Day 4 and Marina is a Badass

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Ezra's POV:

I hate the SS. She touched me all night, I think. When I woke up, I was half awake and the SS kissed me and told me we will continue later. I hope not. I hope she didn't say that cause I hate the idea of her in the same room as me for one second. I just know that everything was off and them medical came in.

Now, I love medical. If I ever escape, I will tell the rebels to save this medical team. They gave me new cloths that are sadly imperial, but better than my earlier clothing with blood and SS's cuties. They help me and then once they put bandages on everything Marina came in.

"I am so sorry. I tried to find the torture room, but then storm troopers. Are you okay?" asks Marina. Her hand was on the bridge of her nose like something Kanan would do. I was about to laugh but thought against it.

I see images of storm troopers attacking her and wave after wave until she won. I was already done with the torture room by the time she made it to the room. At this point the SS was on top of me in my cell. And I was unconscious. I saw more images of her yelling at Vader for something and her attacking him and winning. The images were gone as fast as they appeared. Weird.

She gets next to me as she sees the damage. Her hand went to my chest first. Smart and she did force healing.
After an hour, she was done. I felt better and not as fearful. We just were talking about things. Like our lives before and the funny things she did to Vader and the Emperor. My hope was building up to a normal state, but Vader came in.

He came in and was force choking Marina until he threw her into a wall. I was utterly terrified. I am going back to the torture room with the FB and the SS. I can't and i won't. I still remember the morning with her. Marina was up and ready to argue in less than a second. Wow! I need to learn this soon.

"Okay. You imperials are just stupid. How many times have I told you to not force choke me or you deal with my payback or with me angry. Well here is payback," Marina says with a hand on her hip and a glare. It was an impressive glare and I am the king of glares. Just ask Kanan or Zeb.

Marina threw Vader into the opposite wall and she did this weird hand movement which put Vader in a force choke and sadly was done releasing him in a few seconds. Her light sabers were in her hands and she was ready to fight. This was going to be funny.

"Leave or I will call the SS to torture the child for the whole day," Vader replies which made my heart stop. No! N to O! NO!!!!!! I rather do a day with the FB and Vader then her. Marina wouldn't put me through that would she. I don't think so. I hope not. If yes, please somebody have mercy.

"Fine idiot," Marina says before she walks out with a hand on the hip and a glare, of course. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No SS. In your ugly face, SS. Wait did she hear that. I hope not.

"The SS has found a way to lower your mental shields. She will do this everyday until you turn. You will also do intense training with me and then you will go to torture. Afterwards you will go with Marina for normal training. Then finally with the SS at night here in your cell. Understood?" Vader says and I am about to cry. NO!!!
N to a O!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kill me now, galaxy just kill me now.

I am stuck with the SS for who knows how long for every night. I will knock out every night from my injuries and not know what she is doing to me. Kill me now. I hate you Karma!!!!!!!!! And Vader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And the SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I nod knowing if I don't he will call her in here in a second. Why?!?!?!?! I almost wanted to cry. I have one weakness,now. At least the FB would make my torture quick with just physical pain with hints of trying to enter my mind. Vader would try to enter my mind every second and torture me with quick with physical pain. The SS would spend hours torturing me physically and what she calls mentally. While trying to enter my mind.

"Good. We will start now," Vader says before he undoes the chains and picks me by the hair. It hurt a lot. Like he was ripping my hair out piece by piece. Tears I was trying to hold, fell on the bloody cell floor.

He handed me to storm troopers and they just were dragging me to his chambers. We were in Vader's chambers for intense training and he first did mediation. It felt like hours of sitting still in silence and Vader failing to enter my mind was the only amusing thing. After for who knows how long, Vader got up and forced me up. My legs weren't broken, but they were asleep. Come on. When I need them, they fail.

He put my light saber in my hands and was activating his own. Blood red against blue. Evil vs good. Light vs dark. What was going on? Then I see Vader and I realize he was messing with my thoughts. Sith scum. I pulled my light saber into a defensive position and began the fight.

I lasted longer than last time. Like for 10 minutes. I say a great improvement. Vader says I need more training. He isn't as positive as me. Afterwards, he criticizes me on every single form. If my foot was out of place then he would say it and I would have to fix it or get light saber to the face. 1 hour later, we started to use the force.

Waste of my time. I just lifted everything and threw them at the wall. Next was torture. Why can't I listen to my own advice.

This episode was awesome. Sabezra every day. We have to wait two weeks. Evil and another funny episode. I love Ezra's lies and how he saved Sabine. Vote, comment, and read other stories. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SWR for life!!!!!

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