Safe in Your Arms

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"It's alright," Shu said, trying to console the kids. He was sitting on the top of the staircase leading to the garden in between Honey and Kitt staring at the raging storm outside. The hike was organized for the day, but they woke up to heavy clouds and an impending storm which broke out when they were having breakfast. Everyone in BC Sol was moping around the building, staring longingly at the betraying climate. "We can find something else to do," He suggested, ruffling Honey's hair.

"But the hike is always so fun!" Honey complained, "And the weather report said it will be fine."

Kitt leaned against Shu. The latter wrapped one arm around him. "We should never trust them. Hopes; crushed like that."

Shu chuckled, "You two sound absolutely devastated."

He didn't know how he found himself sitting between the two moping kids. He was on his way back to his room when he saw the pair staring at the rain, and he impulsively decided to join them. "We can have a sleepover," Honey suggested out of the blue. Her eyes shone with excitement at her new idea. "Listen, we can use the big hall they use to have ceremonies! It's basically a gym. Kris won't say no!"

Kitt was already standing, "Let's go!" He urged, "If we get the permission now, we have time to get everything ready before evening."

"Okay," Honey chirped, looking at Shu. "Are you coming?"

Shu shook his head with a smile, "You two go ahead. I'm going to stay here for a while."

"Okay!" The two kids announced, racing their way towards Kristina's office. Shu turned back to the rain, leaning back against the staircase and watching the storm develop. The bladers will start arriving tomorrow, and he was not looking forward to it. Especially meeting Xander was a thorn in his side. Shu knew he'd fractured their friendship, he had seen it. The hurt behind his usual kind demeanour, the disbelief of his actions. And he worried maybe he wouldn't be able to mend it, smoothen out the rough edges and ask for forgiveness.

"There you are."

Shu looked over his shoulder to see Honcho. Valt was beside him, unusually quiet. He had been quite distant since the previous day, and Shu never did get the chance to ask him about it. "Everyone's in the cafeteria. Let's go."

Shu smiled, nodding, "Yeah, sure." Thunderstruck across the clouded sky behind him. Shu winced at the sound. "But before that, Valt, can I talk to you?"

"Okay?" Valt looked towards Honcho who understood the unspoken words.

"I'll wait for you two!" He grinned, "Join us soon!"

"Care to join me?"

Valt hummed non commitedly, sitting beside his best friend. "Did I do something?" Shu asked, drawing patterns on his blue jeans. A wind blew past, and both of them shivered.

"No," Valt answered, devoid of his usual enthuse. His dejected tone made Shu wince.

"I did, didn't I?"

"It's not something you did," Valt answered, looking at him. Shu held his gaze, his brows furrowed in worry, "I'm just-" Valt started, "I think I'm jealous!" He announced, absolutely flabbergasted himself.

Shu let out a surprised chuckle, "Jealous? Of what?"

Valt shrugged, embarrassed. "It's just I felt guilty you know? Not paying enough attention to you after the battle you had with Lui back home. I didn't- I didn't notice that impacted you that bad. You always hide everything so well, but I should've paid more attention, realised how you were feeling, and been there for you. But now I'm actively paying attention to you but still, it feels, you feel distant, Shu."

Shu listened, he knew Valt always shared the blame for his own selfish decisions. He had tried to convince him it was not his fault. Shu was not an idiot, he knew he had to ask for help to receive it. "It's not your fault," He said, "I'm not trying to distance myself, I'm just...overwhelmed, I guess. With everything."

"But you're okay with Free," The other mumbled, not caring how petty it sounded.

Shu raised his brow, realization dawning on him. "Oh, that's what this is about."

Valt huffed, avoiding his gaze, "I feel like I'm being replaced!"

Shu chuckled and broke into laughter. "Oh my god Valt! You should've talked to me. It's not that I'm replacing you. I never would be able to if I tried. We've been friends for what? Eight years? No one can replace your place in my life. That's just ridiculous. And Free is-" He stopped, flushed. "Free just happened to be," Valt stared at him, expectant. Oh lords, here goes nothing.

