu chuckled, letting himself bask in the warmth of their friendship after a long while of uncertainty and coldness. But he still couldn't forget his breath on his face, his desperate lips trembling over his face.

When the lights were off, Shu curled under the blanket, ignoring the sting of his wounds. He had been ignoring the feeling, but gods how he wanted to reciprocate. Push himself forward just a little so their lips would touch. The electrifying desire to pull him in. He shivered, he should've left when he had the chance. Now he was too deep in this spider web of a relationship with Free De La Hoya and he couldn't see a way they would both come unscathed from this.


The next day, he stayed in the room. The sun shone brilliantly outside. Shu sat on the floor on a patch of sunlight, reading a book. He had been trying to read all morning but his mind kept running towards different subjects. He stared at the page, not understanding anything as he replayed last night repeatedly over his mind. When Kane ran in with panic flooding his features. "Kane?" Shu managed as the young boy ran into his arms. "What's wrong?"

"They're fighting again," he sniffled to his crumpled sweater. Shu ran a hand through his hair, comforting him. "Big brother and Free are fighting in the hallway."

"Oh," Shu said, blinking. He wanted to stay back, not interfere. But despite his promise to stay uninvolved he was worried. That's why he decided to make sure everything was okay. He took Kane's hand and walked towards the hallway and indeed there they were, Kristian and Free arguing. Kristina stood nearby, exasperated. Kane tightened his grip on his hand.

"Is everything alright?" Shu asked, hesitating.

To his surprise, Free turned on his heel, his eyes blazing. "What the fuck is your problem? Stop trying to fix everything."

Shu blinked, heat rushing to his cheeks as he took a step back. He pursed his lips, nodded once. "Wow, great." He smiled, "You could've just hit me, it would have hurt less."

Kristian raised his brow, as Shu took Kane's hand and smiled at the young child, "Do you want to go to the garden?"

Kane nodded with tear-filled eyes as he followed the albino who didn't look back once they'd disappeared out of their sight. Kristian chuckled, "Has this become a habit? Making an enemy of everyone who stands by your-" He stopped seeing the horror in the blonde's face. "Oh wow, you really didn't think, did you?"

Kristina sighed, "Free, go and talk to him. Don't let everything in your life slip away because you're angry at it."

His shoulders sagged, eyes averting to the floor. "I don't think he'd talk to me again, I wouldn't if someone said that to me."

"Shu will understand," Kristina's kind voice interrupted. "And you two sort this out. We've had enough fighting to last the whole year. I don't want to see anymore of it. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Both of them mumbled under their breath as she walked out of the hallway. Her heel clacking along the way. Free sighed, leaning against the wall.

"Don't ask me to sympathise with him."

"He's an old man," Kristian argued, "Listen, Free. I know he's a pretty shitty person-"

"No, not to you anyway," Free snorted, his eyes lingering on the garden. He couldn't see Shu or Kane from the spot he was standing.

"Then stop acting like that," Kristian said, "You're destroying yourself for the hell of it and he's probably enjoying it. You're acting exactly like he wants you to. And apologise to Shu. It's been a while since I saw you smile, I might not like you, but you look pretty pathetic sometimes. Shu changes you for the better, don't let him slip away."

Free offered Kristian his hand, "I'll try. Friends?"

Kristian smiled, accepting. They had been doing this after every argument since they were kids. No matter the fight, even if it lasted for months, they always came back together, shaking hands and reinstating their friendship. "Yeah, whatever blondie. Don't forget to apologise, alright? And thank him too, risked his life to look for you yesterday, didn't he?"

"I didn't ask him to," Free mumbled stubbornly.

"Exactly," Kristian grinned, "You're not blind, he likes you. Might as well take the chance while you can."

He swatted him away and walked towards the forest. His hands deep inside his pockets as he thought of ways to make amends.

