The Slime Strikes Back

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Kacchan POV

I was walking with my two lackeys. They were talking among the two of them while I was thinking. Mostly about Y/n and Izuka.....

Kacchan: *What does he see in that girl... I'm stronger then her, sexier then her, more independent, I have a quirk.... and I HAVE A DATE WITH HIM!!!! Yet....he always goes back to her, always defending her since the beginning. Because he's "quirkless".... I still don't get the reasoning for that. I should ask him about it during our date.*

My cheeks flush red when I think about our date, I realize I should head home and get ready for it. It needs to be perfect. I felt a smile creep on my face as my heart raced thinking about Y/n. The idea of holding his hand and being his drove me wild.

Kacchan: *The things we'd do.... Definitely want to see how "Super" he is down-*

Lackey 1: Yo! You listening!?

Kacchan: Tch. WHAT IS IT!?

Lackey 1: I was asking you a question Katsuki.


Lackey 2: Woah.... take it easy. Your always so mean to us. We're your friends!

Kacchan: *No your not. Your just a bunch of drooling idiots fawning over me because of my looks and quirk. Neither of you are worth my time. I don't even know why I hang with you losers*

Lackey 1: You know, it's because your so mean Y/n won't even give you a-

I stopped immediately and turned to this dead man.  Giving him a glare that instantly shut up. While the other idiot sweats nervously, he begins to shake a little bit.

Kacchan: .....Care to continue what you were saying?

They both became frightened and unsure if what they say. Starting to stutter to each other and sweat profusely. If they had me quirks they could blow the entire city.  But they were smart enough to get the message from my tone of "You Fucking Piss Me Off And I WILL Kill You!".

Lackey 1: I-I-I-I was saying..... NO! I was asking.... Um.... Well..... aren't you, Y/n, and Izuka Childhood friends?

Lackey 2: Feel like the two of you went just a little overboard today. Espically Y/n...He's crazy-

He tried to whisper the last part about Y/n, and I heard it clear as day. I was just about to punch the shit out of him when his buddy elbowed him making him realize he wasn't being so subtle. They both once again looked at me with a mixture of fear and worry. I'd like to give them a few bruises or a scolding.... But I honestly don't want to deal with them right now. I take a deep breath and sigh before turning around and continue walking.

Kacchan: It's not my fault she gets in my way..... And not all my fault that you guys piss off Y/n. Though I would be lying if I said he seemed.... On edge today.

As we continue walking I see a bottle of green soda on the floor and kick it hard. It really pissed me off that I had a feeling something was wrong with Y/n and I didn't know what it was.

Kacchan: *What the hell is going on with that guy!? Should I ask on the date? No, don't want to piss him off. (Sigh) I hate these constant stupid feelings. I just wish.... We could-*

Lackey 2: Hey don't let it get to you.

I think back to what Izuka said. And some things Y/n said. Izuka talking about how she always dreamed of being a hero, and how Y/n.... Supported her, called her beautiful. It filled me with rage! I turn to these bozos saying.

Kacchan: She's an idiot dreaming like a kid! And Y/n is acting like a fool supporting that dream instead of facing reality!

I then use my quirk to cause a small explosion that immediately burns the can that I'm holding. Honestly I'm surprised I haven't done it earlier with how much the thought of the two of them being together pissed me off!

Kacchan: Just watching PISSES ME THE HELL OFF!!!

The idiots chuckled for a second before looking at each other and nodding. God I hoped they suggest something to keep my mind distracted. Though I not to distracted, I have my date ti think about. That's priority number one.

Lackey 1: Then why don't we go to the arcade for a change of pace?

Lackey: Yeah, how about it Katsuki?

Kacchan: *....That actually isn't a bad idea.* Yeah

Lackey 2: Let's go to the one in front of the station. There's lots of prey there.

Lackey 1: Dude your terrible.

Kacchan: *I watched as lackey 2 flexed his stupid quirk.... But what the other one said got me thinking.... Is it really that terrible? Am I terrible? Is that why Y/n gets pissed whenever I bully Izuka? No.... I'm above her and all those extras! Aren't I!? Tch! Damn these emotions.... And what if... Wait a sec*  WHAT!? IF WE GET CAUGHT! IT'LL END UP ON MY RECORD!! *

My attention was diverted as I see the two idiots look in fear. Except they weren't looking at me, which made no sense. They should always fear me. They were looking at something behind me?

Lackey 1/Lackey 2: Hey, look!

I turn around to see..... A slime person?! The hell is this?!

