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noun ~ a flake of snow, especially a feathery ice crystal 


Nova was staring dumbfounded at me. I remained still, allowing her a moment to process what I had just told her. It wasn't long before her face contorted into confusion.

"How?" She asked.

"I am not sure of the full story, Samson was rather... closed off about it," I admitted. "I didn't want to push it too far."

As much as I wanted to dominate the older male for answers, I knew Nova would not appreciate my outward anger.

"Tell me what happened." She narrowed her eyes. "Cors saved me, he can't be... a bad guy."

I sighed but nodded, sitting on the bed beside her. "Okay, I will tell you."


Samson shifted in his seat nervously, waiting for my response to the information that the muted male was Nova's blood relation. Admittedly, I had seen the male around often, following Alexander around the castle. Nova claims he was the wolf who saved her from Nox. He had apparently been present the whole time of her capture, under a disguise. He had obviously been charmed because I could not smell him, nor did I see him there. His timely escape saved him a lot of trouble in the future.

"Why is he not spoken of?" I wondered. "I have met him many times at the castle."

He grimaced. "He is still friends with Alexandar?"

Cocking my head, I narrowed my eyes. "You know of my cousin?"

"Of course, I do." Samson scoffed. "He and Cors have been friends since the King was young."

"Right." I nodded. "Cors does not speak, when exactly did he lose his ability to speak?"

"Not long after he committed treason."



I grunted, crossing my arms. "Are you going to tell me straight or are we going to keep doing this?"

Samson's nose twitched. "Why are you so interested in him?"

I growled, baring my teeth at his need to question me. "He was at the camp where my mate was kept and he supposedly saved her from death. He has been around the kingdom for years, who is he?"

"Okay." He inhaled heavily, his chest expanding with effort. "Cors was always hot-tempered, he and Frederick never got on well. Cors believed that Lycans should rule the world, that we should take over the werewolves' royal line, wipe you out."

I couldn't hold back the growl, defensive of my bloodline, one that threatened my pups. "His bloodline was the one that turned mine."

"Yes, I know." He sighed, continuing. "We outcast him, shunned him... He grew angry and got on the enemy's side. He was part of the reason Isabelle was taken and we believe that the vampires knew where we lived to kill us because of him. If it wasn't for Angela stopping them with a spell, we all could have been dead."

I grimaced with disgust. "So he thought killing you would keep you quiet?"

"I suppose he did."

"And his lack of speech?" I asked.

"I do not know..."

Very strange. For someone to go that far to harm a member of their family, must've meant they were treated in such a way that provoked such an emotion...


Nova stared at me with those big green eyes, shining with shock and unshed tears. I was quick to pull her into my embrace, laying us down on the pillows before she let her emotions take over. She was so sensitive when pregnant, that she could snap from angry to upset within seconds. I rubbed my hand along her back, the other holding her tightly to my side.

With her head on my chest, I counted her every breath as she fought through her emotions. She kept the bond open, allowing me to feel the confused horror of her thoughts. The room was otherwise peaceful, the gentle cracking of the fire and our soft breathing was the only sound. It was warming, to have her so close despite the situation we were discussing.

Eventually, she moved, clearing her throat. "Why would Cors go through all of that trouble? Why would he try to kill the Lycans, but then turn around and save me almost twenty years later?"

I sighed. "I don't know. Cors has been by my cousin's side for years, I often have seen him in the castle growing up. I did not think he was Lycan, he smelt of a wolf."

"Well, they all thought I was a wolf too, no? When I was cursed? Maybe he had a spell on him too." She shrugged.

"Maybe." I agreed. "But if he truly is wanting to take down the werewolf crown, where better than being a close friend of the future King?"

"That's a fair point." She grimaced. "If he has been there for years, he has had plenty of time to plot something... I just don't get it."

"Which part?" I squeezed her shoulder.

"Why would he tell me that family must stick together, why would he save me if he was intent on killing us all?" She questioned.

My mate, with all the questions.

"I do not know," I grumbled. "But he was also alongside you the whole time you were kept there and didn't do anything to help you."

She pouted, her face falling with defeat. "True..."

I sighed. "The thing about family drama, is often one half is blinded by their own opinions and emotions. They turn their opinion into facts and rumours, and make everyone else believe them."

She frowned. "You think they're being dramatic?"

I ran my hand down her back, the bond humming as we connected. "We don't know what or why Cors did it. You have to be fair in something like this, we can't just believe one family's story because they could harbour hatred for it."

"That's very wise of you." Nova beamed, raising her head to look at me.

I chuckled, running the back of my fingers along her cheek. "I am an Alpha. I have to think about everything. Samson did not seem happy to speak about him, but perhaps... we could talk to someone else."

"Like... Aldren?" She wondered.

"Or someone who has no choice but to speak to me." I hinted, my wolf grumbling in my mind.

She hesitated, a bolt of worry shooting through the bond. "You mean Alessea?"

"She is just sitting down in a cell, it will give her a little... fun."

"Phoenix." She warned.

I hummed, hiding back the chuckle. "If I can manipulate her into telling me her side of it, I can link the things together."

"Very smart of you, Alpha."

My eyes shut on their own accord, a moan of pleasure escaping my lips. I loved it when she teased me. My hand trailed down her body, grabbing at her hips.

"I am Alpha for a reason." I teased, digging my fingers in until she squirmed.

