The Legend's Story

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Time Skip: 8 Year's Later

No One's Pov: 

The sun's ray's pierces the window and hit's (Y/N) in the face, stirring him from his slumber. He sit's up from his bed, stares at his hands for a few moments  to then head to his bathroom. (Y/N) take's a shower and contemplates his life, and what he is.  When he washes his face, he can feel the symbol. The sign of his master. As the  water hit's his face... he closes his eyes and think's of his "Family".

Flash Back : 8 Year's  Ago

(Y/N) Pov:

I wake up with a slight headache... I look at my surrounding's to find that I'm in a white bed. I see their are some wires in me... * Wha... What's going on?*  

???: "Easy Their kid... Are you alright? Where's your family, where did you come from,  W-"

???: "Calm down Erz, your freaking the kid out" Giggles.

I look up to see a red-head guy wearing armor, next to a woman with blue hair... covered in robes? 

Erz: Sigh ... Your right Jellala, I just wish to get him to his parents.

Jellala: I get it,  but let's not go overboard with the questioning.

(Y/N): "Ummm, Hi. Where am I?... Who exactly am I?"

Jellalla/Erz:".... Uhhh we were hoping you'd know who you were." 

My eye's widen in fear, I put my hands on my forehead and feel something. I grab it, and take it off and realize it's a head band. I stare at it for a bit while Erz and Jellala just... watch me uncomfortably and awkwardly. My head start's to pound as I try to concentrate on my memories. Only a few things come to mind though... *I'm.. a Saiyan?.. what's my name?... (Y/N)? Yeah... That's it... How'd I get here...?* I feel tears fall from my face as I think of my last question... I then feel anger and feel my body shaking... Only to find it was the room shaking. I look up to see Erz and Jellala staring at me in shock.

Jellala/Erz: "That's one hell of a quirk."

I tilt my head to the side and ask

(Y/N):"... What's a quirk?"

Present Time, (Y/N) Pov:

(Y/N): Sigh "I can't believe how long ago that was... Hmph!.. I wonder if I would have stayed with this family if I knew what was to come... Whatevs."

I walk out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror. I grab my headband and put it on my head, covering the M on my forehead. I close my eyes and hear the water droplets dripping from my body and hear them land on the floor. I let my open hands becomes fists and start to concentrate. After a few moments I feel my ki rising and then I shout a small "Ha" and my ki dries me.

(Skip to 0:20 where Goku goes SSj. That's what you did basically, minus the transformation and stretching, or more realisticly like Bardock. Stop around 0:59) 

I leave the bathroom and get dressed wearing blue jeans, white socks,  brown combat boots and a black sleeveless shirt and leave my house.   

Time Skip: At school


*Uuuuugh, This sucks... hate school... Do I really need to be here?*

You start to contemplate how you could skip school and... do practically anything else but learn. You decide it'd be bes5 just to make a quick clone or copy of yourself so you can head out, but right before you do....


You look to see Midoriya running at you, and your are happy to see her. But now you know you can't leave school without upsetting her.

Midoriya jumps into your arms, and you decide to grab her by her waist and spin her around a bit.

(Au: Just like this)

After a few moments of collecting herself, Izuka speaks...

Izuka: Y-Y-Y-/N-N-N!!! P-P-PU-U-U-T-T ME D-O-O-W-NNNN PLZ!

You carefully place her down, still having your hands on her hips. You give her an hurt expression and then put a frown on your face.

Y/n: But I thought you loved me...

You start to pretend to tear up a bit

Y/n: Don't you love me Izuka?

Izuka faces gets red as she looks down and starts muttering to herself and fiddles with her finger. Avoiding any type of eye contact.

You gasp in shock making Izuka look at you with surprise and a bit of anxiety/fear. You take your hands off her, put one over your heart and start to walk away saying

Y/n: And here.... I thought we had something. I guess this was a one way love train... guess I'll leave and disappear forev-

You didn't get to finish your sentence as Izuka starts to cry and hugs you from your bag as tight as she could.

Izuka: I love you

She mutters

You turn your head to hear.

Y/n: Sorry didn't catch that.

Her face is so read, redder then the blood of your enemies, and her grip is getting harder, you don't ant to push her to far as you know she cries way too easy.

Y/n: Alright, Alright, I heard ya cutie.

You grab her hands and kiss them both as you feel her gasp and mumble her little rap. You hear mostly about... you? And her?... and... is she really talking about her chances with me right behind me?

You turn around, grab her chin, lean in and give her a peck on the nose.

Y/n: Sorry if I went to far with the tease... I'll be more mindful next time.

She tries to open her mouth to speak but then-

???: DEKU

Au: Thats Chapter two guys, hope you enjoyed. Have a good one

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