"First" Mission

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Au: Last we left off it was revealed how Y/n escaped babidi's grasp. Now it is the next day and you must see the League for a mission. Let's see what is in store for your character and how you will deal with the upcoming obstacles.

Your POV

You wake up with a headache and sweat puring down your head. You sit up on your bed and raise your hands to wipe off the sweat. You tighten your fist and stand from your bed. Cracking your neck and stretching, and as you stretch you hear a voice that you recognize.

All For One: Ah, good morning Y/n. Sleep well?

Y/n: You have to be kidding me! Is this going to be a thing now? I'd rather this not be a thing!

All For One: Do not worry, this shouldn't be a common occurrence. I just wanted to inform you that we will warp you to the tavern when you are ready. There are some people I'd like for you to meet.

Y/n: (Sigh). Fine, could you at least let me get ready.

All For One: Ofcourse, just let Kurogiri know when you're ready.

Y/n: The hell?! Is this a three way phone call!?

All For One: (Chuckle), until then Y/n.


There is a silence as you grit your teeth and feel quite annoyed. But realizing you won't be getting an answer you sigh and take a breath. Deciding to just silently get ready. Once you felt fully prepared you sat back on your bed and spoke up.

Y/n: Alright... Kurogiri, can you-

Before you could finish your sentence a warp gate forms in front of you. Looking through you already see a sight for sore eyes. Shigaraki is waiting for you on a chair while Kurogiri pours a drink behind the counter. (Au: Image from above)

Y/n: (Sigh). Let's just get this done.

You step into the portal and step out to see the familiar setting of the Leagues headquarter. Looking behind you is the TV where All For One is in fact on the screen smiling at you.

All For One: Ah, welcome back my boy! WOuld you care for a seat and a drink?

Y/n: I'd like for you to drop dead.

Shigaraki: YOU DARE!!

You look at Shigaraki with a glare and speak up.

Y/n: Pecking. Order.

Shigaraki instantly stopped as he was beginning to stand. For a moment the two of you continue to glare at each other, but Shigaraki grumbles to himself and sits back down. Grabbing the cup Kurogiri had just poured as it became dust.

You roll your eyes and turn back to the screen.

Y/n: So, what now.

All For One: Now you meet two acquaintances. Two masters of the martial arts, that I believe have much to teach.

Y/n: Hmph. Well then? I don't have all day.

??: So impatient. Kids these days have no patience.

??2: Hmph. For once I can agree with you brother. Though that itself won't change things.

??: Like I'd ever want to agree with such a fool as yourself.

??2: Says the one who decided it'd be a good idea to turn his head into a rice bowl.


All For One: Gentlemen, gentlemen. The time to prove each other superior will come. Until then, please refrain yourselves.

??/??2: Tch!

You look toward the voices around you, thankful they weren't coming from your head for once. In the corner of your eye you notice one individual coming from the shadow. Seeing a man wearing what you think is a pink long coat with a symbol you recognized that said "kill". But looking at his face it was covered by a helmet, with his eyes wearing what looked like binoculars. 

Y/n: *It does resemble a bit like a rice bowl. I respect the pink, but let's see if he is worthy of it.*

Tao: I am Tao young man. An honor for you to live this encounter. A few rarely do.

Y/n: Funny, that's what I was thinking for you.

??2: Though usually for this idiot, children tend to survive his encounter. And beat him for that matter!

You see Tao growl looking past you. You slightly turn your head to see the second individual.

Taking note that the second individual looked older and wearing a similar outfit to the one in front of you. But instead of pink he wore green, and had what you believe is a bird hat.

Y/n: *Well that's a missed opportunity.*

Tao speaks up angrily at the older gentleman, you stand and watch.

Tao: THAT IS NO FAIR SHEN! We both know that was no standard child! And last I checked, he stopped your disciples as well! What kind of teacher loses their students!

Shen: Grrrr. You better watch your mouth when speaking to your older brother!

Y/n: *Brothers huh? Well I can get behind the brotherly hatred.*

As the two continue to have a stare off, All For One speaks.

