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verb ~ collide violently with an obstacle

fear of crashing

(I've marked the worst part and there is a brief two sentence summary at the end if you wanna skip this chapter)

I tensed as I fell into Phoenix's lap, unfazed by the large growl that escaped my mate. He held me tightly, his arms wrapped around my middle. I stared at Pollux with confusion, fear starting to eat up my very soul.

"What about the pilot?" I worried.

Pollux blinked slowly, muttering. "Something's not right."

Phoenix's growl was cut short as he commanded Sean to go and find out. The air hostess was quick to let him through to the cockpit and there were jumbled shouts and conversations that I could not decipher through the pulsating of my heart in my ears.

Phoenix's grip tightened on me when Sean came walking back in. He was eerily pale, his eyes glazed over as he communicated with the male behind me. I felt Phoenix's heart sore as a brief feeling of scared concern shot through the bond before he closed me off.

"What is it?" I whispered.

No one answered me, the two males seeming to have a conversation of their own. My guards too, I noticed, were also sat with glazed-over eyes. I growled lowly, the fear suffocating my lungs as I was left in the dark. Pollux was rod straight in the walkway, his eyes wide as he stared out of the window.

"Pollux?" I wondered.

No answer.

My agitation grew, and my claws extended from my hand as my body fought with adrenaline. It was a natural reaction, and I couldn't help what happened next as they tore into the back of Phoenix's arms.

"What is going on?" I snapped.

He jerked from beneath me, the entire plane being released from their link.

"I'm sorry, my love," Phoenix muttered.

"Don't you 'my love' me, what is going on?" I growled.

He looked down at me with shock but I held my glare and fought back the need to hyperventilate or run away. He swallowed, the bob in his throat noticeable from where I sat.

"One of the engines is down."

My heart constricted before pounding wildly in my chest. Claws retracting, I settled my palms across my stomach, the urge to protect shooting through me.

"W-what do you mean down?" I blinked.

Sean answered me, Phoenix was too cut off for me to get a good read from him. "The left engine has lost all connectivity. It is not responding to any emergency protocols and they cannot get it back online."

"Are we going to crash?" I whispered, a lump forming in my throat.

"We should be fine," Phoenix answered me. "You can land a plane with only one engine."

I felt slightly relieved at that fact, feeling some of the adrenaline start to disappear.

Pollux jolted then, his head shaking as his eyes filled with fear. "I knew I hated flying. I knew I would."

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

A loud alarm suddenly filled the cockpit. The door was still wedged open by the air hostess which meant the room was no longer soundproof. My head whipped to the side so quickly, eyes wide as I saw so many lights flood the dashboard.

"What is it now?" I shrieked.

I heard the Captain curse to his co-captain. "We've lost engine two! Trying emergency protocol one..."

There were flickers of switches and mumbles of tasks from checklists. It continued for another five minutes, the whole cabin silent as we waited with bated breath for what is to happen next. Eventually, the captain slumped in his seat, running a hand through his hair. I knew right then it wasn't good, and my heart fell to the pit of my stomach.

"Both engines are offline and there appears to be no fuel in either tank." He grunted. "I will try to land at the best airport destination... "Calculating the altitude and our general speed will give me an idea. I have landed a plane with no engines before, we will be okay."

Despite his words, I felt the uncertainty remain. Something wasn't right. Why would we have no fuel, when it was clearly filled before we left and it was only a short journey? How had both engines completely shut down?

I nervously chewed my lip, daring myself to glance out of the window. I saw nothing but grey clouds and weirdly that didn't make me feel any safer. I wanted to land and I wanted to now. Phoenix never released me, muttering soothing words into my ear.

"It will be fine, I trust them both. With my life, remember?"

"It's not that." I shook my head, whispering. "Something feels... wrong."

His grip tightened on me. Phoenix knew that my feelings were usually right. Despite our slow descent as we glided through the sky engine less, I felt that something would be waiting for us.

Phoenix raised his head from my neck and I glanced to see my twin still before us. "Pollux, sit down."

He looked down at me, swallowing loudly. "Okay."

Ever so slowly, he lowered himself into the seat beside Phoenix on the other side of the plane. He fastened his seatbelt, giving me a nervous side glance before his eyes stayed locked on the sky beyond my head.

The cabin was quiet, even Leo was forced to silence by the tension in the air. My stomach churned with the urge to vomit... or poop, I wasn't sure. But anxiety laced my veins, flooding my heart and mind until all I could think about was the fear.

It was an eery silence until a loud bang and whirring had me jolt in Phoenix's grip. I cried in horror, tucking my face into his chin. He snarled, squeezing me tightly as anger permeated the cabin.

"What is going on!" He roared.

"I am sorry, Alpha!" The hostess bowed. "I will find out! Please fasten your seatbelts!"

My worry intensified but I didn't let go of Phoenix. He didn't move either, keeping hold of me until the news was delivered. When the air hostess returned, she was flustered, her own fear prominent on her face.

"We have lost all power. All the electric systems are down..." She explained her lower lip wobbling. "It's like it has been cut off at the source."

