Chapter 6: History class

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Third Person POV 

???: This is prior to the Faunas Revolution while properly known as the Faunas War. Humanity was quite adamant about centralizing faunas population in Menagerie. 
A man with green hair and glasses said, pointing to an island on a map. 

???: Now, this must feel like ancient history to you. It is imperative to remember these are relatively recent events. 
He said before taking a sip out of his cup. 

???: I mean... repercussions of the uprising can be seen to this day. 
He said before taking another sip. 

???: Now, have you many of been subjugated because of your faunas heritage? 
He asked as T/N slowly looked around to see a few students raise their hands. 

???: Dreadful. Simply dreadful. Remember students this is precisely the type of ignorance that leads to violence. 
He said before taking another sip. 

???: I mean...look at the white fang. Now, which of you many scholars can tell me what was the turning point in the 3rd year of the war? 
He asked as a girl with white hair raised her hand. 

???: Yes? 

White Hair Girl: The battle at Fort Castle. 

???: Precisely. Who can tell me the advantage the faunas had over General Lagoon's forces? 
He asked as Cardin flickered a piece of paper at Jaune. 

Jaune: Hey!

???: Mr Arc! Finally contributing to the class? Excellent! Excellent! What is the answer? 
He asked as the class looked at Jaune. 

Jack: Quite of an easy-

Y/N: Night vision. 
He answered as Jack looked at him. 

Jack: How do you know? 

Y/N: Quite obvious. 

Jack: But you don't even read the material. 

Y/N: Kind of easy to figure don't you think.
He said as he looked at Jack. 

Julie: Certain animals have advantages that helps them avoid predators and other animals. Happy with that answer? 
She asked sarcastically. 

Jack: Yeah... thanks. 
He said before turning away as Alissa rubbed his back. 

Jaune: Binoculars! 
He yelled confidently as the class burst into laughter while some sighed. 

Y/N: Moron. 
He commented as Julie shook her head. 

???: Very funny Mr Arc. Cardin? Perhaps you would share your thoughts on the subject. 

Cardin: Well... I know it is a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier. 

???: You're not the most open minded of individuals are you Cardin? 
A girl with red hair hissed as she glared at Cardin. 

Cardin: What? You got a problem? 

Red Hair Girl: No. I have the answer. Its night vision. Many faunas are known to have nearly perfect sight in the dark. 
She answered as Cardin growled under his breath. 

???: General Lagoon also made the mistake of trying to ambush the faunas in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched and the general was captured. 
A girl with black hair and amber eyes said before looking at Cardin. 

Black Hair Girl: Perhaps if he payed attention to class maybe he wouldn't be remember as a failure. 
She said, glaring at Cardin before seeing him stood up, glaring back at her with disdain. 

???: Mr Winchester! Please take your seat. 
He said as Jaune chuckled before standing in front of Jaune. 

???: You and Mr Arc can see me after class for additional readings. 
He said as the bell rung and the students stood up to leave. 

Alissa: What do you guys want to do for the rest of the day? 
She asked as she looked at her team. 

Julie: I'm going to go to the training room. 

Y/N: Same here. 
He said before walking away with Julie as Alissa stood alone with Jack. 

Alissa: Looks like it's just the two of us again. 
She said with a smile. 

Jack: I'm going to grab some food. 
He said before walking as Alissa followed him. 

Alissa: Food sounds good right now. 

To Jaune 

???: You two have been struggling in my class since day 1. Now, I don't know if its the lack of interest or your stubborn nature but whatever it is. It stops now. You foretaught to gain entrance into the school and we only accept the best of the best so I expect you to act like it. Now, move along. 
He said before leaving the classroom. 

To Y/N 


Y/N: Not bad. 
He said with a small smirk as Julie glared at him. Seeing the smaller swordsman pushing her weight against his as he stood his ground. 

Julie: For a hardass, you're skillful with a blade. 
She said as Y/N chuckled before pushing her back. Her eyes trained on his hand as his hilt's form suddenly extended. 

Julie: What the? 
She asked as Y/N swung his weapon upward, cleaving the floor with his weapon's blade, drawing it up towards Julie's body. 


Julie: What the? 
She asked with confusion, backing away from his attack. Seeing her E/C eyes as he smirked while he twirled his weapon in his hand before stabbing the ground with its blade. 

Y/N: Not bad. You've managed to dodge that. Didn't think a mistralian can anticipate a vacuoan technique. 
He said with a smirk. 



???: S-S-So strong. 
A man gasped, falling onto a knee as he held his bleeding side before looking to see Y/N. His eyes full of fear as Y/N stood afar from him. 

Y/N: A white fang terrorist. 
He scoffs with disgust as the white fang struggled to stand up. His hands shaking as he held his daggers in his hands. 

Y/N: Come. Show me how powerful the white fang has gotten since its inception. 
He said mockingly as the faunas lunged at him. His daggers reeling themselves at him as Y/N spun out of the way. His hands around his naginata as the faunas attempted to get close. The faunas's eyes on the spear before feeling a gash cutting across his shin. 

White Fang Soldier: Ah !
He yelled in pain before seeing Y/N. His eyes widening before feeling Y/N plung his naginata into his chest. His eyes staring into Y/N's as he grinned. 

Y/N: Weak. Just as pathetic as your ancestors. 

Flashback Ends 

Y/N: Is that it? 
He asked as Julie was on her knee, holding onto her sword's hilt as she coughs. 

Julie: Damn it. 
She cursed loudly as she glared at her sword. 

Y/N: Not bad. 
He said,m holding his hand out to her. 

Julie: I'll get you back for that. 
She said as she glared at him. 

Y/N: May the best man win. 

Here is chapter 6 of Am I really an asshole! Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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