Everything Hurts!!!!!

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Empire's POV:

Ezra's POV:

I hate torture rooms. I hate torture. I hate AHHHHHH! I was shocked for the 1,000,000,000,000,00,000 time. One more hour than I am done. I couldn't train with Marina so they extended my torture. How nice of them. Vader stood over me with his black mechanical hand right at my forehead.

"Your disobedience will be recorded my apprentice and once our master arrives you will be punish dearly," he threatened. Right now I really don't care. He could kill me and I will be fine with it. All the pain had numbed down to 4 on the pain scale. Because I am Ezra I decided to make a comment or two. Maybe three if I feel like it.

"How can you be your apprentice if the emperor is already my "master" and also don't you think that your master will keep you if I ever break," I speak with a little bit of a rasp. My throat was severely burned. Thanks Vader really appreciate it.

"Your words mean nothing. You forget I am sith and I sense your fears of pain. You will break and once you do the empire will be stronger than anything in the galaxy. Unchain and bring him back to his cell. We will continue at the same time tomorrow," he replies right before he leaves with the whip of his cap. I am starting to hate his cap.

Wait if I go to my cell/bedroom the SS will be there. No no no no! A million times no. I want torture now. I try to move my hand to stop him but well everything hurts.

"Please don't leave me with her," I begged but he ignored me while the Fifth Brother unhooks me from the table and practically drags me to my cell. I did say everything hurts. Once in the cell I closed my eyes but didn't sleep.

"Hi handsome," whispers the SS into my ear. Suddenly black is in my vision and I sleep.

Rebellion's POV:

Sabine's POV:

They are finally done voting and we are going to save Ezra. But a lot of senators are second guessing. We are coming Ezra and nothing will stop us. This senator leaves to this room. I follow of course but then the hologram turns on.

Senator Pavlo's POV:

"We are coming to your base in two days with all of our ships, Lord Vader," I said.

"Excellent. The Jedi will get clear passage to the prison while the other ships must be eliminated. Understood," Vader replies.

"Understood, my lord," I said as the hologram turns off. That child will go to the Emperor while the rebellion falls with the Jedi.

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