"I like him," Shu admitted, meekly. Valt knew about his sexuality, he knew about his small crushes and had always kept his secrets. So he didn't actually mind. But admitting it meant that he was solidifying his feelings, giving them a voice, defining them to be true. "I might be having a serious crush on him."

Valt stared, mouth agape when another voice interjected. "I suppose I should tell you guys I'm here."

Shu whipped his head around to see Honcho, "Honcho!" Valt said, "I thought you left."

"I did," He said, walking over and sitting beside Shu who was still staring at him in shock, cheeks flushed bright scarlet. "I came back to tell you guys about the sleepover and then you two started talking about Free and stuff I didn't know how to announce I'm here. And then you said you liked Free and I realized I cannot stand there any longer."

"I'm-" Shu started, "This is embarrassing! And it's not the way I wanted to come out to my friends."

Honcho grinned, ruffling his hair, "I'm sorry man. But Valt I never thought of you as the guy who's get jealous over your best friend."

Valt pouted, "It was within reason."

"Then I should get jealous of you too," Shu said, defensive. "Rantaro is your best friend, isn't he?"

"You guys sound like you've been cheating on each other," Honcho said.

"That's-" Valt started, frustrated. He was close with Honcho and it was impossible to defend himself without sounding like a jerk to one of his friends.

Shu saved him the trouble, "I'm kidding," He smiled, "I know Rantaro is a good guy and you two have been through a lot together, and he was there for you when I wasn't. It's only natural you're close. As long as you love me a little I'll be fine."

"I love you more than a little," Valt said, "You're also irr-" He frowned, "Irpla-"

"Irreplaceable?" Shu offered.


"You two are so sweet, my sugar candy heart is melting," Honcho said, he slid one of his arms around Shu's shoulder, leaning back. "If you want to, we can be best friends too, you know Shu?"

"I'm not good friend material though and I am definitely not a ray of sunshine like Valt. And I'm a lot of work, you sure you want to?"

"There's no friendship without putting some work into it. And trust me Valt's a lot of work."

"Hey!" Valt complained, "I'm not."

Shu smiled, it felt nice. Nice to feel included, loved even. He looked into the storm, wondering why he never did this before. Why did he never allow his friends to comfort him? Why didn't he ever ask for help when he needed it? "Shu," Valt started, "About your crush."

Shu flushed, leaning forward and hiding his face on his knees, "Don't say it out loud. I hate it!"

"Why Free though?" Honcho lamented, "You could do so much better."

"Free's hot!" Shu stated, defensive, "And he's really really nice to me, he's strong, he-" Shu stopped, "I don't know, he's just Free."

"Damn, you're down so bad," Valt said, "You should tell him."

Shu turned to him, absolutely horrified that he uttered the words. "Pardon? No? I'm going to take this secret to my grave."

"What secret?" Free said, choosing to walk in the moment. His dark eyes, inquisitive staring at Shu.

Behind him Honcho snorted, breaking into a laughing fit. Shu tensed, "N-nothing! We were talking about-"

"Global warming," Valt added, philosophically. The rain was still heavily attacking them. Free frowned but didn't question further. He shrugged. Shu mentally facepalmed, Valt was a bloody idiot.

"Not exactly a secret. Anyway, Sasha asked me to tell everyone to come to the gym in two hours. We're starting that sleepover early so we can go to sleep early. Tomorrow the rest are coming and all, so." He yawned, "Hopefully, all we do is sleep."

Shu chuckled, "You would like that, wouldn't you?"

Free shrugged with a sly smile, "Oh I would, princess."

Shu flushed, hyperaware of the gazes of his friends when Free waved at them and walked towards his room. When he was out of sight, Honcho gasped, "He called you princess! Shu!"

"Stop acting like high school girls discovering their friend's crush. You guys are so bad at this." Shu moaned, clutching his hair. "I made a grave mistake."

"I've never heard Free calling anyone princess," Valt stated, taking Shu's hands, "I think he likes you too."

"Yeah, and I never went to Snakepit."

"You didn't?" Valt asked, surprised.

