Chapter 57

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Ashley woke up with light breaths in her hair. Her heart melts at the sight of Taehyung sleeping beside her. She looked at the innocent face for some moments.

His unblemished skin, the little freckle on his nose, messy black hairs, and the undeniable innocence - she painted every inch of that unrealistic man on the canvas of her memories. She feels so vulnerable at his sight. What if he too slips away through her fingers one day?

Her hand reached out to his hairs covering his eyes shamelessly, casting them aside with her fingertips with a light touch.
Taehyung's hand reached to cover her hand tracing along his jawline now. He mumbled with his eyes still close,
"like what you see?"

"Mhmm," Ashley hummed a little.

Taehyung opened his eyes to meet hers. Still hazy with sleep.

"You have an ocean in your eyes," Taehyung mumbled sleepily tracing his thumbs along her eyelashes.

Ashley snuggled close to him more.
Taehyung placed a small kiss on the top of her head and again was drifting away slowly and that's when he remembered the topic.

She needs to know it before her mother comes.
He was thinking hard, how would he break it to her?

"Tae?" Ashley murmured a little.

Taehyung hummed snapping out of his thoughts.

"Relax." Ashley wrapped her arms around him placing her head against his chest, "Your body is all tensed up. What is it?"

Taehyung dipped his fingers in her long locks slightly caressing the skin underneath.

"It's something complicated. I don't know how would I tell you this."

"Just tell me. You don't have to think," Ashley mumbled against his chest.

"It's... it's about your mother."

Ashley backed a little enough to look up to Taehyung.

"How.....oh! Of course, you know about her!" Ashley sighed a little.

"Don't you think it's your time to know her a little?"

"I don't need to. If I knew her, I'd have this shortcut of blaming her for every wrong ever done to me or every wrong move I made. But it's just me." Ashley smiled a little, "you can't blame a person you don't know anything about, can you?"

"You are wrong there," Taehyung traced his fingertips along with her nose,
"A lot of people like to blame someone they know nothing about."

"Like you?"

"Like us," Taehyung smiled, "now back to the topic."

"Why are you suddenly asking about her?"

"Ummmm... it's not actually suddenly," Taehyung looked at her eyes, "she wants to meet you."

Ashley stiffened suddenly.
Taehyung scooted forward to her and started peppering light kisses on her face. He stopped when he realised Ashley again slowly relaxed in his hug. "I think you should meet her," Taehyung murmured against her skin.

"No," Ashley sighed.

"You NEED to meet her."

"Why? " Ashley looked at his eyes.

"She is dying, Ash," Taehyung said softly. "Stage three cancer."

Ashley stared at his eyes for some moments more until her eyes filled up with tears. She whispered inaudibly,
"I don't know if I can do that without breaking down."

Taehyung slowly kissed her tears away, "It's ok to break down, Ash. I'll be there for you. With you."

"You will?" Ashley looked at him with a weak smile.

"Told you, I am not going anywhere," Taehyung again pulled her close.

Ashley looked at the woman walking in through the door behind Maya. She was elegant, in every way. A woman in her mid fifty with a dominant aura radiating through her presence.

Ashley felt bitter when she recognized her, she was the CEO of one of the biggest conglomerates in her country. She is in every newspaper or magazine almost every week. She was her mother?

"I'll let you two talk alone," Maya bowed and headed out.
Taehyung got up too but Ashley grabbed his hand and made him sit again.

"M?" Ashley asked her to stay too. But Maya smiled, "I'll be right back."

"How are you?" The woman started first after an uncomfortable silence.

Ashley smiled a little, "Good. How about you?"

"Not getting any younger, I guess." The woman smiled nicely.

"I heard about your condition. How bad it is?"

"Once a doctor always a doctor, huh?" She smiled. Like Ashley, she got a nice smile.

Ashley was trying to relate to her, how much she had gotten from this woman?

"They said it spread and quickly spreading more. It can be delayed if I go under Chemo."

"Why are you not giving it a try?" Ashley asked a genuine concern bloomed in her voice.

"Am I hearing concerns in your voice?" The woman smiled lightly.

"The same concern I have for my every patient," Ashley smiled back.

Taehyung was noticing these two women. How incredibly similar they were, yet how different! The situation was stiff a bit, but he expected a lot more awkwardness.

"I came for you many days ago," she said softly.

"I know," Ashley took a breath,
"Sorry I couldn't go with you."

"I thought you hate me too much to see me even," Her voice sank in regret.

"Not hate, I was just warned about going away or trust strangers. Every kid is taught that" Ashley was speaking very casually. "And you were a stranger. Even now."

The woman kept silent. She broke the silence again after some moments, " I didn't expect I'll see you as much of a strong girl."

" What did you expect? A cryfest?" Ashley chuckled, " I know better than that Maa'm."

She looked at Ashley with hurt in her eyes.

"Let's not get personal. We don't have that emotional connection," Ashley again smiled a little.

She looked around with curiosity. She got up and walked around a bit and commented, "I see you like simplicity. It's quite plain for someone who makes a lot."

"You should have seen her younger self," Maya replied as she placed a tray with teapot and cups on the table, "She lived a wayyy fancy life back then!" her voice was full of sarcasm.

Ashley eyed her and Maya mouthed her sorry. Taehyung bit his lips in an attempt to not smile at Maya's behavior.