Slime Villain: An invisible cloak with a great quirk

Then the creep lunged at me, I could feel him on and in my body. It was disturbing and disgusting. Only Y/n is allowed to touch me this way! I looked back to the idiots to see them running away. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was feeling a little scared as I hear the Villain talk about "how good my body is and he can't wait to use it".  Damn it!


I activate my quirk, and try to get him off me. I really wish Y/n was here, to save me... Or see me kick this shit out of this slime.

Small Time Skip Your POV

After returning Lulu home, you decide it's time to see the Villains. You rise up in the air, and begin flying towards their base. As you fly you think about what you'll,do once you get their.

Y/n: * They are definitely going to try to take me out... the mist and handy guy will be easy to handle. But All For One.... he may be a bit of trouble. He's the head of the organization for a reason. He suggested that he could give me a quirk.... meaning that he could potentially have other that have accepted the offer.... can he create quirks... or steal quirks?!... guess I'll find out if he's truly their.... or when he decides to try and—*

Your thoughts are interrupted as a huge explosion catches your eye.

Y/n:!?!?......*Somethings going on! Need to go and check out the situation*

You quickly fly over to the explosion and see a crowd of civilians observing something. You fly and land infront of them all. Shocking a few people but they keeps watching something. You look around and see a few pro heroes infront of you, your about to walk over to them when another hero grabs your arms. You look to see a female Pro hero, you recognized her from the articles. Wearing a one suit type costume. She had purple hours on her head and a purple mask. In fact her costume consisted of purple, orange, and teal? You were sure of the last color but it didn't matter. She was in your way and no matter how big she got, she wasn't going to stop you...

The new Pro Hero..... Mt. Lady

Mt Lady: Hey!! Get back with the others!! It's unsafe with that slime villain and his hostage.

You stand your ground, at first giving her a shock expression.

Y/n: Slime Villain!?! What?! Two in one day.... no impossible.

You close your eyes and sense the same energy as before in front of you....but also someone's else's energy that was very familiar. You open your eyes and get out of Mt. Lady's grasp as you turn to face the slime villain. Recognizing him you call him out. Ignoring her questions and orders.

Mt Lady: Two in one—!?! Wait are you some sort of Pro Hero!?! Your clothes are  little odd for casual clothing.... Wait that doesn't matter!!! GET Back with he other civilians until a Pro hero with a quirk that can handle him come—


The Slime villain turns to face you, not responding to you but as he turns. Something catches your eyes. You see part of someone's hair....blonde.... and prickly?! You recall Mt. Ladt mentioning having a hostage..... but now looking closer, and sensing the energy more precise, you start to recognize the hostage...



Y/n: WHA—!?!?

Mt. Lady then tries to walk over to you and explain the situation with how the villain is trying to enter Kacchan's body but you fail to listen and hear her warning. You also fail to notice Izuka about to run pass you. As you just noticed the same thing as Izuka..... you saw Kacchan's expression.... it screamed.......

for help. In response you scream and charge at the villain with rage. No one could stop you as you sped towards Kacchan's aid. The Pro Hero's could do nothing but jump out of your way. Nearly missing one or two Hero's but you didn't care.


The Slime Villain points Kacchans hands towards the ground, activating her quirk. Sending sharp pieces of rubble towards you. But you smash through all of it, leaving nothing but dust. You did get a few scratches from the impact but you kept going, screaming in rage towards Kacchan. Before anyone could react, you slam your whole body into the Villain, ki exploding out of you on impact. Disintegrating the villain as you caught Kacchan in your arms.

Slime Villain: DAMN YOU BRAT!!!

(Au: Looks like this when he's "disintegrateing")

The crowd looks at you in shock, frozen from the scene of events they've just witnessed. You look down at Kacchan who was looking at you with realization stirring in.

Kacchan:...Y-Y-Y/n? W-w-what are you doing here?

Y/n: Saving your dumb ass, what else? You okay?

Kacchan's face begins to redden as she realizes you are holding her. But before either of you could say anything your attention was diverted to a voice surrounding you.

Slime Villain:... You ... Damn.... Brat.... 

Y/n: The hell?! How are you not dead!? The fuck are you?

You look down and see pieces of the slime villain surrounding you.

Y/n: *Well this can't be good...*


The Villain jumps into your mouth. All the pieces came back together, it was like having a drink that was just ice.  Whole chunks of him going down your throat. But instead of fighting him, you stake calm and allow this to happen. Since he was only going through your mouth you could breathe through your nose. But now your body began to grow as your body's space was being taken up by the villain. Within a few minutes your body grew and became more bulkier then usual. You towered over the ladies as the look at you with fear and worry. The rest of the crowd talk about how the situation just got worse and the heroes act like imbeciles. Since they had no idea what to do, they stood paralyzed,  watching in awe. You begin to hear the slide villain laughing at his victory.

