Chapter: 22

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Kiara's POV:

"So you think Ritik knows that you love him?" Veer asked.

"I don't think it....I know it. Infact he himself told me about it and the worst part is.." I said and stopped. I never expected this to happen but yeah, now I'm facing the consequences.

"Is?" Anika enquired.

"Now he is teasing me about it." I replied and saw both my friends looking at me with questionable eyes.

"I will tell you." I said and started narrating them about the today's incident.


"Hi son, what a pleasant surprise." Dad said forcing my eyes to look towards the door. Mom and dad were sitting in the living room while I was sitting on the dining table doing my studies. Sameer was not home and there is no way dad will greet him saying 'What a pleasant surprise' so I looked up to see who it was and my little bit of doubt got confirmed when I saw Ritik. Birthday boy!

"Happy birthday handsome." Mom said as she got up to wish him. No wonder, Mom was right here. Ritik actually looked very handsome. With his ruffled hair, he had that bad-boy kinda looks which made him look hell attractive. As expected a very bright smile formed on Ritik's face once he heard mom. Ritik always loved compliments.

"Thank you so much my prettiest aunt." He replied as he went to touch her feet and did the same to my dad.

"Mom said you won't be there for my birthday party, is it true?" Ritik asked obviously referring towards Dad.

"I'm extremely sorry about that. Mom called me in urgency and you know I can't deny it." Dad replied. Yesterday night my grandmother called Dad and told him to come and meet her. Today afternoon, dad will be going there so he was not going to attend Ritik's birthday party.

"It's ok but I will miss you there." Ritik said sadly. Very expressive! Ritik was always like this...I don't think he ever felt ashamed about what he felt. Love, anger, disappointment or whatever it was...he always expressed it directly and that's the thing which I absolutely loved about him. In the world where men are taught to mask their emotions in the name of 'being strong', Ritik was different, his definition of 'being strong' was different.

"Sorry son, you know if it was not important...I wouldn't have missed your party." Dad apologized again.

"Fine. We will party some other day." He said with a wink, indicating as if it was just their little secret.

"You know what uncle. You have stopped aging. Infact, Day by day you are looking much younger." Ritik said making everyone of us laugh.

"Want any tips tough?" Dad asked.

"Nah. I don't need them. I already have many girls adoring me." Ritik stated proudly. I was going to roll my eyes but was stopped by his next sentence.

"Infact someone even confessed of loving me since childhood."

Was he talking about me? I looked at him to see what he was trying to do and found him looking at me already. Damn, this idiot is really talking about me. I turned my gaze and started concentrating on my sum but then I saw him walk towards me and I was distracted again.

I felt him walk behind me until he was right next to the dining table. I tried my best not to look up but because there was no moment from Ritik's side, I looked up and again saw him looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What? I'm waiting for aunty to return. She said she will bring water for me." He replied. I glanced towards the living room, mom and dad were not present there which meant mom went to bid good bye to dad and was not going to return soon. It is like her habit to wait near the door until dad's car becomes invisible to her eyes.

I looked at the jar on the table, it was empty so I told Ritik to sit and I myself went towards the kitchen. I really hope Ritik doesn't tease me and leaves as soon as he is done drinking the water.

"Here." I said as I came out and handled him the glass. My notebook was in front of him and he was deeply looking at the sum I was solving.

"It's just a sum. Why are you getting so happy over it?" I asked as I noticed him smile continuously.

"It's my birthday today. Ofcourse I will be happy." He replied. Oh yeah, I didn't wished him.

"Oh you already gave him water. Thank you." Mom said coming towards us. Ok, I will wish him later.

"Mom, when will dad return?" I asked and came to know that it will take him some time to return and so he won't be able to drop me today.

"Then how will I go? I already said no to veer just because I was supposed to go with dad." I replied and saw her smile drop.

"Oops. I'm sorry baby. I totally forgot about it but you can go with Ritik. Any which ways you both are going to college only right?" She asked. No, I can't go with this monkey, he will definitely do something to tease me.

"I don't have any problem. I'm going to college only." He replied once I looked at him. You won't have any problem but I surely have lot of problems.

Mom thanked him and went to do her work whereas I sat on the chair again. I can't go with Ritik. Either we will fight or I will do something stupid and I don't want any of it. I looked towards Ritik and found him smiling again. No doubt he looked adorable with that smile but it was killing me as I didn't knew the reason behind his smile.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked. Ritik exactly looked like a joker who was sitting there and smiling for no particular reason.

"Did you do the sum which I taught you yesterday?" He asked. No, all I did was looking at it for hours. I didn't had any answer so I just kept looking at him.

"I know you didn't. Go and get ready." He suggested. Thank god. I got up to leave but was stopped by his next sentence.