When he came back from his training, the lunch was ready. Free walked into the cafeteria. Shu was there with Valt and Honcho, chatting as he picked through his food. Free got his tray and walked over to his usual table which was the same with Shu. The moment he placed the tray on the table, Shu stood to leave. The others watched, dumbstruck. "Wait, I'll leave-" Free started.

Shu shook his head, "I'm done eating," He said, picking his untouched tray to Ange who looked worriedly at him. The albino shot her a smile with a quick apology before walking out of the cafeteria, not a single glance on his way. Free slumped to the seat, sighing.

"Well," Sasha asked, "What did you do?"

"Why are you assuming I'm the one in the wrong?"

Sasha shrugged, "You've been in a self destructive streak lately, snapping at everyone. So-"

Valt frowned, "Did you say something rude to him?"

Free shrugged, "Something like that."

"You better apologise before I throw some hands."

Honcho snorted and started coughing and choking on his food. Rickson passed him the water with a hearty pat to his back, "Don't die on us."

Valt panicked, "Why are you choking!?"

Sasha burst out laughing, "You guys are such clowns."

Free tuned out the banter. For the first time, he found himself playing with his food. He didn't have an appetite. He wanted to talk to Shu. About last night, about how sorry he was. Thank him for stopping him before things escalated.

After lunch, the group went to train in the stadium. Raul was taking checks on their launchers and beys, talking about improvement. Free spaced out several times before he decided to go search for Shu. He first checked the library and then the bench under the eucalyptus tree. He walked to their dorms and found the place empty. He sighed, finally reaching the main staircase leading to the junior stadiums when he spotted the lone figure sitting by the end of the stairs, his brows furrowed deep in thought.

Free cleared his throat, not wanting to antagonise him further by creeping up on him. Shu flinched, turning around. "Hi-" Free started when he stood, and started climbing up the stairs to leave.

Free took his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. "Please, I want to talk to you."

"Thought I was a nuisance," Shu answered, eyes trained on the ground.

"I'm sorry."

Shu refused to look at him, "Yeah?" Free looked at him, surprised to hear the sniffle in his voice. Was he crying?

"Shu?" He said, taking his shoulders and forcing the other to turn towards him. "Are you crying?"

"No," Shu whispered. Free cupped his cheeks and turned his face upwards, and to his no surprise, his crimson eyes were filled with unshed tears. Shu gripped his hands, trying to free his face.

"I'm sorry," Free repeated, blinking. "I-I'm really sorry, gods I'm sorry, okay?" He'd never thought he'd see Shu Kurenai cry. The Red Eyed vigilante who took the beyblade world by storm and had everyone shivering at the mention of his name. Sometimes, people forget everyone's human despite their appearance. No matter how perfect he seemed, of course he had feelings. He was an idiot for not considering how it would hurt him. "I was in the zone, and I didn't realise-" He stopped, there was no use of giving excuses. "I'm truly sorry."

Shu closed his eyes, letting a single tear slip down his cheek. "I wasn't trying to be a nuisance, I was just worried about you, I swear."

If one could hear the sound of a breaking heart, Free knew they'd be hearing it now. Never he'd heard someone so emotional, so convinced of the authenticity of the words spoken out of pure emotion. He wasn't being rational. He was being impulsive, hell, he didn't mean anything he said. "I know," Free said, his voice soft and soothing. "I know, Shu. I was being a jerk. I didn't mean a single thing I said. I was letting out my anger on others." He wiped a stray tear from his face. "I'm so sorry."

Shu nodded, fighting back tears. Free released his face and stepped close, "I'm sorry I hurt you. I'll do anything to make it better, please don't cry."

"I was just-" He started, "I'm not trying to fix everything. I don't even know enough to do that. I just thought I could help, that's all."

Free sat on the stairs and beckoned Shu to follow. He sat down beside him, nervous. "I know, don't take what I said to heart. I'm a jerk."

Shu played with the hem of his t-shirt, "No, you're not."