"It's a joke, asshole Free's just being his sly self.." Shu grabbed his hands from his hold. "Not a word, you two hear me? Spill anything, I will hunt you two down."

"It feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake but okay," Honcho answered, ruffling his hair. "C'mon princess, we have to go get ready."

"Stop calling me that!" Shu complained, standing and following them to their room. He looked over his shoulder one last time at the storm, ah right, he had to tell Free. He had made up his mind, he'd give a chance to Free's therapist.


'Welcome!" Honey cheered when they entered, most of them were already there sitting amidst the comfort of pillows and blankets. Snacks were being shared around, the crisp aroma brimming inside. As Honey said, they had cleared the hall and arranged the place so the bladers will be able to have a comfortable evening. The rain had ceased but there was no promise of clearing the sky's clearing.

"That looks so good!" Valt said, launching himself towards a snack bowl Rickson held. "It is good!"

Free was sprawled on a comfortable blanket scrolling through his phone. Honcho smiled, nudging him suggestively. Shu scowled, stop it, he mouthed. "Everyone's here?" Kristina asked, walking in, dressed in comfortable clothes. "Well, let's start then!"

They were all seated in a circle, Valt had not-so-discreetly pushed him to sit besides Free, the blonde had narrowed his eyes in confusion while Shu tried his best to remain calm and not murder his best friend who's sitting to his left. Everyone was looking at Sasha holding a deck of cards, she grinned, "I've been waiting to use these for ages."

"Isn't that the weird truth or dare card deck you ordered?" Rickson asked, raising his bro.

"Bingo," She said, placing it in the middle of the room with a sly grin. "Truth or dare we're playing~ They have some good ones."

The cards were arranged into two decks, one truth and the other stack dares. Honey had a bottle in her hands which they could use to choose the person playing the game. Shu shifted uncomfortably, he had played truth or dare once, with Xander and Valt. It had not gone fairly well, the three had ended up falling asleep on the dojo floor bored. Xander, Shu thought with a sigh, he really wanted to mend their relationship, he was a friend Shu was not ready to lose. He couldn't bear to think it would be his own mistakes causing him the demise of his treasured friendship.

"I'll start!" Kitt announced, spinning the bottle and it conveniently landed on Silas who rolled his eyes, annoyed at the prospect of being chosen as the first one.

"Truth or dare?" Kitt asked, excited.


"Ooh," Sasha raised her brow, "A valiant soldier, I might say."

Silas flipped her off and Kristina chastised him as the male took a card from the Dare stack and read it. "Do fifty push ups, that's easy."

"It's not?" Sasha said, "Maybe it is."

"It is," Free answered, yawning. "I can do a hundred."

Shu blinked, "Is that even possible?"

"He's not human," Sasha commented, "So he probably can."

After the fifty pushups, which indeed was easy as Silas did not even break a sweat. He spun the bottle again which landed on Honcho. The latter also picked up a dare card, "Find a way to scare another player in the next ten minutes and make it a surprise." Honcho smiled, placing the card in front of him.

"Please don't pick me," Rickson said, "I have a weak heart."

"I already have someone in my mind," Honcho answered with a wicked grin. Shu momentarily wondered who it was and hoped it was not him. It was easy to scare him. He was scared of a lot of things. Free idly rested his hands on his thigh, Shu turned to him to see the blonde was bored. Shu smiled.

"Are you alright?"

Free hummed, stroking his thumb along his skin. "It's boring."

The bottle stopped facing Free. "Jinx," Shu murmured under his breath as Free picked another dare card. Sasha was sighing.

"You guys are way too brave with this game."

Free read the card, "It says to call one of your parents and inform them you got engaged. I don't think they allow phones inside graves though."

Rickson, who was idly drinking a soft drink, choked. "Free!" Kristina chastised "That's not funny."

"The way he said it, it was funny," Kitt answered, "Though I feel guilty to laugh."

"Pick another card," Anton suggested, "It doesn't seem fair otherwise."