Slime Villain: HAHAHAHA! YOU DAMN FOOL! Now I will kill you! But slowly and oh so painfully! STARTING FROM THE INSIDE OUT!!

You stay silent for a moment as you move your hand around and flex a little bit before speaking up.

Y/n: You must think me an amateur. 

Slide Villain:.....Wha-

You interrupt the villain by screaming and powering up. Going straight into super saiyan,  causing the ladies to stumble back and push them away from you. All Might looked upon the scene in anger and worry. Feeling nothing but disappointment in himself.

All Might: *I....I dare call myself a hero. When this young man.... this warrior is doing the work for me?! Letting the villain inside? What is he thinking.... WHAT AM I THINKING?!*

As All Might is trying to force his body to activate his quirk. you begin to shrink back to your normal size. Screaming as you power up, ignoring all the stares as you focus on your body. 


After what seemed like forever, you were back to your usual size. Except for one minor detail. Their was one big lump in your shoulder. The audience couldn't help but stare and wonder what the hell was going on. Before anyone could say anything you quickly punch it. You hear the sludge villain scream in agony and quickly move down your leg. Which you also punch.  You then begin to move the sludge villain around your body, punching and kicking it and yourself. Only the sludge villain was the only one taking damage. Finally you feel him move to your back to a spot you couldn't reach, and in response you fly into one of the burning buildings as it crumbles on top of you. 

Kacchan/Izuka: YYYY/NNNNN NOOOO!

You ignore their screams as you lay in the rubble, looking serious. You also ignore the flames surrounding you as the villain speaks.


You chuckle and smirk before responding back,  loud enough for everyone to hear.

Y/n: It's simple really.  I used my energy to isolate you inside of my body.  And as long as you stay in here I'll have complete control over you.  Which is fine of you don't mind. 

You immediately feel the slime villain climbing it's way towards your throat.  You open your mouth and watch as the villain throws itself out of you.

(Au: Basically this scene. skip to 2:00 stop at 3:00)

As the villain begins to piece himself together  you calmly step out of the burning building and walk over to it. Raising your arm you shoot a ki blast, destroying a good chunk of him.

Slime Villain: OW! STOP IT!

You ignore his pleas and keep going. You destroy parts of the villain until he's shaped more humanlike. All the while the villain screamed in pain. Finally you feel like it's enough and raise your hand towards his face.

Y/n: I've had my fun.  It's fine to end your miserable existence. 

Your head begins to warm up as you charge up a ki blast. Having the full intent to kill this villain, your back turned to everyone with a smile on your face. The villain looks up and screams.

Slime Villain: What....what.... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!? 


Slime Villain: TELL ME!!?

Y/n: Hmph. Pathetic.

The Villain looks into your eyes and could see the killer in your eyes. He knew you weren't going to hesitate. The crowd behind you looked in wonder and curiosity, but Kacchan and Izuka looked at you with worry and fear.

Izuka: *Is he going to....*

Kacchan*Kill this bastard?!... But this isn't like him. What the hell are you making me worry about Y/n!?*

You then speak up, out loud for everyone to hear. 

Y/n:  Welcome... To the end of your life! And, I promise it's going to hurt.

In fear and acceptance, the slime Villain bowed his head down. Waiting for the end to come.

Y/n: Hmph. Good, it's best for you to at least die with some dignity.

Before you could release your blast, you sense a increase in energy behind. You feel your head cool down as you sigh in annoyance.  You then immediately jump into the air and do a back flip. Jumping over All Might who tried to grab you.

(Au: Like this)

In reaction to your quick dodge, All Might clenched his fist and throws a devastating punch at the villain. While at the same time grabbing both Kacchan and Midoriya to make sure they wouldn't get sent flying. You landed beside them on your feet, deciding to watch the number 1 hero do his thing. 

Y/n: *Tch. That was my kill. Whatever.... guess I can save up on the energy.*


All Might lands his blow, sending a powerful shockwave to the villain. The villain gets split apart once again, but this time he's out for the count.

You watch as the slime villain falls apart on the ground, but a drop of water hits your nose gains your attention. You look up into the sky to see it starting to rain. You also hear the crows start to praise All Might for his skill and strength,  as well as making it literally rain in the small area for a few moments.  For some reason it annoyed you and you could feel your head hurting just a little bit, you shrug off your emotions and glance at the girls. They looked a little scratched up but were relatively fine. You took a break and walked over to All Might. 

Y/n: I had him you know.

All Might doesn't respond but instead raises his fist in the air, making the crowd cheer and praise him even more. You see All Might trip over himself and you place a hand on his back, keeping him standing. 

