The Meeting, The Warm Up

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Au: Last we left our heroes, Y/n seemed a little off to Kacchan and Izuku, and left school with everyone rattled. What will he be doing know, what is going on? We'll find out now.

Your POV

You leave the school grounds and walk past the entrance. You look back to the school and then frown, you feel your Ki rise and your hands become fists. But then you shake your head side to side and step away from the school. You fly up into the air and break the sound bearer as you head out. 


You fly until you reach your destination, which is when you stop yourself in the air and quickly descend to the ground. You walk down a flight of stairs to a door and knock. It opens up and you see this guy made of mist... and a guy.. with hands on his bodies. You enter the room kind of sluggishly, and the mist guy begins to speak.

(Au: Your Stain)

??: Hello young man, my name is Kurogiri, and the one across from me is—


??2: Sigh You May call me Master, isn't that grand.

He turns his head towards you and you can feel him smiling behind his mask.

Y/n: I'll call you a piece of shit or whatever I see fit. You are not my master, your a disgrace to whatever family owns you... So how about I call you by your true name... DISAPPOINTMENT!!


Kurogiri: Calm down, please give mister... Y/n was it?... give him a name to call him please.

??2: Whatever, call me Tomura. And like it or not you work for ME! You'll do whatever I say. NO IFS AND OR BUTS!

Y/n: BUT, what IF, I want to do what Kurogiri says, OR what if I'm to busy to follow your orders, you never now what's going to happen in the future. AND what the hell would you even do, IF I disobeyed!?  Would you try to kill me? NO! You could try AND hurt me, BUT again, NO! You. Can't. Kill. Me.

You smirk as you see the tick marks on Tomura's head. You can practically see the steam coming from the air, he was even scratching the table. His eyes looked into yours with pure rage.

Kurogiri: Y/N ENOUGH!!

Y/n: What, all I did was give good reasons and examples..... (You say trying to act and sound innocent)

You put on a thinking face, and after a moment you pretend you discovered something!

Y/n: GREAT SCOTT I GOT IT!! Are you mad because I said No, If, Or, And, and But's twice...whoops, I said it again. 

You give a very cocky smirk to Tomaru, which just set him off.

Tomaru: (Turns to Kurogiri) HE NEEDS TO LEARN HIS PLACE KUROGIRI, (Turns back to you) YOU WILL FEEL PAIN SLAVE!!!

Kurogiri nods his head and watches as Tomaru lunges at you.

Y/n: Now now, slavery is a rude term to use.... but being put in place... NOW that's a good idea.

As Tomaru is about to grab your face you look him in the eye with no emotion and say

Y/n: Pecking Order

You disappear as soon as Tomaru's hand was about to make contact. He trips up a little bit from the lunge but quickly gets his footing back. He then looks around for you with pure rage in his eyes. Then behind him he hears

Y/n: Pecking

Tomaru turns to face him but....

As you hit his face, Tomaru gets flying into the door from where you entered. Leaving a big hole in the wall. Once you hear the sound of Tomaru... expressing his pain. You say...

(Au: Skip to 1:00, that's the noise Tomaru makes)

Y/n: Order... 

You turn to Kurogiri as you see him shake a bit in fear.

Y/n: Now... I'm in a really bad mood.... so I'll ask these questions  twice... Who and where is your REAL boss? The one who's giving handy in the corner(Tomaru responds with noise) all the power and supplies he needs to... ACT like a villian. Next question

Kurogiri: Bu—

You give him a stare and for a second go Super Saiyan but quickly revert to base form. Shutting Kurogiri up.

Y/n: Sigh I understand your confusing, the last question was ONE, not TWO, but ONE big question.. got it? (Kurogiri nods) happy to see it. Next question, also a big one... it may in fact be more important then the first one. WHERE THE FUCK IS BABIDI, AND WHY ARE YOU WORKING WITH HIM!?!... DO I NEED TO REPEAT THE TWO QUESTIONS KUROGIRI!?!(He's about to open his mouth and you read his mind)......YES THAT WAS A THIRD QUESTION,  DONT YOU DARE TEST ME, WE BOTH NOW THE QUESTIONS IN CONTEXT OF WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!

???: If you don't mind.... I'd like to answer the questions Y/n, just please refrain from causing anymore damage... that is  a polite request, not an attempted order.

You turn to see a tv with a man with a very messed up face on it.

Y/n: Hmph, form the looks of it, am I right to assume your the REAL boss?

???: That I am... I am...












All For One: All For One.... Now please, sit down and let's chat man to man.

Y/n: More like man to teen, but sure.

All For One Chuckle Your a wise guy you know that?

Y/n: I'd be surprised if I wasn't, NOW... tell me what I'm doing here and what do you want from me!?

All For One: I know who you are, I know your past, I know your suffering... I know your power... and I Know Your Origin.

Y/n: Hmph, stalker. Your not the only one who knows all that. Plus I've learned about my origins, with what I am... and who did it.

All For One: I see.... well to answer your original questions... You now know my name, I can not give you my location. But I can tell you why were working with Babidi and what we want you for. I know it only partial of the questions but I can honestly say we don't know where that magician is hiding.

Y/n: I'll take what I can get... So tell me, what's the game plan?

All For One: To have you join us and spy for us. As well as making you stronger then you've ever fathomed....


All For One: Yes my boy, you see... Babadi toled us how he... acquired you and what he did. We were intrigued, and once we learned your past and powers... we knew we needed you, and we could even welcome you with open arms.

Y/n: Well well (you say sarcastically) You know how to make someone feel welcome. And it was more of an open hand actually.... though now it may be broken.(You smile to yourself and chuckle at your joke)

All For One: Yes, sorry about Tomaru, he sees you as a threat to his rights. You see I plan to make him king of the world once evil rules.... but first I must teach him to mature, and use any means necessary when you can—

Y/n: You got a looooong way to go.

