The Greatest of Torture

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Zeb's POV:
Ezra was thrown into the wall like 30 times. He was unconscious. Blood was coming from his head and the gash on his forehead. After that he broke Ezra's legs and arms multiple times. I was baring my teeth and throwing insults whenever I can. After 30 minutes or so the female one came in and said to me to contact our crew. "No," I said. Then I glimpsed a look to Ezra who had a light saber to the throat. " You will or your crew will have one less a member. Also you don't want such a young child to lose his innocence at such a young age," she said with a smile. Ezra was mouthing don't contact. I did. She connected it to her wrist control thing to show Kanan, Hera, Rex, and Ashoka(Fulcrum). " Jedi I guess you already know I have your crew," said the female. "Let them go," Kanan almost shouted. "No but I can show you them," she replied. She brought her wrist to me. "Specter 4 here," I said. I looked at Ezra and his head was hung low in defeat but I felt a warn presence in my head. "Specter 5 here," Sabine said with a glare. "The most valuable possession, the youngling," she said with an cruel smile. Ezra was barley conscious and blood was everywhere. When Ezra didn't respond, the guy inquisitor punched him in the chest and head. Ezra spit blood out and said softly and weakly, "Specter 6 here." I heard hushed whispers from Kanan and Ashoka then I heard Kanan shout, "Let him go you-" "Language, we have a child present just come we will did trade you two for those two or the youngling dies. Better make it here in the next two hours or he might die of blood loss on his own. Bye and choose wisely." She hanged up before Kanan could say anything. She went to Ezra and put a hand on his already bleeding cheek and said,"If they die, it will be your fault and ready for some more fun?" Ezra looked worried and in pain of course for a second then glared in pain knowing it would annoy the inquisitors. They were angry that he was still fighting. She slapped him and then grabbed her light saber and grazed his face. He shouted in pain and then the the guy started to choke him. It was going to be a long, painful two hours. All I could wish is that Kanan and Ashoka get here fast.
Kanan POV:
(Right after Ezra got Zeb's message) He felt pain from Ezra and some anger. I saw a inquisitor in my head with a light saber at Ezra chest. I called Ashoka knowing that I could barely take down the other so back-up was needed. She came and we greeted her of course. We went to my room and discussed what we been talking about since we met Vader. "Are you sure it was inquisitor?" asked Ashoka worriedly. "Positive and he was in a lot of pain. I'm scared if he will break," I said sadly knowing that I barely hold out on my own horrible interrogation. "We will get him back but we should wait till they contact us cause it could always be a trap," Ashoka said and with confidence. "Of course. Ashoka is it true, is he the force?" I asked with concern and curiosity. "I don't know," was all she said. She left and I decided to meditate and I saw Ezra with the inquisitor kissing. After, seeing that I fainted.

Ha ha ha! I evil. Also do you want me to do a Star Wars basketball game, light side vs. dark side. Marina Cordasin and a special guest from the Sorceress's Staff will be commentators. It will be funny. Do you want that and it will only be a one shot sadly😫😫😫. Please vote and get ready for torture and sadness. Bye please read and vote on this and my other stories.

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