Y/n:..... Tch, get out if here before you hurt yourself.... Hero.

With that you turn and walk towards the crowd with Izuku and Kacchan behind you. Soon after the crowd calms down, some of them leave and go about their day. Talking about what they've seen, others  stay to see what happens to you and the girls. In the end, you and Kacchan get praised for being strong, while Izuka got lectured for being reckless and endearing citizens. You stood up and told them off. Telling them that she was more of a Hero than them. You also told them to back off Kacchan seeing as she wasn't in the mood, and you knew she didnt like what happened today.  After your rant,  the Heroes decided to let you go home, and you went on your separate ways.

Small TimeSkip 


Kacchan: OIE! DEKU!

Izuku turns around 

Izuka turns back to face her home. She feels slight confusion, sadness, and anger.

Izuka: * I.... I don't know what to do anymore.... Can I not be a hero? After all these years of false hope do I just give up? Not even All Might believes in me... but who ever did. Not even my mother.*

Izuka thinks back to Y/n's words.


Y/n: "Izuka..... with your beauty and intelligence. You could do anything. Hero, Villain, Vigilante. I'd support you either way."

End of Flashback

Izuka: *Did he really mean what he said? He's been so distant and moody lately.... Is it because of his past. How come he never spoke up about it.... Why couldn't I be strong for him.... Why couldn't he trust me. Would he ever love me? Maybe I should take Kacchans advice and k-*

Izuka's thoughts are interrupted as the wind pushed through her hair and slightly lifted up her skirt. She tucks it back down as her face reddens slightly. She looks down to the ground with tears starting to pour down. Thinking of the harsh lecture she just gotten.

Izuka: Is that.... Is that how heroes truly are?

??: Young Midoriya. I've found you. I was worried that I'd lose you.

Izuka jumps up as she turns to the voice.

Izuka: Oh! I'm sorry. I-

??: Please. Let me speak. It'll take only a moment of your time.... Young Midoriya.  I've seen your potential and determination.  I've also seen the pain you've been to. After you ran towards danger and tried to save your classmate,  you get a lecture on why you should do nothing. It isn't right. I know you can be a hero, but that's not just the point... Young Midoriya.  It's time for you to step up. To be who you are meant to be... . I can give you the strength to face even Y/n.

Izuka looks up in shock. She knows no one besides All Might to be stronger than Y/n.... could she ever be as strong as him. Stronger than him? Did she even want to try?

??: I see you hesitant and I understand. I can wait, but your exam is almost here. All I say is.... young Midoriya.... be the woman you think this worlds deserved. And when your ready for me to pass down my power.... I will be here.

The mysterious person turns to leave, but stops when Izuka calls out to them.

Izuka: WAIT!.... Is what you said really true. That you believe in me.... my potential?

??: Yes Young Midoriya.  There's not a doubt in my mind. And I'm not the only one that thinks that.

Izuka falls on her knees and begins to cry. A wave of emotions she couldn't contain falls over her. The mysterious person walks over and stands over her.

??: hehe.... we'll have to work on your tears young one. But do not fret, we have enough time... so what do you say Young Midoriya.  Will you join me and making you what you truly always dreamed of?

Izuka:.... Yes. YES! THANK YOU-

??: No Young Midoriya.... thank you.

Midoriya sees a hand in front of her and as she wipes away the tears she smiles and takes it. Brimming with anticipation and wonder. Ready to see where her path will take her. To be as strong as the people she looks up to....

Somewhere Else 

Kacchan was halfway home. Still pissed and thinking about how shitty her day was.


A voice calls out for Kacchan. Bringing her out of her thoughts.

??2: YOUNG Bakugou ! I'VE FOUND YOU!!

Kacchan turns her head. Pissed at whoever called her out.

Kacchan: WHAT. THE. FU-

??2: Please. Let me speak. It'll only take a moment of your time

Kacchan looks at the person with interest and confusion. But she crosses her arms and listens. 

??2: Young Bakugou. Today I've seen your strength fighting against that slike villain. And from what I've been told you've always aimed for the top. But I think you need help. Help to become the strongest that you've worked so hard for. As strong... maybe even stronger then me... or Young Y/n. Now I-

Kacchan: SAVE IT! I dont need to hear the rest of your pitch.... I aim to be number 1. No ones gonna stop me and I don't need help.

Kacchan looks at the ground nervously before back to her guest. 

Kacchan: But I'm no damn fool to give away this opportunity.  You wanna train me?

??2: Yes Young Kacchan... you see-

Kacchan: Than we start tomorrow. You can tell me all the details than, got it!?

