Chapter 21

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Ashley woke up with a cracking headache. She tried to remember what happened but everything was a blur.
She looked around, but could not recognize the room. It was different. Where was she?

She looked at her body, she was on some oversized tee and weird trousers. Those were not hers, and things were almost.....unexceptionally manly?...

She tried to get up from the bed and groaned in pain. Felt like her head was gonna split in half with every move.
She needed water. She got up and stumbled on clothes scattered on the floor.

Those were hers. Her jeans, shirt, and converse.....she frowned, puzzled. She picked up a jacket from the floor. It was definitely not hers. And the owner was no female. She started to panic thinking the worst. No!

Did she get drunk and pick up any dude last night?
No way! No freaking way!
Where the damn was she?

She came outside, almost resisting the urge to puke.

There was the living area, a man was lying on the couch, back facing her.

She gasped, started to feel breathless, her head felt lighter. She managed to not fall on the floor leaning against the bedroom door.

She was confused, angry, and agonized by the thought of her doing something with a stranger. Did she? Her knee felt weak. She didn't know for how long she stood there with that worst kind of headache.

She came back inside the bedroom. Found her phone on the bedside table. She needed to call Maya.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She was too afraid to speak. She watched the doorknob rotate and an unfamiliar face peeked inside. Nope, surely she never saw him before.

"Oh, you are up already?"

Ashley just sat there without any expression.

"There are egg, milk, and juice in the fridge, you can help yourself with the breakfast. If not, you can wait for me........I am going out to jog for a while, if you like, we can eat together, I'll cook."

He didn't wait for a reply. He just went away just like he came.
Ashley sat there, dumbfounded.

When Maya came inside the bedroom, she found Ashley sitting there, confused.

"Hey girl, I bought you hangover soup. How are you feeling?" she started cheerily but dimmed down seeing Ashley's face.

"M, why am I here? Where is this place?"

"Chill Pip, why the long face? What happened?"

"There was a man, it's not our place, I  have been changed into someone's dress I have no idea about, there is menswear on the floor and I don't have the slightest clue about last night. Did I pick any random guy last night?"

"Whoa whoa, easy Pip...." Maya started but was interrupted by Ashley again.

"I never had my first kiss even, don't tell me......"

"No, no, no, no,........" Maya stopped Ashley.

"The first kiss......" suddenly Ashley's voice sank, "nope, I had it..." she wasn't there, her thoughts drifted off to somewhere else.

Maya saw Ashley's eyes were tearing up. But she knew Ashley won't let that fall, she never does.

Maya embraced her, "Everything is fine, dude.....Riley is a colleague of mine on my team, he is a local. It was impossible to go back to Xlendi last night, I called him and he offered to stay at his house.  And about your clothes, I changed those, I just went out about an hour ago, some things needed to be handled first, I am going back today, remember?" Maya explained as easily as she could.

Ashley punched her back, "You slytherine!"

And groaning in pain she pulled out of the hug and looked at her already bruised knuckles.

Her expression changed into a composed one,
Not taking her eyes off from her knuckles she asked, "Did I...?"

"Yes, you did." Maya rolled her eyes, "Again."

"Sorry, I caused you trouble." Ashley smiled with guilt, "But it's not my fault. The idea of getting drunk was yours."

Maya laughed.

"I am never drinking again!" Ashley frowned at her knuckle like it was all at fault.

"Are you planning to get up? Sober up woman! It's my last day with you!!" Maya patted her back.

[ so here is the story...........I am going to freaking finish this book as fast as I can, sweeping you with updates............cause I don't have anything else to do for the days to come........
I finally got corona positive last night in our regular I am in isolation for the next two weeks with nothing to do.........yayyyy?

Anyway, pray for me, stay safe and stay blessed]

PS: who is excited about the Festa??... I am dying for it!!💜💜💜💜💜💜

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