Chapter 5

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    '𝑌𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑎'𝑠 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑝'

"Y/n gey ready for breakfast".

"I am coming".

After breakfast, we went to the rooms and I see oppas no devils and dad coming from upstairs.
I saw mom intervened with dad's hands.

"Mom you are stunning".You hugged mom and dad.

"Y/n you are beautiful like a princess".Dad hugged me. But a tear escaped from my eyes.

"Sweety are you okay".He patted me and mom also.

They all get into the car and saw it drooling over you.

You ask.

Jimin, "Nothing you are amazing in that dress".

Jungook, "Same".

"Did you guys eat anything weird"?

Namjoon, "Why?"

"Why are you talking to me nicely, that's why".You said with furrowed eyebrows.

Yoongi, "Better watch your mouth".

"Sleepyhead".You mock him.

Yoongi, "YOU".

He stood up to slap you but Jin held his hand.

Yoongi, "Shut up Hyung look at her attitude, I couldn't control my anger".

Jin, "Y/n better stop fighting and you guys also don't speak a thing up to we reach the church, understand".

Jin looked at you and the boys.


"Yes".Except you.

Time skip
At church.

"Mom, dad all the best".You wished mom and dad.

You and boys seat at front rows and there was not that many guests. But you see some guards in each window of the church. Even they are hiding guns. You gasp seeing the gun remembering your previous accident.

Your hands are getting sweat, you rubbed it in your frock. Seeing the nervousness Jin whispered to you who was sitting near to you.

"Are you okay y/n, what happened you are sweating?"

"Hmm, nothing it's alright".

He held your hands to avoid your anxiety. You looked at him and said.
"Thanks for caring for me".

"Don't worry soon to be our sister".
I put a 'O' shape.

Priest, "Now the ceremony starts".

You snap out of thoughts and looking at your mom who is reddened.

Jin, "Look mom was blushing".

"Yes, she is so shy".You added.

Priest," Mr Kim Jeon will you take Mrs Choi Shinae as your wife".Mr Kimm,  "Yes I do".

Priest," Mrs Choi Shinae will you take Mr Kim Jeon as your husband".

Mom, "Yes I do".

"Mr Kim Jeon you may kiss the bride".

You heard boys grumbling and applauding dad.

You sighed seeing mom's smile.

Y/n pov:

She is so lucky to have a caring husband.'Dad our mom was now smiling, look her new husband'.I hope he was like my dad, caring and loving to mom.

I wiped my tears without noticing others.

"Oppa I am hungry".

"Princess wait five more minutes".Jin chuckled at you hearing your stomach crying.


End of y/n pov.

Time skip at-home evening.

The party went well and you and the boys were tired.

You fell to the couch even without changing and sleep there.

Mr Kim's pov:

I saw a sleepy figure on the couch and it's my y/n.She was so tired. I called her.

"Y/n go and change the dress and come for breakfast we need to announce something".

"Okay, dad".

By hearing the word my heart melt.

How can I say we are mafias to her, she is so innocent. But what can I do I am obsessed with her mother.

His pov ended.

Jin pov:
  Namjoon,"Dad throwss her and mom in this mess".

Hoseok, "Yes really y/n is rude by seems innocent if we love her she will be our weakness".

Jungook, "I need a younger sister, I truly love her but I cannot show my caring to her, I always fight with her".

Jimin, "Yes what Yoongi do today morning is really bad, it's too much we irritated her when we first meet her, and our image is like that, Hyung why do you go to slap her".

Yoongi, "Do you know what will happen when someone gets cross me that's why, and you Hyung you are not that much better, I know you  also don't like her".

Jin, "Hyungs stop we can protect her, but don't show any love to her, I think she is having troubles already".

Hoseok, "Why, why do you feel like that?"

Jin, "She was looking at guards and she saw the gun, she starts sweating and even I could hear her heartbeat".