The woman took a lazy stroll around the house,
"I was young, stupid, at lost. Your father...."

"I said let's not get personal," Ashley stopped her.

"You don't want to know about your father?" She looked curiously at Ashley.

"Unless he shows up at my door with an incurable disease, sure."

The woman looked at Ashley's eyes for some moment, "You couldn't forgive me. Could you?"

Ashley smiled nicely, "Please, can we change this topic?"

She sighed and came to sit on the couch again. Maya offered her a cup of tea which she gladly took. "Who is he, dear? Boyfriend?"

Taehyung looked at Ashley who was still holding his hand. He gave a little squeeze and got a mild squeeze in return.

"Yes," Ashley nodded.

"You two look good together," She complimented and looked at him, "I think I know who you are dear."

Taehyung looked at her, "Do you?"

"Yes, I do. My company tried to appoint you guys as brand ambassadors for a product launch. Your agency turned it down. Said you guys were too busy."

"I hope you can keep this a secret, please," Taehyung smiled at her.

"I don't have any problem about that," She smiled reassuringly, "I hope you take good care of her."

Taehyung nodded.

"Let's talk some serious things," she crossed her legs.

Ashley looked at her with confusion.

"Now, you know I have a vast empire to hand over to compatible descendants after I die."

"And I know you already have two sons," added Ashley.

"And you have equal right over it as they do."

Ashley frowned a little and then smiled slightly,
"Are you concerned that I will claim that if you die?"

"No. I want to give you your deserved share. These are a few legal works, I hope you will cooperate with my lawyers."

Ashley's face darkened, "Mrs. Smith, ma'am you didn't probably hear this much. But I don't need your wealth."

"But dear..."

"You can call me Dr. Ruth, or Ashley. Mrs. Smith." Ashley's voice was calm and cold.

Her face dropped in sombreness.

"I am not a Smith like you. You didn't even give me this name. I carry Nana's maiden name. She is my family. You, clearly are not. I can't take anything from you."

"You Are my daughter, Ashley!" Her face was now pale.

"But you are not my mother, Mrs. Smith."

"I gave you birth," She mumbled softly.

" We are all unlucky somehow, aren't we?" Ashley smiled a little.

The woman looked at her with pain in her eyes.

"I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings," Ashley apologized coming back to her mind again, "But I really can't think of you as my mother all of a sudden after so many years. And I  can't accept anything from someone I  have no connection with. Please do understand."

"But you are not seeing it straight. It's a huge fortune. It can help you," The woman was trying hard to not sound disappointed.

"How?" Ashley frowned.

" I know you make a lot. But I know you are running that orphanage now. And there's a lot of children right now. I bet it's hard to maintain those with what you make."

"Thank you for your concern, but ma'am, I am doing what I love, I have the persons I love around me, I have a home, a decent job, I am doing what I  want for the right cause. My life is great indeed. I am happy. I don't need that help." Ashely's voice was still unbothered.

"Can I....can I  help the orphanage?" Mrs. Smith tried the last time.

"No!" Ashley replied instantly.

An awful silence took over the room.

"Maybe it's time for me to go. It was nice to meet you. You've grown into such a wonderful person Ashley, you are brave and strong alone unlike me. I am sorry that I left you," Her voice was trembling this time.

Ashley smiled in return.

"I was a terrible person, I caused you to live a life of unaccepted, undesired, and misery. I know no excuse can cover it up and I won't try it. But I am sorry!" two drops of tear rolled down her cheek.

Ashley stiffened at the sight.

Her hands were trembling. Taehyung held her hands tightly, patting over her hands with his free hand slightly to calm her down from her emotions.

"I am not being honest here," Ashley chuckled slightly.

Mrs. Smith looked at her.

"I said we will not bring personal issues here. But I clearly am being naive with personal emotions here. I am sorry for it." She reached for a card box on the table and brought out a visiting card. She gave it to the woman, "The orphanage indeed needs help. Please do donate. But please don't sweep it with your wealth. You can be a regular donor there if you talk it over with Mrs. Simpson. Please don't dump down my shares on it. It needs charity, not burden."

The woman quietly wiped away her tears and gladly accepted the card and put that inside her purse and got up from the couch.

Before going out of the house, she stopped at the front door and looked back at Ashley who was standing behind her holding Taehyung's hand.
"Can I...can I for once, touch your hand?"

Ashley looked at Taehyung. Taehyung let go of her hand and gave her a little reassuring nod.

Ashley came one step closer and offered her hand to take. The woman took her hand and pulled her into an embrace.

Ashley was startled but didn't try to push her off.

She stood there hugging her and her tears were drenching the shirt Ashley was wearing.
Ashley unsurely patted her back a few times. Not letting any emotions show.

When she calmed down a bit, Ashley said softly, "I forgave you, long ago.  Thank you for letting me have the drive to move forward, to fight. Subtle, but you were indeed my drive."

Ashley and Taehyung stood at the front door as long as her car was visible along the driveway. Maya went with her to The clouds.

"Are you ok?" Taehyung asked softly.

"No," She murmured.

"Can I hold you?"

"Please do," Ashley whispered as Taehyung took her into his chest.

Ashley cried uncontrollably letting all the emotions huddled inside her all this time, Taehyung slightly stroked her hairs affectionately,
" did great."

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