All For One: Both Shen and Tao are masters of combat. They are helping us with a new recruit.

You raise your eyebrow and look towards the screen.

Y/n: Oh? And who is this recruit? No offense, but these two may be strong against Shigaraki. But they hold nothing against me.

Shen/Tao/Shigaraki: WHAT!? TAKE THAT BACK! I'LL END YOU!

Y/n: I mean take no offense. Except you Shigaraki, take all of it.

You turn to be able to see all of them as you fold your arms and look down to the ground. Shigaraki growls and begins to dust another cup as you speak.

Y/n: I can sense you're strongish. And if this prick (you point to All For One) believes you're useful then you are. Whether it's for what you believe you're good at or for something else. You are tools to him that he'll use until you serve no purpose. And if it's for combat then I am your superior in power, strength, and skills.

Shen/Tao: Every word you've just spoke has made me violently angry!! Oh great! Now I'm agreeing with Tao/Shen. Look at what you made me do!!!

All For One: Now now gentlemen. You knew what this was. A meeting with a person that is more powerful than you both. Nothing more.

Shen:/Tao:.... This brat!?

All For One: Yes, you see this "brat" is like the one you've faced before. Don't let his appearance fool you, he is a cold blooded Saiyan warrior. And though you yourselves may not be able to challenge him. What you've given us could just as well prove lethal.

You perku up when hearing All For One speak. Looking back at him and speak with intrigue.

Y/n: And what could they give that's enough to face me?

All For One: Sorry my boy. But it's too soon to disclose everything. I will say it's part of your mission. Tao?

Tao walks over to you and he pulls out what looks like a cannon. At closer inspection you realize it's attached to his arm. Silently he extends his arm to you and after a moment a remote comes out of it. You grab it and look at it.

Y/n: And what's this?

Shen: A tracker.

Y/n:... To someone?

All FOr One: Someplace actually. You see Y/n we have a separate base of operations where other associates have been using it's... resources to create powerful creations. And we'd like you to go there.

Y/n: Then why the tracker? I'm sure your mist portal could send me there.

Shigaraki: We don't know the specific location! We were given the area. So use your tracker to find it and use it for our goals!

You roll your eyes but nod.

Y/n: So, what am I expected to do there?

All For One: Well the place itself is self run. We want you to test some of the creations there for their combat potential. Feel free to do as much damage to the creations as possible. But do be careful of the landscape and base itself. We don't want to attract too much attention.

Y/n: So you want me to go to an abandoned base. Fight some creatures... and that's it?

Shigaraki: What? Too much for you?

Y/n: Why don't you work on being able to hold on to a cup without destroying it. I think that's your tenth drink... eleven.

Shigaraki: What are you-....Shit.

Shigaraki looks down to his now eleventh spilled drink.

All For One: Language. Now, to your question. No that's not all. We will want you to stay there during your time in UA. You will be allowed to leave the location at your leisure. But no one is allowed there besides you and our new associate and whomever they allow in.

Y/n:... I thought you said the base was self run. And how many associates do you have?

All For One: Oh it is. But we'd like someone to be there to run things in case something goes wrong. One that is more tech savvy than previous ones you've met. They'll meet you when you're close by. Listen to their directions when it's about having tests. If anything changes we'll let you know.

Y/n: (Sigh). Alright fine. Enough of all of this. Send me on my way and I'll find the base.

All For One: Excellent! Kurigori if you would?

Kurigori nods and makes a warp gate for you. You enter the gate and as it closes you hear.

Tao: How am I not tech savvy? I'm a cyborg.

WIth that the gate closes you shake your head and look at the terrain ahead of you. It was a vast desert with rock mountains scattered along the land.

Y/n: *It'll probably close off or camouflage with its surroundings. I should keep my eyes open for that. As well as any low energy signature.*

You look at the tracker and fly into the air to locate the base.

Short Timeskip

After some time you believe you are getting close. With the tracker beeping faster and indicating you were getting close. So you begin to descend, but as you do a pink blast of energy is sent flying towards you. You dodge the blast and quickly descend and look around.