A voice-like whisper caressed my ears and mind, blowing one word into my ear. Magic.

Phoenix tensed, feeling and hearing my thoughts through my still open bond. "How far are we to land?"

"He did not calibrate the entire distance... We are going to land as soon as we can but we have lost all power including the backup, so... we have no thrust, no steering or brakes..."

"How far until the next suitable landing?"

She swallowed, shaking her head. "He didn't have enough time. We have lost all navigation... We have radio and have declared a mayday."

I felt tears brimming in my eyes as the hostess bowed and quickly forced herself into a seat. Watching her put her seatbelt on and clasp her hands over her mouth was enough to get Phoenix to snap out of his daze. I was lifted and placed into the seat opposite him, forcing the seatbelt around my body. His hands cupped my face, bringing my lips up to his in a moment of brief affection.

My eyes fluttered closed, savouring the sweet moment before he forced himself away to sit in his own seat. There were only four feet between us but it felt so far. I wanted to be in his lap again, but I knew it wouldn't be the safest.

"Phoenix..." I whimpered.

His stare was hard, eyes black as the night. His lips were set into a firm line, an emotional mask in place as usual. It sent a shiver down my spine but I felt settled when he opened his end of the bond and let me in. He avoided my gaze, surveying his surroundings before his eyes glazed over.

One by one, the guards began to surround us. Two behind me, two on the other side of the aisle of me, and Leo beside Pollux in front of them. Phoenix was unprotected until Sean sat in the seat behind him. I swallowed nervously, my hands shaking as I gripped the leather of the chair for life.

Everyone was silent, all of us stuck in our own emotions and thoughts as we contemplated our lives. I wasn't sure about the outcome of this flight, but our lack of navigation and power was unsettling. The plane started to jerk with turbulence. I didn't know much about the death vehicle, but I was pretty sure this kind of movement without any firm steering or engines couldn't be good. I knew the engines were at the back of the plane, and that the rudder controlled a lot of things... But that was it.

My lack of knowledge seemed to help here, for I feared if I knew more, I would be a blubbering mess like the hostess. I felt my claws want to creep their way out but I kept my eyes firmly locked on my mate. Our bond was strong as I reached for his strength and he comforted me. His head was clear, the instinctual need to fight the situation as it came was his only thought.

But then, the cockpit's door slammed shut as we suddenly banked to the right. I screamed, closing my eyes as my stomach lurched. A loud ding alerted me to the captain turning on their microphone to speak to us.

"What's happening?" Leo called when the plane jerked back upright.

"We're descending rapidly. I hope to land her in some water, but it is hard to see through the snow clouds." The captain's voice flooded the cabin. "Hold tight and prepare to brace."

TW : crash

Tears pooled in my eyes, flooding my cheeks with fear. I had lost the need to speak, my throat dried up like an old well. My gaze fixed on Phoenix, the blurry grey clouds behind his head a distraction. We were going fast, I could tell, but we were unable to see what fate lay before us. The plane continued to rumble and jerk as we fell rapidly through the sky.

All of a sudden the clouds dispersed and I drove my gaze away from the steel eyes of Phoenix to stare out of the window. I saw him do the same from the corner of my eye, the clouds clearing to reveal the green tops of trees. They all blurred together, zooming fast as we lost control. But... they were awfully close... Surely this wasn't right?

The captain cursed, shouting. "Brace for impact!"

My eyes were wide and my head snapped to Phoenix in horror as we continued to fall. Before I could cry for help, I was engulfed in his arms. He wrapped himself around me, forcing my head down and into his stomach. I whimpered with fear, clutching at my legs for dear life.

My tongue was tied in my mouth, fear eating away at me. I conveyed every emotion I had through the bond, my heart racing with adrenaline as I fought for breath. I was scared, terrified to my core. But here in Phoenix's arms, with his warmth surrounding me, I felt a little better.

"Phoenix, I-

My words died on my tongue as the impact came too soon. I jerked, screaming out in horror as everything around is shattered. The plane smashed into the ground, Phoenix's grip wavering as we tumbled. Silence tumbled through the forest as my ears rang. My mouth was open in a silent scream, unable to move as the momentum forced me sideways.

A deafening shrieking of metal and gushing of flames had my head whirring. Everything blurred, but I only registered the shrieking of metal and heavy pants of Phoenix's breath. I was thrown, my limbs unable to control themselves as the world around me crashed and I registered the loss of Phoenix's warmth. As the plane finally screeched to a stop, my mind whirred with loss of vision. There was a blinding heat beyond my eyelids before I succumbed to the flash of pain across my temple. 


Summary: the plane looses both engines before all power is cut, losing navigation and controls. The pilots aim to land safely on water but as the snow clouds clear, they are closer to the ground then they thought. Phoenix wraps himself around nova as the plane crashes.

Here we go, my signature drama action piece rolling up. Hoping to keep the intensity crazy so get readdyyyy

WC: 2067

Question of the Day:
On a lighter note, what is something that you look forward to? Something regular

Always Luna © 2022 XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

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