Free shrugged, picking another one, "Treat the person next to you like a cat for the rest of the game. Oh, I like this-"

"Holy fuck look it's a spider!" Honcho screamed, and Shu automatically moved, clutching to Free's hand. Honey screamed, climbing onto Rickson's back looking around.

"Where?" Shu asked, breathing wildly.

"Got you," Honcho said, sheepishly, rubbing his nose.

"Holy crap it's your dare," Cuza said, slumping backwards.

"That was low," Shu mumbled, still holding onto Free.

Honey pouted, annoyed, "You didn't have to say it's a spider! Half of us are scared of them."

"No," Silas said, "It's just you and Shu."

"What was Free's dare again?" Cuza asked, looking lost and confused. He had been trying to keep up with their antics but Carl was rounding his head, pecking at his hair whenever thunder struck outside.

"He was going to treat Shu like a cat!" Valt helpfully offered, Shu scowled.

"No, he wasn't."

"Yes I was," Free smiled, petting his hair.

Shu moved away, hissing. "Stop it."

"He reacts exactly like a cat," Honcho laughed.

When the bottle stopped on Shu, he was dozing off from Free's constant petting, and the truth cards were mostly stories and inside jokes which didn't include him. Despite his better judgement, Shu picked a dare card. He read it, reread it and frowned.

What the fuck? There's was no way he was-

"It says to sit on the lap of the person to your right for the rest of the game," Valt was reading over his shoulder, the traitor. Shu grabbed the card from him, pink dusting his cheeks.

"I'm not doing it."

Free chuckled, "It's not that bad. They could've asked you to kiss someone."

"That's true, Chu Chu," Sasha cooed, "Go on, I'm pretty sure Free is comfortable."

"What did you just call me?"

"Chu Chu," Sasha grinned, "Because you're a cat!"

"That's cute," Cuza agreed, "We should all call him that."

"That's the cringiest nickname anyone ever came up for me," Shu gave them an exasperated sigh, he wanted to leave. "I guess I can live with it though."

"What about sugar?" Valt asked, "Isn't that what Xander's parents called you back then?"

"Why did Xander's parents call him Sugar anyway?"

"They called everyone that," Shu answered Kristina. "They are a sweet couple and I was a sweet child," He shrugged.

"No, you weren't. You were a menace," Valt answered. "One time you climbed up the fridge because there was a spider!"

"There was a spider," Shu deadpanned.

"As amusing as this banter is," Rickson interjected, "We have to move on. If you may, Shu."

"What?" Shu asked, "I'm not-" Free grabbed his arms and dragged him towards him. Shu stumbled sideways with a surprised yelp as Free locked him in his hold, his hands tight around his waist, his chin tucked onto his shoulder. Shu flushed a deep scarlet, "Get off of me."

Sasha snapped a picture, "Aw, you look adorable."

Shu tried to pry his hands away from his waist, but Free was strong; it was like he was chained. "Let go," He said, half-heartedly. He didn't look to his side. He was not ready to see Valt's smirk or Honcho's smile. "Moving on!" Cuza announced, laughing. The bottle stopped by Valt.

"Truth!" The blader announced, "What is the boldest pickup line you have ever used?"

Shu burst out laughing, his head resting on Free's chest. "Oh my god, I remember this one."

"Don't you dare."

"What is it!?" Silas asked, suddenly interested. "I bet it was cringy."

"Are you talking about the school festival?" Honcho asked, "Because that was a disaster."

"It left a permanent impr- prim-?"

"Imprint?" Shu offered to which Valt nodded.

"Yes! A permanent imprint in my heart."

"How do you always know the word he wants?" Kitt asked, "It's like magic."

"Shu's done that since we were really young, he's a natural," Valt said, proud.

"What's the line?" Kristina asked, a smile on her face. Everyone waited expectantly for his answer. The blader flushed, sinking to the floor and dropping his head to his palms.

"This is embarrassing."

"You've done plenty of stuff," Cuza said, "So don't worry about it."

"Are you siri? because you autocomplete me," Shu deadpanned upon Valt's silence as the rest burst out laughing. "I kid you not," he said to one of the girls in our class. It was a sight to see."