Namjoon, "It's better to leave her alone and mom keep a distance, and follow her when she goes alone".

Jungook and Jimin, "And set some rules".

Hyungs looked at them who was smiling at each other.

What I will do with these boys. They are making y/n more hurt.

But the rules will help more I think.

"I agree to them she will be irritated by our overprotectiveness but it's better than she got hurt".

All, "Yes, true".

"Sir come down dinner is ready".

A maid interrupted us.

End of Jin's pov.

Y/n's pov:

I saw boys coming from upstairs and I, mom and dad already seated. I smiled at Jin but when I saw others I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.

Y/n calm down, it will be okay. I said to myself and focused on different paintings on the wall It's e autiful. I smiled.

By seeing my smile dad, asked.
"Y/n why are you smiling to the wall are you daydreaming?"

"No dad, I just looked at designs and paintings on the wall".

"Okay, it's Jin's collections".

"Oh, he like paintings".

"Yes, I like".Jin interrupted.

I nodded.

I saw Jungook and Jimin smirking.
''Idiots''.I mumbled.

I saw Yoongi who is beside me staring at me.

'Oh no did he heard me, God doesn't let him hear.

Hoseok was only eating his noodles. He was cute but cold.

'Why is nobody not speaking anything'.

I looked at mom who is whispering something to dad.

Dad cleared their throat.

All boys and I stared at him.

"We have an important matter to tell you, children".

Namjoon, "What is dad?"

Dad, "We are going for a honeymoon to New York, tomorrow for two months".

"Mom I will be alone".I looked dad and mom with puppy eyes.

"No y/n boys will be here to take care of you".

'Boys, god my trouble days are coming'.

I looked at the boys and Jungook and Jimin started smirking again.

'Is he always like this?

Dad, "Boys take care of y/n and care for h, when we come back if we hear any complaints from her I will punish you, Jin better take care of y/n".

Jin, "Yes dad, we will".

Mom, "Don't scare honey, they will take care it's okay, look at boys they became pale".

I looked at them and saw everyone was sweating and gulping.

Now Jungook and Jimin were not smirking.

I sighed.

"Okay, I am sleepy mom, dad goodnight, goodnight oppas".

I waved at them and everyone go to their rooms.

I saw a note on my nightstand.

"𝐴𝑟𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑦/𝑛 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝐼 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑦 𝑢𝑠".

I shrugged it off and slept.

Time skip morning.

I was sitting on the couch today and tomorrow was the weekend and o college.
I flipped through newspaper pages.
"There is no interesting news all are crimes".

I saw Jin coming yawning and he said.

"Y/n I thought you are not type of reading anything especially newspaper".

"Just bored and waiting for mom and dad".

He nodded and went to the kitchen.

Other boys one by one come from upstairs stretching their hands. They all stop and looked at me once and Jimin was about to say something to Namjoon but mom and dad come with a large suitcase and a trolley.

They were dressed officially.

"Sweety good morning".Mom hugged me and dad kissed my forehead.

"Goodmorning both of you".

I looked at trolleys again and looked at them. Again a tear escape.

"Sweety doesn't cry we will come and we can video call every day".

"I will miss you, mom, wait you didn't eat breakfast dad and mom".

Dad, "It will be in flight, better boys remember my words".

Mom hugged the boys in a group hug.

They both entered in a car, and there were also guards with guns, gun's small part can see from their coat inside.

I rubbed my sweaty hands again.
'Why are there guns, what his dad's job is mom is hiding something from me'.

I get startled when somebody patted me.

"Oh, Jin you scared me".

"They left why".

He looked at me and saw I am sweated.

"Why are you sweating are you alright?"

"Ah yes, nothing it's hot not that's why".I said as I waved my hands to my face to show that I am hot.

Jimin, "This is winter here and now you are saying hot".I rolled my eyes at him.

Jin, "Any way we need to tell you something".

"What?"I looked at them confused.

He startled me

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