Y/n: Alright. I don't know who you are, but you have a few three seconds before I blow you where you stand.

You watch as a woman comes into to sight. She looked to be about your age, with short hair and a long dress covered in red and blue. Something told you not to underestimate her, as well as punching her.

??: And exactly who and what are you? And what are you doing all the way here?

Y/n: Tch. I'm Y/n and I'm minding my own business unlike you!

??: You're the one who has come to my home.

Y/n: Your-... YOU'RE HOME!? What kind of- Doesn't mater. I don't have time to deal with you. I'm looking for a place here.

??: There is nothing here but me and a soon to be dead body.

Y/n: Well if you need help burying yourself I can apply. And I'm following this.

You show the tracker from your hand and you see the person relax and smile.

??: Looks like you're the one I'm expecting.

Y/n: And you are?

A-21: You may call me A-21. A codename I use while I work.

Y/n: Tch whatever. Now where is the place?

A-21: Mmmm, not quite. I need to see what I'm working with. And you have yet to tell me what you are.

Y/n: The hell should I tell you? I don't know what you are!

A-21: That.... is a fair point. This may be a bit confusing for your mind to grasp. But I'm half human and part Majin.

As the woman finishes her sentence you instantly get a sick feeling in your gut and slowly begin to shake in rage. As you then grit your teeth and speak up.

Y/n: !!! .... What was that!?

A-21: Damn your really slow.... I SAID I'M PART AND--

Y/n: I KNOW!!! I'm just making sure I heard the.... MAJIN part correctly...

A-21: Well I've been.... Modified to have the best qualities of both...*wait.... How does he know about the Majin species. I was told there was only one here.* 

Y/n: I'm the Y/n L/n, the Saiyan occupying this planet currently.

A-21: !!! YOU'RE HIM!? Wow I expected you to be stronger. I've heard a lot about you... and what you were made to do.

Y/n: Good, that makes things easier. And just like you I have different forms. So why don't you show me yours and we'll get this started.

A-21: !!! *How did he—!!* Fine. Let's get this over with.

You watch as the woman in front of you charges up her Ki. And watch as her hair turns white, a tail begins to grow, and her skin changes into pink. You close your eyes and breathe and wait for her transformation to be complete. When you sense it's over you open her eyes to see the type of monster you believe you recognize.

Y/n: Hmmmmm. You've definitely been modified. I guess it's your master's doing after he completed creating me.

A-21: .... Pardon? Master? Excuse—

Y/n: Well Majin Buu, even with your name change, gender swap, and "modifications".... You're still the Buu I've been waiting to kill.

Before A-21 could speak up, you transform into a Super Saiyan and power up. She looks at you and can see the killing intent in your eyes. It stops her from speaking as she feels and chill going down her spine. She shakes the feeling away and quickly tries to speak up.  But as she opens her mouth to speak, you interrupt her. Filled with blood lost and anger, only seeing the images and memories of everything that had been done to you. All the face the creature you've been told was a Majin.

Y/n: *If All For One sees this as a sick joke. I don't care if I lose the chance to find Babidi. I'll kill him next! I'll kill them all! Creatures being made my ass! They dare test me with this monster! I'll show then which one is deadlier!*

A-21: Wa—

Y/n: Been waiting YEARS for this battle.... Time to show you what I've been made to do....

Before she can react you lunge at her with great speed. Barley giving her time to even flinch. You stop above her and pull back an arm, charging up more ki into your fist and yelling.


Finishing your shout you slam your fist into A-21's face. You send her flying and crashing into a few mountains before crashing into one more and having it crumble on top of her. You then teleport above the debri and point a hand in it's direction. You take a deep breath and charge up your Big Bang Attack.

Y/n: Babidi made me this way to contain you and help him regain control of you.... Now I'll kill you.... And kill him next.

Au: That's the end of this chapter. Hope you've enjoyed this short chapter and be prepared for the next one. Who will win the battle.... You? Or the supposed recreation of Majin Buu? Where did A-21 come from? And is she a connection to Babidi? Find out next time in... MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!

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