"And Kiara, I was smiling because of this." He said pointing towards the page in my notebook. I was far enough from him to see what it was, so I moved ahead and was immediately embarassed. The heart which I drew on the same image where he solved that sum. Yesterday while talking with Anika I had this notebook infront of me and when the topic shifted towards Ritik, I was happily telling her about our childhood days and while doing so unknowingly I drew this heart. I didn't anyone will see it so I didn't erase it however my bad, forget about anyone else...Ritik saw it. Can I make anymore fun of myself?

"Please explain." He added. I could have easily avoided the topic however I was unable to. The embarrassment, Ritik's playful mood, everything made me dumbstruck.

"I'm not coming with you." I declared and turned to leave. If he keeps teasing me there is no way I can go with him.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Ritik said as he came and stood infront of me.

"I will call Veer and go with him."

"I'm sorry. I won't tease you again." He said.

"It's ok. I wil go..."

"I'm waiting for you, come fast." He said cutting my sentence and before I could have opposed more, he made me turn. I glared at him and went towards my room. Why is he like this?

(Flashback ends)

"Kiu, You are an idiot." Anika said and started laughing.

"Shut up."

"Why shut up? All this while I always used to ask you whether you like him but you kept denying and now you are drawing hearts for him." She replied. As much I tried to control myself...I failed and started smiling. Yesterday I was so happy. I kept thinking about how Ritik was explaining me that sum.

"Anyway, let's talk about something else." I demanded but then again my Anika was not ready for it.

"How did it felt when he feed chocolate to you?" She asked making me blush again.


The ride till our college was pretty silent. I didn't had any intentions of making a fool of myself and on the other hand, the idiot driving the bike was smiling continuously.

"You know what, You are looking like a complete joker. So please stop smiling now." I said.

"You and I both know, I'm looking so good today. Stop being jealous and keep quiet." He replied increasing the speed. Why would I get jealous of him? Idiot! I hated the fact that I was not able to reply him. Usually I never let anyone win but since he came to know about my confession, I get nervous.

With every bit of self control inside me, I tried to restrict myself from ask why he was smiling but ended up doing the same when I caught him looking at me.

"May I know what made you so happy?"

"No." He replied immediately.

"I hate you Ritik." I said angrily.

"You have a unique way of expressing your hate by drawing hearts."

I tried to control myself from smiling but still ended up blushing like crazy.

"Stop it." I said hitting his shoulder and started looking everywhere but him.

After we reached college, I saw Viraj and Sakshi standing there. They both looked happy but Sakshi definitely was smiling more and I guess it was because even she heard me that day and all the antics which Ritik did yesterday.

"Thank you." I said to Ritik and got down the bike.

"Hi Kiara." Viraj greeted whereas Sakshi went towards Ritik to wish him. After she was done, she came and greeted me.

"I will leave now." I said.

"You didn't pay him for the ride." Viraj said causing me to smile sheepishly. I realized my idea of paying him was very stupid.

"Man please no, She will start with that topic again." Ritik said.

"Excuse me, I" Ritik didn't allow me to complete my sentence by stuffing a chocolate inside my mouth.

"You guys are so funny." Sakshi said and like an idiot, I blushed again.

(Flashback ends)

"See, She is still blushing." Veer teased.

"Stop it man. You can't even imagine how awkward it is to face Ritik."

"But but, when and how did you started loving him?" Anika enquired. How? I don't know but I have answer of 'when'.

"I was in 6th grade when I started to feel something about him. I used to hate on every girl he talked to. I wanted to be with him, play with him and talk with him and him only. I used to find him so cute. Everything that he did and said made me think more and more about him."

"Idiot, Then why didn't you confessed? Growing up together, There are chances that he might have felt the same about you." Anika said.

Did he? I'm not sure but I always thought that however no matter whatever it is, I was the one at fault and also things are different now.

"Let's not talk about this. Me and Ritik are not made for eachother so just drop this topic and talk about something else." I requested. Anika was going to start again however I didn't let her do that.

I went out of the club's office and saw Ritik walking in the corridor. Just the sight of him made my heart beat at an unusual rate. My life before my stupid confession was so simple, I didn't felt all this feelings when I saw him but now everything is changed. I feel like I'm a teenager again.

I stood straight, I wanted to move but my legs didn't helped. Like a statue I was standing there and moved only after Ritik went from beside. For a second I got hurt, I thought he will either say something or atleast will give a smile but he walked away like I was a stranger.

"Am I looking good?" I heard a voice. With no doubt I recognised it belonged to Ritik. A smile crossed my lips as I immediately turned to look at him. No no no, I should not look excited or he will tease me again.

"No." I replied keeping a straight face. Ritik looked pretty much offended by what I said. Taking slow steps he came and stood right infront of me.

"Really? Then why were you so awestruck seeing me that you refused to move from your place?" He asked. I was embarrassed again and on the other hand, Anika started laughing. Was she standing here all the time? Why didn't I notice? And why the hell she didn't took me with her earlier?

"I guess she is still awestruck." Anika said and took me with her. Why I get speechless infront of him? I could have given him a savage reply but now a days, I get totally dumb when I'm with him.

