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So im sorry if I make y'all worry about me it's just I dont understand why did it have to happen to me like is there other people that feel my pain like my childhood my whole entire life is there someone struggling like me is there someone who would help me get through my problems when their problems are worse than mine it's just I'm sorry for all the people who read this and think damn is she just doing the shit for attention if you think that then your wrong cause I don't want attention from anyone it's just everyone has been saying/spreading rumors about me saying that I'm lesbian that I want people to kill me or that I need help tieing a noose but is that true no I don't want to kill myself I may try but I wony actually kill myself and people don't understand that it's just they think it's all about them and I don't understand when i say my problems and I try to help someone else with their problems they don't let me help them and they then find out my problems to back fire on me and they end up telling lies about me that are not true and then everybody thinks of me as the girl who cuts her wrist or the girl who tried to commit suicide and I don't want to be noticed like that so please if anyone as problems like mine I will gladly help you o won't make fun of you I'll help you control they anger and lust you feel against yourself so please dont harm yourself

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