"It was not that bad," Valt defended himself, "She didn't say no."

"Because she laughed so hard she couldn't say no," Honcho said, "That was embarrassing for me, and I was only watching."

"Wow," Cuza said, trying to stop laughing. "That's the cringiest line I've heard in ages. Congratulations."

Valt smiled sheepishly, "Thanks."

"It wasn't a compliment but okay."

The truth and dare game was abandoned after another few rounds, and Shu was comfortable in Free's hold, he was leaning back against his chest with Free's hands loosely looped around his waist. Shu scrolled through his phone, checking his messages which were almost always empty, except the bay club group chat which was fairly active, given that the rest is arriving tomorrow. "Is that Lui?" Free asked, peering to the screen over his shoulder.

Shu nodded, "Yeah, he's coming tomorrow."

Free hummed, "I didn't know you two were close."

Before Shu could answer, Sasha cleared her throat loudly. "Hey lovebirds, the game is over. You guys can detangle yourselves."

Shu looked up at his phone, blinking. "Huh?"

"No," Free answered, "I'll keep him right here. He's comfortable."

"We finished playing the game?" Shu asked, "When?" He started pulling away from Free who tightened his hold.

"Stay," He said.


"What's the harm?" Honcho said, a smug smile on his face. Shu watched him, eyes narrowed in complete betrayal. "What? You look comfortable."

He was, Shu knew. Free was sweet, and he was warm. He could stay here for an eternity, but he was not going to admit it. "Let's prank call people," Sasha suggested, breaking the building tension.

"That's not nice," Kristina said.

"Oh c'mon Kris," Cuza said, "It's a sleepover, we have to let loose." It was getting late, Honey and Kitt were already fast asleep in their spots. "No harm done as long as we keep it civil."

Free hummed thoughtfully, "Let's call Lui." He said, surprising half of the room because that was not the person they were expecting to call.

"Lui?" Rickson asked, "Like that dangerous, scary man from the blader's cup?"

Free already had his phone out and was ringing his number. "The fuck you want De La Hoya?" Lui answered, exasperated.

"Holy shit he answered," Valt chirped besides them.

"Am I on speaker?" He asked.


"Hello Lui," Shu said, "What a nice way to answer the phone."

"Fuck off Kurenai. You're still at BC Sol?"

"Yeah, you're coming tomorrow?"

"I already told you I am."

Shu shrugged though Lui couldn't see him. "Just making sure. Bring me souvenirs."

"What do you mean souvenirs? Japan is your fucking home country jackass."

"Bring me Dorayaki."

"No, you're such a princess, do you know that?"

"You're on speaker," Shu reminded him.

"I know and everybody should know you're fucking princess behind that tough vigilante shit."

Sasha was holding back her laugh, and Valt was openly gaping at their banter. "You forgot I'm here," Free complained.

"I forgot you existed. The fuck you doing with Kurenai?"

"He's sitting on my lap."

Shu choked, "Wait-"

Lui burst out laughing, "Gods Shu, I didn't know your type is guys like him."

Shu flushed, "No it's not."

"Stop blushing."

"I'm not blushing!"

"He is," Free interrupted, "It's like you're watching."

"I know enough about Kurenai to know that. Anyway goodnight, I'm leaving."

"Bring me dorayaki!" Shu reminded as Lui hung up without another word.

A deafening silence followed, "What. Was. That?" Valt asked, "Since when were you civil with him!?"

Shu frowned, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"We were all under the impression you loathed that guy!" Honcho said, "Since when you were buddy buddy with him."

"Since..." Shu stopped, "I think it was after the accident. He came to the hospital to apologise and stuff too. I mean when we're beyblading we're rivals but aside that" he shrugged, "We're okay."

"I feel betrayed," Valt said, "But that actually makes sense."

"How do you know him?" Cuza asked, looking at Free.

"We hangout with each other," Free shrugged, "We met often for tournaments and award ceremonies."

"I sometimes forget you guys have a life beside beyblade," Sasha said thoughtfully, "It's like we're obsessed with it, I forget real life exists."

