Chapter: 42

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Kiara's POV:

"I'm telling you he is going to kiss you today."

"Shut up Anika." I snapped at her. Though I was trying very hard to act sober, internally I was equally excited for what she said. Just the thought of it set my body on fire. I was anticipating this while getting ready this morning. But the question was, will he?

Just for a change, I was wearing a very pretty sky-blue Indian suit. I also wore silver earrings to add an authentic effect to it. I knew I looked pretty but seeing that in Ritik's eyes was a different kind of satisfaction. He didn't disappoint me. His constant look of admiration and all the compliments made me feel the prettiest.

When I came inside the college, my eyes instantly started looking for him. It didn't take me a lot of time to find him and when I did, I straight away went towards him to see his reaction.

'You look very pretty today.' was what he said. The sentence has been ringing in my head ever since and I don't think I have stopped smiling.

"Don't act as if you didn't notice."

"I don't know what you are talking about," I replied.

"Didn't you notice his eyes? They refused to move from you. He was clearly nervous or maybe he was caught off-guard by seeing this new look of yours but his eyes were filled with love and affection. I know that look, I can't be wrong." Anika explained. I really loved the way she was saying everything, she looked more excited than I was.

"Care to explain, how do you know 'that' look?" I challenged her to answer.

"I have seen it in movies, read in books, and have also heard from many people. Moreover, for me to experience something like this I will have to be with someone which I'm not. I don't even go alone with any boy." She replied. I don't know why but for the first time I was not totally convinced by her answer however I decided to let it go because what she said was the truth. She sure can't go alone with any boy.

"I don't remember saying that I'm gender fluid and you can address me anything." A very offended Veer said looking at both of us.

"Very funny. I was talking about other boys. You are more like a brother than a friend, my parents know about you. So yeah, I didn't count you when I said 'any boy'." Anika replied to him.  I laughed at their banter and started thinking about every boy that Anika talked to so that I could set her up with someone.

Veer is an exception as she has brozoned him.

Ritik is mine.

Vihaan is not her type.

Akshay belongs to Nia.

There are a few boys in our class but I don't think she is interested in any of them.

Who else?

"Meet me at 5, I will drop you home." I heard Veer say it to Anika, which made me remember one more person she had been alone with.


The day before yesterday, it was raining badly. I was with Ritik. We both were stuck as he brought his bike with him. We couldn't move. I was supposed to pick Anika up from her home and go shopping but things didn't turn out well. On the way,  I kept thinking about the shortest route to her home and how to reach there soon however when I reached my home, Anika was already sitting on the sofa. When asked how she reached there, I came to know that she met Sameer on the way and he brought her.

"What are you thinking about?" Anika asked.

"Nothing. " I replied and came out of the class.

I can't even think of setting them together especially knowing that Sameer is still not over Shruti.

While walking in the corridor, I saw Ritik coming in our direction, Viraj and Sakshi were also with him. He wasn't looking at me but once our eyes met, he refused to take them away.

"See, I told you." Anika nudged me.

"Please don't start again," I whispered.

"Hi." Ritik greeted.

"Hi, you didn't attend the lecture?" I asked as he should have been in the class.

"I did. It finished early. Going to attend the next one." he replied.

"Are you hungry Ritik?" Sakshi asked. She sounded as if she was teasing him, which made me wonder what she was implying on.

"No Sakshi." He replied with a forced smile.

"I wasn't talking about food." She said with a wink and also asked him to come soon.

"What did she mean? Are you hungry?" I asked.

"She was actually not talking about food." He answered.

"Then what?" I asked.

"Nothing. I will meet you after the lecture," he said placing his hand ever so lightly on my right cheek.


With that, he went away and I stood there assuming whether I was correct with what I thought about Ritik and Sakshi's conversation or if I was overthinking.

"Why are you so silent?" I asked Anika. She was just standing there looking at me blankly.

"Well, you told me not to start again." She replied.

