The emotions and truth

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Anushka was pacing in her room She was in  London for some shoot. Virat wasn't picking up her call she is calling him since two hours now and she was really getting worried because Virat really doesn't ignore her call. She dial Rohit's number he would surely know about Virat's whereabout.

But Rohit decline her call , she called him again getting same response. And she was really really worried because Rohit always picks her call. Recalling that Ab is in Mumbai and staying at the same hotel as the team she called him.

Ab: Hey Anushka ! Wass up?

A: Ab can you please check on Virat he's not picking up my call I'm trying to call him since two hours now and even Rohit and Rahul decline my calls. I don't know what to do?

Ab: Hey..Hey nush calm down I am on my way to his room just calm down you hold on.

As soon as he entered Virat's room he saw Virat sitting near bed post looking like there's no energy left in him, his eyes were red rimmed. He immediately switch the call to video call and show it to Anushka.

"What happened Virat..biscuit why are you sitting like this please tell me what happen?" Asked precisely shouted at Virat because Virat was in no state to recognise him.

" Virat kya hua hain please bolo na, should I call Mahi bhai or Ro" cried Anushka.

"Nahi nush He won't care about it . I have lost all of them, they won't need me now". Stated Virat in miserable tone.

"What are you saying bubs? They are your team right your family your brother then why won't they care?.. asked confused Anushka.

Virat told them what happen and ab and Anushka listen in horrified silence. Virat broke down and Ab hug his miserable and broken best friend. Anushka was in tears it was breaking her heart seeing her husband like this, she know her Virat can never do something like this.

"Biscuit please calm down we will find the way out of this we will prove you innocent".

"But Ab nush they didn't believe me not a single person Mahi bhai, Ro , Jinks, bhuvi , Rahul no one they all blamed me after everything I have done for them. Didn't they know me ? Ro, Jinks my best friends turn there back on me. Jassi, kulcha, Hardik, Rahul believed that I will do such things .

A: Vi you just relax I am coming to Mumbai   from the next flight okay and we will find Sakshi bhabhi. Ab you stay with him. Saying Anushka hung up.

With all the emotional pressure toiling on him Virat slept.

Next morning as soon as Anushka reached Mumbai she, Ab and Virat started ways to find Sakshi and a friend of Anushka Who is police officer helped them along with dada who has been informed. They find her in remote area near Mumbai highway and was able to rescue her and finding the real culprit.
Present day.....

"And the real culprit and the mastermind behind this is Sanjay mangrekar... He is taken to police custody and the girl who was with you disguised as Sakshi is Rinni"..... informed dada to whole team.

"please forgive me I was paid to do this"
Cried rinni.

"Inspector please take her into the custody"

After police left.....

Sakshi: cheeku, Nushkie , Ab thank you guys, I'm with my family again only because of you. Thank you so much.

V:Nahi bhabhi you're part of our family, you are like my sister heck you are my sister and protecting my sister is my duty. Please don't thank us . And she hugged him glad to have a brother like him.

Whole team was horrified and standing there looking blank they don't know what to say after this. How they have hurted their Virat distrust him.

Dada: Virat you are joining back the team right .

"Nahi dada I am not and that's what I want to talk to you this is my resignation letter, I am retiring from all forms of cricket including Ipl. Informed Virat while handling the letter.

Guys Virat retiring 😣😣😣 team got to know the truth. What will they do?
Will he retire or team will manage to cancel his retirement ? Will relationship between team and Virat mend?

Short chapter but next will be long one I promised.....

Until then byeee...


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