"That's true," Rickson said, "I don't think we even thought of anything during the international blader's cup."

"But there was a lot going on," Cuza said, looking at them. "I mean, there was Red Eye fiasco, and there was Kurtz, Boa, Norman and Theodore Glass being shady."

"It was a full course of drama," Sasha said, she looked at Shu. "No offense."

"None taken, because it was. Is Kurtz coming tomorrow by the way?"

"No," Kristina said, "We did sent invitations, but I don't think he will come. He never does."

"Kurtz was so cool man," Valt sighed, "I want to battle him again."

"He almost beat me up," Shu said, "How is he cool?"

Valt shrugged, "I saved you though."

"You didn't, Carl did." Shu pointed at the bird resting on Cuza's shoulder. "Don't take the credit."

"When did this happen?" Silas asked, "And what did you do to get beaten up?"

Shu gave him a smile, "Uh well, I mightve defeated all of his underground bladers and kind of destroyed their place in the process?"

"Oh then you lowkey deserved it," Silas said, grinning. "But Kurtz act like he got a stick up his ass anyway."

Kristina has given up on correcting their language. Shu shrugged, "I guess so."

"No," Honcho said, "Shu didn't deserve the beat up! He was in his emo phase."

Shu flushed, "No, I wasn't. Stop calling it that. I was very level-headed when I took that decision, okay?"

"That doesn't make it any better," Sasha said.

"And I'm not trying to make it better. Because I knew what I was doing when I walked into that place. Stop giving me excuses, I don't have any."

"I respect that of you," Rickson said, "You're owning up to your mistakes. People rarely do that. Everyone is ready with excuses when they make mistakes, but you actually accept that you've done it. That's manly."

Shu grimaced, "Well, thank you I guess."

His t-shirt had ridden up slightly exposing his bare skin and Free was idly rubbing circles against his stomach. Shu was drowsy, and he was comfortable in Free's hold, after long nights of no sleep, Shu actually felt as though he could sleep through the night in his arms. The rest of the team were stil talking, the subject had changed to funny birthday parties, Shu tuned out the conversation, "Free?" He said, knowing well the blonde was not paying attention to the chatter.


"I thought about what you said," He said, voice low so he wouldn't grab any of their attention. He stopped caressing and listened to Shu. "I'll give it a try."


"Yeah, you're right. I should try getting better, and I'm willing to give it a shot."

Free whipped out his phone and typed something, a second later, his phone beeped with a notification. "Tomorrow morning, she has a free time slot."

"Tomorrow?" Shu blinked, "I need to mentally prepare myself-"

"I thought you'd want to go before the rest comes in and everything get busy."

He had a point, and Shu felt as though Free had booked the session earlier, there was no way that therapist confirmed in a mili-second of time. He didn't mind though, just nodded. "Alright. I have one more request."


"You have to stay. Until, I'm done, promise me you won't leave."

Shu felt him kissing his hair and pink dusted his cheeks.. "Of course, Shu. I won't leave." Shu hummed, leaning back again with a sigh.

"Thank you."


The caressing resumed and Shu closed his eyes, tired. He let himself doze off in his arms, secure in his hold and warmth. The silent reassurance of his presence gave him the confidence to drift off without the impending fear of nightmares lurking back in his mind.


One by one, most of the bladers dozed off into a comfortable sleep. Valt was sleeping on the floor, his pillow and blanket abandoned in some corner as he snored loud. Honey was curled besides Sasha, and the latter was yawning. Cuza was half asleep, muttering under his breath. "I guess we should call it a night," Kristina said, clapping her hands together.

"Yeah," Honcho said, stretching his arms. He tried to nudge Valt and wake him up, when that didn't work, he hauled his friends over his back. "I'm going to take him back to the room," Then he paused to look at Shu, sleeping comfortable in Free's hold, cheek mushed against his chest. "Can you-"

"I'll keep him with me," Free answered, not looking up from his phone.

And Shu says Free doesn't like him like that, Honcho thought. "Alright. Take care of him."

"Sure," Free answered, glancing at him. "I will."