To get away, Nova squealed and slid down the bed. I aimed to grab her, but she was nimble and soon straddled my crotch, outsmarting me. She had my arms pinned above my head in an instant, her rounding belly pressing against my lower chest. I grumbled with appreciation, allowing my eyes to run along the exposed skin of her breasts on my face.

She rolled her eyes. "We are trying to have an important conversation about you torturing someone."

I mimicked her, rolling my eyes in return. "I was just going to ask questions."

She hummed, leaning more of her chest until my chin was pressed into her cleavage. She tried to show herself as dominant but it was doing nothing but turn me on. I thrust up into her, causing her body to sway and her arms to give in. She gasped when I pulled my wrists free and had her beneath me in a second.

Flustered and confused, Nova blinked up at me. "How?"

"I am Alpha for a reason," I repeated.

She groaned, shaking her head and calling me cheesy. I lowered my mouth to capture hers, sending sweet caresses of adoration into her skin. She melted beneath me, sighing contentedly as I claimed her lips. I kept most of my weight off of her, afraid I will crush the twins. The thought of our growing babies only had my heart clench with warmth, the love I had for her was so strong.

And tonight, I was going to show her just how much that meant to me.


I groaned, rolling over in bed on a new the cold castle. The fire still burned, leading me to believe Phoenix had kept it going as we slept. Soft shadows of snowflakes fell through the curtains, a giddy wonder that had me running to the bathroom quicker than usual. Relieving myself was always a priority lately, the last time I left it so long, I nearly wet myself.

Giggling lightly, I hurried over to the window and pried the curtains open. My forehead rested against the cool glass, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I sat watching them mesmerised, acutely aware of Phoenix stirring in bed to stare at me. Eventually, the cold got too much and I retreated away from the glass to huddle near the fire.

Phoenix emerged from the bathroom fully clothed, wrapping his arms around me in greeting. He kissed my neck, murmuring a good morning into my ear.

"Aldren said after breakfast, right?" I wondered, watching the flames flicker.

"For the garden, yes." He murmured in my ear. "Which we are nearly late for, so hurry up."

I squealed when he stepped away to swat at my ass, my hand flying to the tender spot with annoyance flaring through me. He grinned at my expression, moving to my bags and pulling out some clothes.

"You showering?"

I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself. "It's too cold. I had one last night."

He nodded with understanding, his lips quirking as I hurried into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I had multiple layers of clothing in my grasp and chose to keep my hair down so I could wear a warm hat. Sliding on some winter boots, my feet clunked as I left the cold room to find Phoenix standing by the door.

He took me by the waist, leading me down the hallways to breakfast. As soon as we reached the lower floor, Leo appeared by our side, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"You guys have fun last night?" He teased.

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you hinting at?"

"Well, this is an old castle and there is no such thing as soundproofing in the sixteen hundreds... Also, my room is two down from yours..." He wrinkled his nose.

I made a noise of complaint, shaking him off. "Please, you didn't listen..."

"I didn't have much of a choice, baby." He grinned.

I groaned, my head falling into Phoenix's chest whilst the male in question did nothing but chuckle at my brother. Some teammate he was, allowing me to get flustered before breakfast even began. I knew Phoenix took pride in making my pleasure known, the office sex many moons ago was a test to that. Something about it made his wolf hornier than normal, as embarrassed as I became afterwards.

"I'm only messing with you, sis." He nudged me with his elbow. "Come on, I'm hungry."

Without another thought to pass his mind, Leo made his way into the kitchen. I huffed, following after him with Phoenix hot on my heels. Pollux was already in there, making idle chit-chat with Aldren and Samson, the latter's eyes darting up to find my mate. I watched as Samson swallowed heavily, making me more suspicious of what Phoenix really did to him.

Breakfast passed peacefully, I was quick to scarf it down so we could hurry to this mysterious garden Aldren told me about. He was smirking at me as my knee bounced impatiently beneath the table, unwilling to splurge on any details. When his fork finally hit his plate for the last time, I was quick to jump to my feet.

"Right! Let's go!" I beamed, clapping my hand. "Polly, you coming?"

My twin nodded, bringing his steaming cup of tea with him as he came around the table.

"I am." Leo snorted, moving to stand beside me. "I'll be bored otherwise."

I stuck my tongue out at his reminder of being abandoned yesterday, his childish behaviour winding me up about it all through dinner and breakfast. Leo was not one to forget, and I knew I would be hearing about this for a few weeks. He meant no harm by it, but Leo was Leo, and being annoying was in his birth certificate.

"Okay, a party of five," Aldren smirked before his eyes flickered to the ghostly guards behind us. "Or party of ten?"

Phoenix's chest expanded as he caught the red head's eye. "They can stay. They need to eat too, besides, we won't be in danger in a garden, will we?"

The warning was clear but Aldren didn't seem to care, shrugging it off as his tall frame moved towards the door along the far wall.

"You will love it." He beamed, his eyes falling to me. "Trust me."

Oh, I did not doubt that. His tone of voice conveys nothing but sincerity. One day, I would harness my gift as well as Aldren did. Until then, I had to just take his word for it and this time, I knew he was right.


Heeeey all, sorry updates have been whack again. That stomach flu I had last week? Well whatever it is, I still have it. I had a couple of days of feeling better but I am back to feeling like crap. To top it off, my two-year-old is sick and is suffering from night terrors so that's a major lack of sleep and energy, especially when you live alone.

Question of the Day:
How are you guys doing though? Holding it together?
My eldest has just broken up from school for their summer holiday, so I'm in for a busy few weeks !

wc: 2268

Always Luna © 2022 XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

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