"You know I didn't mean that." With that, I held her arm and rested my head on her shoulder as we both started walking. Yeah, it was little difficult to walk in that position but I find it absolutely peaceful when I rest my head on her shoulder, so I didn't bother moving and continued to ask whether she heard what they said.

"Only a fool could not understand what they were talking about." She replied.

"Whatever," I stated.

"But you know what I like the most in your relationship?"


"How soft Ritik is towards you." She replied. Well, I can't agree more.

I may be overthinking again but I believe all of this happened because of our last conversation about our past. Yeah, Ritik treated me right before the conversation but the treatment that I got after it, is something that makes my heart full.


"What happened between you and Yash?" Ritik asked.

I had my hand in his but the moment I heard his question, I involuntarily removed my hand. I already have bad memories of that night and a doubt that Ritik knew everything about it but still, he never cared to ask made me feel more vulnerable.

No wonder, as the days passed I moved on from that doubt but it still hurts sometimes. Also, it was just a doubt, I didn't know if it was true. Today was the best time to ask him about it.

"You knew about it?" I asked.

"What?" he asked back.

"Back then when everything happened, were you aware of it?" I asked with more clarity now.

"No. Of course not. Do you really think I'm so inhuman that I wouldn't have come and asked you about it?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." I replied.

"No, I'm sorry if that's what you think but no, I got to know it today from one of your batch mates.

(Flashback ends)

In the evening,

"Kiu, why are you not ready yet?" Mom asked standing in front of my room.

Because I don't want to come.

"I'm tired. I think I should skip this." I replied. Today we were invited to have dinner at Ritik's place, I knew about it and was very much excited until this morning but I guess Ritik spoiled everything. Or maybe he didn't but I was angry.

"You look very much fine but please don't tell me that you argued with Ritik, again?"

"What? No, of course not." I replied. I have told Mom about all our past arguments and how we both decided to stay away from each other, maybe she thought that we were back to those days. If only she knew about our relationship.

"Then come downstairs, we are waiting for you." She said.

"I don't want to. You both carry on."

"Ok, as you wish. Take care, we will be back soong." Mom said and went away.

Was my anger justified? Probably not, but I wanted him to kiss me. Ugh.

As discussed, I met Ritik after our lectures. As we spent some time chatting, I kept waiting for him to say something, to initiate what I was dying to hear but no, the boy decided to drop me home with just 'Bye, see you later.'

'What time are you coming home?' I saw Ritik's message on my mobile screen however I didn't reply.

After some five minutes, I heard my phone ring. Ritik.

"Yes?" I asked as I answered the call.

"You left? What time are you coming?" he asked innocently. How will I tell him I'm not coming?

"Kia, you there?" he asked again.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Where are you? And when you will reach?" He asked again. This boy!

"I'm sorry, I won't be able to come. I have a mild headache so thought of resting."

I felt him sigh however that immediately turned into a question-answer session between us, where he asked me about my headache and I kept lying.

"I bought cheesecake for you and Sanju aunty. Want me to deliver it at your place?" Ritik asked and within no seconds I melted again. When it comes to efforts, he leaves no stone unturned. I felt bad for lying to him and so I practically ran to see if my parents were still there however there was no sign of them. I guess, I will have to go by my own.

"No my love, it's ok. My head isn't hurting much. I will be there in a while." I replied as I scanned my wardrobe to search for a new outfit.

"You don't have to do that, I will pick you up." he insisted and even though I said no, he left me with no option and so I had to agree. I had 10 minutes to get ready so I did some light makeup and wore a red dress which was similar to one I wore in the morning. I liked both colours and so I bought them. Red being Ritik's favourite colour, there was no other outfit I could have thought of wearing.

After exact 10 minutes, I heard my phone ring. It was a call from Ritik, so my took my pursue and went outside. My cutie was already standing outside, while typing something in his phone.

"Hi." I said loud enough for him to hear and once he did, I was expecting him to smile, to nod or atleast say a hello but my man did nothing. He just kept looking at me and then again I was able to hear Anika's statement.

"I'm telling you he is going to kiss you today."

But the question is, will he?

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