Teaser 2

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Here is a short teaser fr the upcoming track 😄😄😄


Scene 1

At a party in mumbai just before the presentation night

Laksh(to someone) : excuse me.. Can u please tell me who is Mr. Vivan Singhania?

The man points in a direction and RagLak froze to their spot seeing Mr. And Mrs. Singhania

Ragini(shocked) : Laksh he..

Laksh(equally shocked) : how can this be possible? He changed his identity? No problem i m still not backing off.. Let him show who laksh maheshwari is.. from past experience he didnt learn anything...

Laksh calls someone

Laksh(on call) : hello.. I hav a work for u... U hav to kidnap a couple.. I m sending u their pics... U will get as much money u want

Scene 2

A couple is seen tied to chair in an unknown place

Lady: wat will we do now? We hav to reach there on time.. This stupid raglak 😡😡😡

Man: dont worry... I will do something

Scene 3

At presentation night

Mr. Mehra: Yash.. Where is vivan?
Yash: i dont know.. Even i m also searching fr shreshtha.. Let me call them.. (calls)  their phone is switched off.. Oh god.. Where the hell are they?

Raglak stood smirking evilly


So now raglak are here in mumbai to confront the singhanias.. Lets see wat happens to our swasan..

Will they be able to reach the venue on time or raglak will grab this opportunity?

Will their hard work go in vain? 

How is this possible that swasan who were prepared from every side to face raglak got missed at this point leading them to trouble?

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