Tomaru: S-s-s-hut UP

You turn to see his mask broken and crooked but still on his face. He's very bloody and is limping. He goes to the bar and holds himself up.

All For One: Tomaru... patience, let me finish this conversation and we'll go from their ok?

Tomaru Just slumps to the floor and nods as Kurogiri goes to get medical supplies.

Y/n: Anyways,(You turn back to the television) so you found my history and decided I'd be good for the team, and when finding out I was trying to get into UA, you thought this was a perfect opportunity to get me and a spy.... but why now? I mean, I'm not exactly what you call evil.

All For One: Before I would have agreed,  but with Babidi activating his magic on you, your much more cruel then before. Have you not noticed the change in behavior in tone? It's not a full mind control.... it's more like a personality adjustment.

You think about this and realize he's right... how you snapped at Kacchan and Izuka, went off on the class... and you were pretty sure you were going to hurt or maybe kill some of them to. Even with how you just dealt with Tomaru surprised you, you had the intent  not just hospitalize him, you wanted to possibly break him. You put way more power then needed to into that punch. It gave you chills, but you tried to keep your composure. 

Y/n:*Wait... what am I even doing here, why did I even come here?... what have they done to me? I'd never come here, especially without telling someone, or at least a hero*

All For One: Judging from the look of you I can tell you've just got it. Well how about this, the spying won't be that heavy. Maybe one or two little things, well let you know what we need. With you getting stronger.... we have creations that can test your power... and with that, you'd be helping us with our research. We won't force you to do something your not comfortable with, you can still be a hero after all of this is said and done. Maybe even try to turn us in after the dust settles. It'd be interesting, Tomaru's gonna need a rival, and so far it looks like you've made that happen already. What do you say?

Y/n: The term rival is on,y used when two opponents are worthy of each other's full power and skills, your Tomaru is not even a match for me in my base form. I'll find my own rival thank you... What's the deal you made with Babidi?

All For One: We get you, and we help him wake up his creation.... he called it... Boo?

You twitch in hearing the name Boo, something about it threw you off.

All For One: Do you know anything about it?

Y/n:  Only that he needed many kids to control and cause damage to charge up his beast.... if he's asking for help that means last time we were together I caused more damage to the thing then I thought. But I have not seen it, it hasn't been awakened for all I know.

All For One: Yes, he mentioned how you foiled, or more to the point, made him "waste tons of time getting back to where things were". Those were his words.... Now what do you say?... to sweeten the deal, my Quirk allows me to take others quirk and make it better, and also to give it to others... I can give you a powerful quirk. 

Y/n: Don't need one but thanks. If I did, I'd be ashamed for needing helping acquiring power that way... I'd also wouldn't be able to look my friends in the eyes... but... I'll take your offer of the free punching bags. But I have a few conditions 

One- Whatever you plan I do not wish to know it. Meaning whatever information I give you, I don't want to know how you'll use it

Two- Never act like you know me when I'm with other people or heroes, don't expect me to directly help you.

Three- We do the training my way... you may know what I am, but you don't know how I fight.

Four- When we see Babidi, he's all mine...

Five- If I think of anything else that's reasonable I'll add on to the conditions..

Do we have a deal?

All For One: I believe so.

Tomaru: W-W-W-HAT!?! TAKE OU—

Y/n: Shut up Tomaru. 

You blast him with a Ki blast, when it's gone all damage that was done to him was gone. You then did the same to the door and hole you broke/made.

Y/n: Consider this a token of gratitude, and a show a sign of a new beginning. I'm not sure why I'm doing this.... but let's try our best to not have me kill you, K?

Tomaru lunges at you again but this time you just roll up your sleeve and let him grab your arm. You start to notice your skin decaying.


He looks to see your face not interested, You then look at your arm and form a Ki around it. Your arm stops decaying and Tomaru is speechless.

Y/n: I got to give it to you, you got an interesting quirk. Kind of glad I Let you grab me(you say with venom in your voice) though it seems once I form Ki around the part you try to decay.... it forms a wall that you can't break. Stopping you attempt.... 

Tomaru tries to grip even harder but can't see, to decay you, he ends up on his knees, grabbing both your arms, so you form Ki around both.

(Au: Just like this except your not a Super Saiyan.)

Y/n: Quite a grip you got kid.... you do realize even if I wasnt using my Ki to stop you from using your quirk... I could  still pummel you, even kill you.

Tomaru looks up and sees your glare and their was no doubt. He knew you meant it.

Out of nowhere you jump up and put your feet on his face, pulling your arms away.


After a solid minute, Tomaru lets you go and you back flip away. Just to charge at Tomaru at a speed he couldn't fathom, and give him a VERY HARD BIG BOOT.

In which Tomaru flies into the air and lands right in front of the television, it almost fell on top of him but you decide to stop it. You give Tomaru a quick laser blast to heal him and walk away. But before you leave...

All For One: I'm excited to work with you Y/n, I do hope you and Tomari and get along.... or at least tolerate each other. Together we'll show how far the heroes have fallen... maybe you'll  even a chance to teach your adapted family a thing or two.

You stop and turn to face the tv.

Y/n: Well see about that, but I guess I'll see you around.... oh, and thanks for the warm up by the way.... eh more like a stretch.

You walk out the door and fly back to school, hoping to see Izuka, you felt her energy but something was off. You started to fly faster but then... the thought of your family started to slow you down.... and you begin to have a flashback of your adapted "family".

Au: Thats chapter 5, sorry it took awhile. I've been waiting for you guys to tell me which Deku you want. If theirs not a definitive answer, I'll choose one of the top two being commented so far. So please comment what Deku you want. Gonna need to know for the next chapter.

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