Part 1

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normally when a royal romance was written it starts with 'once upon a time', as for me i dont know how to write down a story started with ' once upon a time' ......

well here it is....

Life isn't smooth for Bhavna. She was 15 when her parents passed away in a car accident. She has two siblings. after their parents death, she practically raised them as their mother. Oh! I forget to tell their names. Bani and Bihaan. both 19 & 17 years respectively. while Bani is about to pursue 2nd year of B.A honours in political science, Bihaan is just appeared in the H.S. and waiting for results.

There goes the life of the Girl in the story. Now how about we take a quick sneak peak to the life of the man in the story.

It have to be early for him always. Him? Dev. aka HH Devendra Singh Shishodia, the king of a small princely estate of Sundargarh in west Rajasthan. Well as we think of a king top be handsome, well he is. Handsome and owner of a great personality. But there is a situation in his life. He is a father of a 5 year old Divyanka and a widower for 2 years in the young age of 34. Its tough for him being a king may be a small estate, but he have to take care of his subjects as well as his daughter who is getting wilder and wilder day by day and other running things. he have to stay strong and try not to show his emotion as he want to.


its 9 am in the morning and today Bhavna is late for her shift. She works as a room service maid on the 4th floor of The Grand Palazzo Hotel in Jaipur.

she looks at her watch and hand over the money to the auto driver and quickly run inside the hotel, and straight to the staff's room to change and get ready for the day.

"listen carefully, as we know today HH Devendra Singh Shishodia is coming to our hotel. So, we have to be very careful and alart always. and keep our mind on our duty. don't give them any reason to complain, and don't give me the reasons to fire any of you. Now get back to work." Chief of staff Sulochana ended her 'special' speech for the day and went away.

while Bhavna started to walk away to her floor with her floor partner and friend Poonam.

"Hey, did you ever seen this ' His Highness'?"

"No, But i recently read about him, its may be the Ghangaur festival happen to be celebrated in his state."

"oh! You kn ow i heard the maids are talking about him, that he is manly and very handsome...and"

"...and a widower and have a daughter."

"hmmm... some one is going through the Bio Data of our soon to be new guest The HH or you can say Handsome HH." said a giggling Poonam.

"Shut up, i mean Kuch bhi. come one lets go."


Its 12pm. A black Roles Royse stop in front of the Grand Palazzo. a 6 feet tall man wearing a polished and expensive suit came out of the car. well what to say, the maids are absolutely correct. HH oozes Charm, class and strongly personality.

meanwhile in 4th floor, Bhavna is cleaning the washroom of the Park suit, which is supposed to be the room of HH very soon. on the other hand Poonam is decorating the room as per the majesty's choice, as they were told. while keeping the blue iris in the white Porcelain vase Poonam ask to Bhavna,

"i cant believe this majesty has these weird choice of flowers... i mean blue iris?? who ordered blue iris here in jaipur?? rose...lily...sunflowers... poppy...orchids....i agree.. but blue iris??? seriously.. thing are getting very irritating for me... and for u a special kind of bathroom freshener officially send by the personal secretary of the HH. i am telling you, may be this HH is super handsome and rich, but he carries the synonyms of the both adjectives. weird and cynical. We should stay at least half km far from him, or else he will make us work for him atleast 30 hrs."

although Bhavna was listening her continuous rant about The king about to arrive, but her last words make her laugh hard.

"what are you saying, he can be anything but cynical!!"

while they were talking, someone is listening their opinion through the door. he should be mad, but unlike that a small smile came acrosss his face. two girls are talking about him in his room. he guessed they were maids who is cleaning his room before he come. but while cleaning they bursting out their thpought about the guest of the room. while one of the girls is ranting about he is cynical and a total weirdo, but the other girl's word make him smile.

"what are you saying, he can be anything but cynical!!"

'a charming and opinion oriented welcome indeed' some how he didnt feel bad about someone bad mouthing about him. he know there is someone who is defending him.

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