??2:.... HAHAHAHAHA! YES! OFCOURSE YOUNG BAKUGOU!... I'll be here tomorrow afternoon.  Be prepared for the hardest training of your life.

Kacchan turns to her door. Before she opens it, she speaks up one last time.

Kacchan: No.... you be prepared.  Cause by the end of this. I'll be number 1. Ya GOT THAT!

Kacchan turns around to see the person gone. She sighs and than enters her home.  Thinking of all the ways she can get to Y/n's level.

Your POV

You arrive at your doorstep when you sense the ki of someone very optimistic and familiar. You at first assumed it'd be Izuka, but this person was descending from the ground.... and Izuka can't fly. At least you believe so. Either way you wait for the person to land which doesn't take long.  He crashes on the ground in front of you showing off his smile.


Y/n: Shouldn't you be resting All Might. That last punch took a lot out of you. 

All Might: Hehehe. Don't worry, these old bones got plenty of strength left over. I do only have a few minutes so allow me to make this quick.

Y/n: Go ahead.

All Might: Thank you. Young Y/n. You know the ladies very well correct.

Y/n:  If you're referring to Kacchan and Izuka than yes.

All Might: How would you explain them in a sense to.... become their mentor.

Y/n: Oh? That so? Hmmmm. Their both strong women that have looked up to you their whole life. One more obvious than the other but that's neither here or there. They both have Hope's to be number 1 Hero one day which I fully support. Though their both flawed. One is to angry and cocky, while the other is shy and too nice. Of course. One of them has a powerful quirk, and the other.... well to me that never mattered. If you had to pick one to mentor,  I'd pick the one that has proven today she isn't afraid to fight. Even when the odds are stacked against her. If you could mentor her All Might.... I think she could do great things. I mean they both could. Do you have to pick one? 

All Might chuckles before responding. 

All Might: Sadly yes. And... I did have my eye on one to train. And you're right Young Y/n. She has proven she has the strength needed to be a hero, but definitely needs to be guided on her path to become number one. I just wanted to ask you, since you are a strong young lad. With unlimited potential. 

Y/n: So you know who it is right? I don't need to spell her name out for you or give you a hint? Because I will-

All Might: No no. It's fine.  I've spoken to her already. I'll be training her soon.

You nod your head and smile.

Y/n: Good. Happy to help. I'll see you at UA All Might. 

All Might: HAHA! I wouldn't except any less Young Y/n. But before I go... I have one last question. 

Y/n: Shoot.

All Might:... If I offered you an opportunity.  Where I could give you a quirk.  Would you possibly take it? I know you are strong with your natural born abilities.  But if I were-

Y/n: Im'a stop you right there. I pride myself on getting by with my talent and power without a quirk. If I got one now, and chose it happily.... I'd never forgive myself. Thank you for the hypothetical offer All Might. But I'm good.

All Might: Hmmm. Thought as much. But figured it didn't hurt to try. Well I'll be off. Be safe, and get stronger Young Y/n. For when the time comes I will help train you the hardest to become a Hero!!

With that, All Might lept into the sky. Soon leaving you sight. You chuckle at his attitude and smirk. Hoping you gave him the push to make the right decision. 

Y/n: *Not sure what he meant about giving out quirks.... but if he could do that for Izuka.... than she'd be more than ready for the UA exam.*

As you think this your head begins to ache. You lean on your door for a second as the pain fades away. You tighten your grip in annoyance and shake it off.

Y/n: *Jesus. Are my thoughts no longer my own?-*

All For One: No my boy. It is not.

You look around quickly in search of All For One but are unable. 

All For One: Dont bother. The M makes you unable to sense me or my other... comrades. You will only know the way to us when we want to. Which whill be tomorrow. You will know what time to come by. I will see you soon Young Y/n. We'll get started on using your gifts right away.

You feel his voice leave from your head and sigh in annoyance.  You were glad the guys voice wasnt as bad as Babidi's but it still pissed you off nonetheless.  You finally enter your home to rest. Thinking about Izuka, Kacchan, Lulu, All Might... and the League.  You weren't sure how things are gonna play out in the future. But you know you'll make the league pay. Hopefully before they make you do something you'll regret. Or before you fully become their tool.

Au: And that's it for now. What did you think? Was it worth the wait? I hope so.... Next chapter you will learn how you broke out of Babidi's grasp, even if it was temporarily. What does the league want with you? Will you fight off the Leagues hold of your mind, or will you sub come and become the villain they are trying to make you to be? And what of Izuka and Kacchan? What have they been offered? What will happen next? Find out in the next few chapters.... hopefully within this year.

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