"Yeah, I guess," Shu agreed. "Sometimes, you're a jerk."

Free chuckled, "You're brutally honest, do you know that?" Before Shu could answer, he kept talking. "You don't have to fix everything, you don't even have to talk, I'm just grateful you're there for me. I know I'm not the most expressive person, and I haven't shown enough gratitude to all you're doing for me. But I truly am grateful. People took care of me after my parents passed, but it's the first time," He smiled, "The first time someone else cared. Someone whom I barely got to know."

Shu listened, "I know the feeling," Shu finally looked at him with a faint smile. He wiped his eyes. "And I've been too emotional these two days for some reason," He grimaced, "It's not your fault I cried. I have too many things in my mind."

"Am I forgiven?"

Shu shrugged, "Nah, can't ignore the fact you were really rude."

Free jut out his bottom lip, "I can apologise the traditional japanese way. On my knees and everything?" He said, getting ready to go to his knees when Shu yelped, baffled as he stopped the blonde.

"Stop! Jesus christ, fine, you're forgiven."

Free scrunched his face up, "Wait I know the word, is it Sumimasen? Gomenasai?" He wrinkled his brows, thinking, "Oh! Wait, it's aishiteru, right?"

Shu flushed, clamping his hand over Free's mouth. "No! Who taught you that? Don't ever use that on everyone you meet, do you hear me?"

Free frowned, puzzled but nodded. Shu released his grip. "I collected all those words from anime marathons I used to have with Kristian, actually. Which one was the correct one?"

"Just use English, alright?"

"Okay," He sounded dejected.

"Gomen, that's the word. It's just fine."

"Then what does aishiteru-"

"Google it," Shu deadpanned.

Free shrugged, "Fine, fine, whatever. So am I forgiven?"

"Yes. Yes, you are."

Free smiled, a blinding smile that reached his eyes. Shu felt his heart flutter for the hundredth time when Free leaned closer to him, closing the gap they've unconsciously created in the past few days. "Thank you for yesterday night too," He said, "How are the wounds?"

"Stings," Shu answered, "They're healing nicely, though."

Free nodded, "That's good. And about that almost kiss. Thank you for stopping me. I would have regretted it if I did that in those conditions."

Shu shrugged, "It's okay." He gazed upon the garden, the storm had left puddles of water on the ground, the snow had melted leaving only clumps of them in irregular intervals.

Free turned and laid on the staircase, dropping his head onto Shu's lap. He stretched his arms, settling in. "I'm exhausted."

Shu leaned down, studying his face. "You do look tired. There's bags under your eyes."

"But I'm still hot, right?"

Shu scoffed, "You wish, asshole."

Free chuckled. He reached out and pinched his cheek. "You're adorable. Just stay here with me forever."

"Fat chance," Shu chuckled, flicking his forehead. "I need to go home. Figure out my life, and stuff."

"There you two are!" Honey cheered, skipping down the steps to reach them. "You guys are friends again?"

Free didn't bother raising his head. He yawned loudly, "We never unfriended each other."

"It sure looked like Shu did though," Kitt answered, sitting beside Honey. "And it did look like you lowkey deserved that."

"Shut up, kid," Free grumbled, "Shu loves me."

Shu flushed, "No, I don't."

"Wow, now I'm hurt."

Honey chuckled, "You guys sound like best friends now! That's nice. I was worried Shu would stop talking altogether again. And you would start moping around like some ghost and disappear at random times."

Kitt laughed, "That's true."

Shu smiled, "I wasn't that quiet."

"You didn't speak a word with anyone the first two weeks!" Honey exclaimed, "And I was pretty much freaked out by you, so."

"Wasn't everyone?" Kitt asked.

Shu gave them a smile, "Now you aren't?"

"No! You're super cool."

Shu reached out and ruffled her hair, "You have too much expectations for me."

"As they should," Free mumbled, dozing off. "Who wouldn't? You're an angel in disguise." 

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