Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


       One thing I liked about being in university was that most of the professors did not care when you showed up to class, even when they recommended you show up on time for the last class since we were going over some final things before our exam next week.

       I rarely showed up late, but I did today for....some unforeseen circumstances.

       It was the class I shared with Alan and Orchid, but Alan was already there since he left the house way earlier to meet up with Trixie.

       When I showed up to the class, Orchid looked at me and quietly chuckled before pointing her neck. I immediately knew what she was getting at, so I adjusted my hoodie to cover that part of the neck as I walked over and sat at the table with Alan and Orchid on the other side of Orchid.

       Orchid leaned over and said in a low voice, "You really haven't changed since high school."

       "What?" I asked. "It's so people know I'm taken."

       "Then, what's your wedding ring for?" she asked.

       "Shush, I'm trying to listen," I said.

       "Nolan, Orchid," the professor suddenly said. "Would you two care to share what you're talking about?"

       Some professors normally didn't care if people were talking in class, but others did, and this professor definitely did. He didn't care if anyone showed up late because that was affecting only one person, but people talking in class did distract other people and could affect their learning.

       So he normally asked if the people talking would care to share and if they continued talking a second time, he really would get them to share what they were talking about otherwise he wouldn't continue with the lesson, and that got a lot of people mad.

       At least he didn't care if people were on their cell phones, so he didn't read their messages out loud.

       "Sure," Orchid said, which made me sigh. Of course she would. Ever since she and Atticus started dating, she was becoming a lot more fearless and didn't really what what she said in front of people. "So, Nolan has a hickey and I said he hasn't changed since high school because he got hickeys all the time, and he said it's because he wants people to know he's taken, so I asked him what his wedding ring was for. That's pretty much it."

       "Well, thank you for sharing, though next time, please don't," the professor said.

       "You asked," Orchid pointed out.

       The professor lied before going back to the lesson.

       When the break time came, Alan said he was going to head to the vending machine to get some food and when Orchid and I asked if he could get something for us, he refused on account of us 'not liking Trixie'.

       Once Alan was out of the classroom, Orchid said, "I still think you should tell him."

       "I'm not going to," I said. 

       "Why not?" Orchid asked. "He doesn't understand the real reason why we hate Trixie, so telling him might actually break up with her."

       "Or he'll just say she said it as a joke, like he did when she said gay people belong in hell," I said.

       "Yeah, but if you tell Alan what she called you, he'll actually see that she isn't joking and she's really homophobic," Orchid said. "You really think Alan will stay with Trixie when she won't accept his brother? One of his fellow triplets? When family is so important to all of us?"

       "Yeah, I do think that," I said. "He hates being single, so he just likes having a girlfriend."

       "You're unbelievable," Orchid said. "Tell him."

       "I'm not going to."

       "Tell. Him."

       "You really think I could tell him when I haven't even told Mom or Dad? Or Ryder? Or Jerome?"

       Orchid furrowed her eyebrows. "You haven't told Jerome, you're on husband, that Trixie called you a....You know?"

       "I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

       "Nolan, she's homophobic. You can't let Alan stay with her. She's going to start corrupting him."

       "Are you still one that joke she made?" Alan suddenly asked as he sat down beside us without any food for us.

       "For the last time, it wasn't a joke," Orchid said. "She's actually homophobic."

       "She isn't," Alan said.

       "Straight people don't get to decide what's homophobic and what isn't," Orchid said.

       "Then why are you saying it is?" Alan asked.

       "Because Nolan said it is, and he's gay so it is," Orchid said. "So anything you and Trixie says is invalid and I'm no longer talking to you for the rest of the day."

       "Nolan, would you please tell Orchid that she's overreacting?" Alan asked.

       I didn't even say anything as I looked away and pretended to be looking at my notes. I really didn't want to say anything about what Trixie called me, and even if I told Alan, I doubt he would dump Trixie. He just really liked having a girlfriend.

       When the class was over, Alan looked at me. "Can you at least do what Jerome suggested and try getting along with her so everyone else will follow along?"

       Orchid snorted and answered for me. "Yeah, no. If you want one of us to get along with her, try the sibling that isn't gay and is constantly being a target for her 'jokes'."

       "Fine," Alan said. "I'll get....Rose to."

       "Rose won't, she doesn't like her," Orchid said. "She told me."

       "What does Rose know?" Alan asked. "She's five."

       "Yes, a five year old who is smart enough not to like Trixie," Orchid said. "You want one of us to get along with her? Get her to stop being homophobic, and maybe we'll reconsider."

       Orchid then grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the classroom, bumping into Trixie in the hallway. "Watch where you're going next time," Trixie snapped.

       "Watch who you snap at if you don't want to get burned," Orchid said.

       Trixie chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, please. You keep telling me little Nolan here can 'flame' but there's no way someone like him will be able to. He can't even stand up for myself most of the time."

       To me, that really sounded like she was asking to get flamed.

       I really shouldn't....

       "I'm just going to head home now," I said. I didn't want to get into an argument.

       "Of course you will," Trixie said before looking at Orchid. "Was what that about him being able to 'burn' me? Because he's nothing but a wimp. No wonder he's so dependent on his husband and can't do anything without him."

       Oh, forget not wanting to get into an argument.

       "Yes, nothing says being a wimp like being in a committed relationship for five years," I said. "That must be foreign to you, right? Because I heard that you couldn't even stay in your last relationship for two weeks before a certain incident happened. Like you cheating."

       "Nolan...." Alan suddenly said in a warning tone behind me and Orchid. "You better stop."

       "Oh, I'm just getting started," I said. "But don't worry, what I say won't have that much damage on Trixie since, after all, I am just a little wimp who can't do anything without Jerome."

       "You really can't," Trixie said.

       "Seriously, if you knew what was best for you, you'd stop," Orchid said.

        "Orchid, come on, obviously she doesn't know what's best for her if she's still with Alan even though our whole family has made it pretty clear that we can't stand her," I said. 

       "Nolan, seriously, shut up," Alan said.

       "I'm sorry for defending myself," I said. "Did you not hear her call me a wimp you is so dependent on Jerome and can't do anything without him? Oh, sorry, I forgot. She was only kidding."

       "I was," Trixie said.

       "No, you weren't," I said. "It's not funny to joke about things like being gay or having really bad anxiety. And there's nothing wrong with being so dependent on my husband. At least I know how to show some commitment. I'm sorry I wasn't able to flame you too much today, but trust me, if you ever say what you said to me last week again, I won't hold back."

       I walked passed her and Orchid followed me. "Please, don't hold back next time. You really need to show her that she can't walk all over you."

       "Oh, trust me, I won't next time," I said.




You know, one of my favourite sibling relationships out of all my books is Nolan and Orchid. Nolan tells Orchid everything (even something he hasn't told Jerome) and Orchid will always stand up for Nolan. They might even be my top favourite sibling relationship. 

Hold on, let me think if someone can top them....

Nope. Not even Poppy and Tony. cx Oh wait, there's Laughlin and his brothers....

Nah, Orchid and Nolan, because it's like me and my Irish twin.

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