Few hours later,

"We reached." Mom announced once she stopped the car outside Ritik's house. I looked at the house and then back at mom. With full confidence I promised myself that I will ignore Ritik however now that I was outside I already felt my promise fading away. Earlier I didn't wished to attend his birthday party but now I was excited to see him.

"Let's go." Mom said. I got out of the car and waited for her to go and park it. I'm doing very wrong by getting excited to see him, I shouldn't do that. Staying away from Ritik is good for both of us and I should totally see to it that I follow my promise but nothing as such is happening.

"Is everything ok?" Mom asked.

"Perfectly fine." I replied and went towards the door. I rang the bell and waited for Aashna aunty to open it however it was Ritik who did that. His eyes widen the moment he saw me however he quickly composed himself and mouthed a quickly 'hey'. He then went towards my mom whereas I went inside to search for his mom, My Aashna aunty.

I directly went towards the kitchen but stopped immediately when I saw Aarav uncle and Aashna aunty together. Man, I spoiled their little romance.

"I'm sorry." I said as I turned to look in opposite direction.

"Idiot, Don't be sorry and come inside." Aashna aunty said. I looked at Aarav uncle and saw a little dimple on his left cheek. He was shy.

"Hi." I greeted them nervously. Not like it was the first time that I disturbed their romance but still it felt bad. I wanted to go out however because aunty invited me in, I had to go and stand inside.

"You look very pretty." Uncle complimented.

"Thank you. I must say you look very cute when you are shy." I teased. He thanked me and then passed a knowing smile to Aashna Aunty. She shook her however we both knew that she was blushing.

"You both are crazy." She said and went to keep something in the refrigerator. How cute.

Aarav uncle then asked me about Dad and sameer. As dad was going alone, Sameer joined him. Earlier I thought he was doing it just to avoid Ritik's birthday however later I came to know that he met Ritik and even made him cut a cake. My brother is so unpredictable.

When I came out of the kitchen I saw Ritik happily talking with his friends. There were not many, Just few of them which included Sakshi, Viraj and Nia. He looked so happy while talking to them, like they are all that he need.

"Now that everyone is here, let's cut the cake first." Aashna Aunty announced and soon the cake cutting ceremony was done. Like every other time, Ritik didn't allow anyone to stick that cake on his face. Since childhood he has been firm with his decision, Whenever he saw someone doing it he used to get angry.

'It's just the wastage of cake. People don't get food to eat and this people just waste it by sticking the cake to your face.'

This used to be his exact words and so, no one ever dared to do that.

After the cake cutting was done everyone got busy among themselves. Some were having food, some were busy gossiping and then there was Ritik, his friends and Aashika who were enjoying among themselves. I don't know what happened to Aashika but today she didn't talked with me.

Why am I sitting here alone?

Since I stopped talking with Ritik whenever I came here Sameer used to be with me or sometimes I used to engage myself by playing games and used to wait till the time mom and dad decided to go back home. This time I thought it will be different but I was mistaken.

"Why are you sitting alone? Go and join them." Aarav uncle said. I was on the verge of tears and his statement made me more emotional. I can't go there, I guess I'm better here only.

"It's ok. I'm fine here." I replied giving him a assuring smile. Maybe he noticed that I was not comfortable to go there so he didn't forced me.

"Fine. Then come with me and hear my business talks with my friends." He said making me laugh now.

"I guess I'm more than fine here." I replied and saw him smile.

"Don't sit alone. You can join your mom and Aashna." He suggested and went away. Nah, I'm not doing that.

My throat was parched so I went to grab myself a glass of water. The jug on the table was empty so I moved towards the kitchen. Poor Aashna aunty, was the only thought in my mind when I saw the kitchen. All the things were scattered here and there and after the party Aashna aunty will have to do all of this.
Maybe I can help.

I had nothing to do outside, so I decided to clean this mess and was sincerely doing it until Ritik popped out of nowhere.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I was startled because of his sudden question and the result was, tissue papers falling from my hand. Man, now I will have to do extra work.

"I was bored so I came here to dance? Wanna join?" I replied and without waiting for his reply, I knelt down to pick the tissues papers.

"Yeah sure." I heard Ritik reply and within no seconds felt him infront of me, helping me in my work.

"Why are you so angry?"

"It's because you monkey. You decided to hop out of nowhere and scare me. It's because of you, all this happened." I replied pointing towards the tissues scattered on the floor.

"But I'm helping you."

"Wait, what did you call me?" He asked, this time in a serious tone. Oh monkey.

"Nothing." I replied and tried to control my laugh. I wasn't expecting Ritik to believe me but he did immediately.

"Ok." He said and stood up.

"I know you called me handsome." He said after few seconds. As much as I didn't wanted to do that, I blushed very hard at his sentence.

Boy, you are crazy and after every minute I spend with you, I falling more crazily in love with you.

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