"Alright, we're out for the night!" He announced, walking out. Sasha gathered Kitt and Honey and walked out with Rickson. Silas dragged Cuza out of the hall with no mercy, the latter stumbling behind him. Soon, it was Kristina and Free with a fast asleep Shu left inside the room.

"You two should go too," She said, crouching in front of them to ruffle his hair. Shu mumbled under his breath, clutching to Free's shirt, falling back asleep. "He looks peaceful," She smiled, she has rarely seen him peaceful. Shu was always hiding behind a wave of uncertainty and anxiety. It was refreshing to see him happy.

Free looked around at the mess, "What about this place?"

"We'll manage," Kristina said, and Free knew that meant she was going to clean up with Ange. Kristina usually asked the bladers to clean up after themselves, but on rare occasion she allowed them to slip through the responsibilities.

"I can help," Free said.

"You'll wake him." Kristina smiled, "it's alright."

Free hummed, but Shu was a light sleeper, the moment he move Shu was going to wake up. True to his thoughts, when he tried to pick him up, the albino woke, blinking through the daze of sleep. "What happened?" He asked, sitting down. "Where is... everyone?"

Kristina chuckled, "They all went to their rooms to sleep. You should too. It's getting late."

Shu yawned, standing unsteady on his feet. He looked around and frowned. "What about all this?"


"I'll help," He muttered, leaning down to pick up an abandoned bag of snacks.

Free shrugged, "Helping we are then."

After clearing the empty snack bags and collecting the bowls, Shu started piling up the pillows, stopping to yawn or rub his eyes. He swayed on his feet which made Free worried. "Where do I put this?" Shu asked, carrying a stack of pillows that Free could only see his hair.

He smiled, taking the stack from his arms. "I'll put them away, stay there."

Shu nodded, sitting like he was told. When Free was back, Shu was still on the floor, staring at the space, his eyes slipping close before he snapped himself awake. He watched for a moment, adoring his crimson eyes, tangled white locks. Kristina nudged him playfully, "You look like you're staring at the love of your life."

"I just might," Free answered, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Shu rubbed his eyes again, dropping his face into his palms, unaware of their eyes. "Free?" Kristina asked, her tone careful and levelled. "You do like him, don't you?"

Free hummed along, "I do."

"Is that why you booked an appointment with your therapist?" Free looked at her, surprised. Kristina smiled. "She called me, it's her job."

Free thought for a moment, and decided to speak the truth. Kristina would worry, he knew. She always did, and it was better to tell the truth. She kept her secrets and never intruded in anyone else's privacy and he wanted affirmation, that he was doing the right thing. "It was for Shu, I coaxed him to go to therapy."

Krisitina blinked, "Oh."

"Yeah, I don't know if it's right of me to do that," He ran a troubled hand through his hair. "But I just couldn't watch him doing that to himself."

She reached out and patted his arm, "You did the right thing. If Shu accepted it, that's a win. I'm proud of the person you've become, Free."

Shu was dozing off again, his leaned dangerously forward and almost felt flat on his face before he snapped awake. The pair shared a look, "I should probably take him to the room."

"Go ahead," She smiled, "And I won't be looking for you two tomorrow morning then."

"Alright," Free said, taking Shu's arm. The latter held tight into his arm and followed him. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kris. Good night."

"Good night Kristina," Shu said, waving to her sheepishly. She nodded, echoing the greeting back with a fond smile.

When they were safely back in his room under the covers, Shu buried his face on his chest. Free rested his chin on his crown, smoothing back his hair. "Good night," Shu murmured and Free wondered if he even remembered what he was saying.

"Night," Free said anyway, rubbing his back. "Go to sleep."

"I love you," Shu muttered, falling asleep. Free froze, his fingers resting on his back, he pulled back and looked at Shu's face, was it spontaneous? Did he even know he said that? He stared at his closed eyes, his fringe perfectly framing his soft features. Free doubt Shu knew what he said. He smiled, kissing his forehead, responding anyway.

"Love you too, princess."

No beta read, we die like Shu's self confidence, lesgo

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