Chapter 39

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Taehyung stopped as soon as he entered the room. The guys were there, all of them. It's not odd for them to hang out together, but there was something about it, it didn't feel quite normal.

Taehyung put off his jacket and greeted them, "Hey guys!"

"Tae, come on, join us."

Taehyung spent his days off at his parents'. He was missing them like crazy and after they get busy with their schedule again, he might not be able to see them for a while. So he went to see them.

Taehyung sat on a couch beside Jimin. Hours went on just fine proving Taehyung's doubt wrong. They discussed their album release in the Japanese version and the solo projects. The discussion turned into mimicry, and mimicry turned into a full-on joke show.

Taehyung was seeking distraction for the last few days and he got plenty. But the only problem was when he was alone.

"Tae, why don't you contact Ashley?" the question from Yoongi was just out of blue.

Taehtung was totally unprepared. "What?"

"Now you can have her intel if you want. Just ask Sejin," said Jimin.

Taehyung didn't respond, just got up to go to his room.

"Tae, come on. Sit down," Jin caught his wrist.

"I don't wanna talk about it, Hyung. Not now, not ever." Taehyung wasn't looking at him.

" look at me."

Taehyung didn't show any sign to do that.

"Look at me Taetae." Jin's hand made Taehyung look at him.
"You don't have to suffer alone. You know we are here, right?" Jin's voice was soft, yet strong and convincing.

"Come here," Jin made him sit back on the couch again.

Taehyung sat there without any words, hanging his head low.

"You want me to find her, Tae?" Namjoon asked, as softly as possible.

"No," Taehyung replied.

"Why?" a puzzled Jungkook asked.

"I wanted, but I thought about this last few days. She doesn't want me to contact her. And I don't want to do that if that's what she wants." Taehyung's voice was low.

"Tae, you like her, boy?" Hoseok asked, sitting beside Taehyung.

There was silence for a moment. He finally looked up.
"I don't know hyung. I really don't know. hurts."

Hoseok pulled him in a hug, "let's find her."

Taehyung hummed a "No" in his hug.

"I can't get her out of my head, hyung. I tried everything. And not forgetting is the only reason it's troubling me, hyung."

"You like her, Tae. Take it from someone who knew what this feeling is," Hoseok said releasing Tae.

Taehyung was again silent.

"Don't run away from it. It will only scar you deeper," Yoongi said coming in front of Taehyung and sitting on the table in front of him.

"I don't know hyung." Taehyung's voice was desperate.
"If these feelings meant to hurt this much, I don't want it hyung. I don't want it anymore."

"Tae..." Namjoon started.

"Take these feelings away from me hyung. It hurts. Its hurts so much!" Taehyung tried to wipe his tears with the back of his hands.

"When you have someone, don't let that person go away if you have the chance to hold back, "Yoongi spoke comfortingly, "I gave up once, you shouldn't. The regret can tear you down for the rest of your life."

Taehyung looked at him.
Yoongi smiled, "I loved her. But I  didn't treat her right. When she backed off, I just let her go, gave up, and didn't even try to hold back,"
He smiled again, "I moved on but still sometimes I think what it would have been like now if I at least tried once?"

"We wouldn't let you go on like this, Tae," Jimin finally spoke out who knew these all along the whole time, and it was him who told others to speak with him.

Taehyung again looked down, "What if she doesn't want me, hyung?"

Maya pushed the doorbell one more time and waited impatiently.
She was here to have a serious fight with Ashley. She was super pissed.

Ashley didn't call her when she came back to the country, she didn't pick her calls either. She didn't visit The Clouds or even didn't pick Mrs. Simpson's call.

She pushed the doorbell two times more impatiently again. What was taking her this long? If Troye didn't saw her coming back to the airport and didn't mention it to her the day before, she wouldn't know it either.

She again went to push the doorbell but the door opened with a click.
Maya pushed the door and stormed inside.

"What the hell, Pip? I called you for the thousandth time, Troye and Nana tried to reach you the whole time....." Maya put her bag with a thump on the couch, "you came back two weeks early, didn't contact any of us. Do you have any idea how worried we......" Maya stopped as soon as she turned around to face Ashley.

"P...Pip? What happened? " This time concern rushed through their voice, she went near to her.
"Have you been crying?"

Ashley knew there was no use in denying so she chooses the best response she could give her, silence.

Maya started to panic inside. Ashley doesn't cry. She NEVER cries. Maya never saw Ashley cry, ever.
She always remained the stone-hearted person even when life has beaten her down to the abyss. But she never cried, not even to herself. What could happen?

"Speak up girl, you are scaring me." Maya held onto her both shoulders.

"Nothing happened, Maya." Ashley finally decided to speak up, "Please don't ask anything."

Maya looked at her more closely. She was pale, her eyes were a little puffy, red, and looked like she was in agonizing pain. Her heart ached at this sight. No, this couldn't be right.

"Please, Pip.....for this once, please tell me what happened?"

Ashley smiled dimming, "Life."

Maya hugged her tightly, determined not to let her go. She whispered, "I  am here."

"My life is a big drama you know that M?" Ashley said slowly, "I just don't know what is the role of me in here."

" shhhh. Don't say things like that." Maya tried to ease her, moving her palm in a circle on Ashley's back.

"Maybe I am just a spectator of my own life, M. Seeing things happen without any cause, just observing the heaven coying with me, every time,"
Ashley's voice was full of complaints.

To whom she was complaining?

Maya didn't let Ashley gather herself in her shell again.
When Ashley finally spoke up, Maya immediately knew what these were all about.
That boy.
Ashley was hurt. Maya knew there was much more to it. She dearly missed that boy for the last couple of months and now she was hurt even more.

"Can you do me a favor, M?" Ashley asked.


Ashley gave her a scrapbook from her shelf.

"Keep this to you. Don't let me see it again. I couldn't get rid of it, it's so full of memories!"

Maya took the scrapbook. It was always with Ashley from her teenage times.

"And this." Ashley took out her pendant from her neck.

"Why are you giving me these, Pip?" Maya was feeling hard to describe emotions.

"Just take these, M. Don't ask me anything."

Maya opened the book as per her habit.
She froze in place when she saw the polaroid.
"Holly, No way!" she looked at Ashley with disbelief in her eyes.
Ashley smiled weakly.

"Don't tell me you are that dear friend!" Maya was totally out of her mind looking at the pendant.

"I don't know what are you talking about," Ashley frowned.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this!" Maya was practically stupified at that point.
" This is the boy you talked about!!!!?"

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