Chapter 10

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Melody was excited for graduation. All parents and guardians of the seniors were invited. She was looking forward to meeting her roommates' families.

Stephanie and Benjamin were excited for their father to see them graduate. Both of them had completely thrown off their lazy habits. Benjamin had decided that he wanted to be a firefighter and was studying hard for whatever exams he might have to take in the future.

Melody and Stephanie had decided to make their relationship public. Although people were surprised, they didn't seem to have any problem with it.

At last, graduation day arrived. It was the last day of school, and while the younger students went home in the morning, the seniors stayed at school for the graduation ceremony.

Melody met Emma's parents, Ashley's mother and little sister, and Paisley's parents and older brother. Vincent Magnus also came to support his children.

"I'm so excited," said Stephanie. "I can't believe that we are graduating. Can't you believe how fast this term was? It must be hard for you, not being to school for years."

"It's alright," said Melody. "I passed my exams with Marjorie's help."

Marjorie was now with her loving grandmother, for her parents had not bothered to show up.

"I feel sorry for Marjorie," remarked Stephanie as she slipped her hand into Melody's. "It must be awful knowing that your parents don't really want you."

Melody nodded, her red hair bouncing. "I hope that I won't trip when I walk on stage to get my diploma."

Stephanie kissed Melody on her cheek. "You will do just fine."

Melody couldn't stop smiling as she sat with her fellow graduates in the front row. After the principal made a speech, he called names for the graduates to receive their diplomas.

When it was Melody's turn, she felt frozen in fear as she went to get her diploma. Luckily nothing happened. She beamed as she went to join her friends.

Vincent hugged his kids. "I'm so proud of you two. I can't believe how grown up you two have become."

"Dad, I have a girlfriend," said Stephanie.

"A girlfriend?" asked Vincent. "Who is it?"

"Dad..." Stephanie held Melody's hands.

Vincent looked surprised. He had not expected that at all. "Whoa. I did not expect... That's great."

Benjamin suddenly blurted out, "Dad, I have a girlfriend too."

Stephanie and Melody looked asthonished. "Ben, you didn't tell us!"

"That's because we only got together yesterday. I planned to announce it today," said Benjamin.

"Who is it?" asked Melody.

Marjorie suddenly came. Her hair was still short, but it was held back nicely with a white hairband. She was wearing a simple shirt with pants.

"Dad, meet Marjorie Carmen. We were friends for a while, but our relationship has taken a more romantic turn lately."

"Nice to meet you Marjorie," said Vincent.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Magnus," said Marjorie. "Granny, over here!"

Melody looked at Stephanie. "You know, I really enjoyed it here. But it's just..."

"What's wrong?" asked Stephanie.

"I just miss Honey so much. She would be so happy to see me here."

"Melody, Honey will always live in your hei," said Stephanie. "Just like how Larry will always live in mine. Our loved ones are never truly gone."

"You're right," said Melody. "You know, I wouldn't mind if we go on a date together."

Stephanie hugged her girlfriend. "Yes yes yes! I would love that a lot."

Author's Note: The prompt used for this chapter is Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band. I used the meaning of the song for this chapter. Also, the story isn't quite finished yet.

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