Eleven: Patton

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"Janus?" Patton walked into the room to see a panicked janus, with an equally as panicked Roman. "Ro? What's wrong?"

"It's Virgil..." Roman looked up. "Remus adopted him. He has full legal custody over Virgil now I...what do we do Patton! He promised me he was going to get better he..." Roman started to cry. "This is all my fault."

"Ro, this isn't your fault at all! Remus lied..." Patton grabbed his hand. "We'll find Virgil again don't worry."

"Can we just get out of here?" Janus asked. "He let us go I don't really feel like staying here..." they all nodded in agreement and walked outside. They got into Patton's car and drove off. Logan was silent the entire time. Patton looked back at him in the review mirror.

"Lo?" He asked. Logan looked up.

"Sorry...I'm just really concerned about Virgil. I don't understand why he would do this never mind keep one of us!" Logan looked down at his hands. "And trust me, if I could make a switch I would. I don't trust him with Virgil." Patton nodded sadly.

"I would do the same." Roman looked at the two.

"Are you two serious right now!? He's evil!" Roman shouted. Patton pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"And so are you Roman." Patton stated. He glared over at Roman.

"I am not evil!" He cried. Patton looked away.

"Then why the hell did you hide his letters from me? Why did you insist on lying to me about not being able to reach out to him because your parents wouldn't let you?" Logan gasped.

"He actually told you about that?" Logan asked. Patton gasped this time and turned around to face Logan.

"Did you know about the letters Logan!? Were you both hiding them from me!?" Patton asked.

"Patton, we hid them for a reason." Logan stated.

"As if that makes a difference! You were there when we all talked about Remus! You saw how heartbroken I was! Why would you two hide this from me!" Patton turned away from both of them wiping his eyes. "You two were my best friends when he left....you were the only people I trusted! Why the hell would you hide this!"

"Patton, you weren't yourself around him." Roman stated. "He was making you-."

"Making me what!? Happy!" Patton slammed his hand on the dashboard. "GOD DAMN YOU BOTH!" Patton started crying harder. "I cared about you so so god damn much Roman why did you have to go and admit that he was right..."

"Patton what are you saying?" Roman asked. Patton looked Roman in the eyes.

"I'm saying this relationship, is over Roman." Patton started the car and started driving again. They all sat in silence. Suddenly Janus spoke up.

"Patton, I know what he did was wrong...but our main focus needs to be on virgil right now please you guys. We can't lose him again." Patton wiped his face and nodded.

"Of course, we have to find Virgil...but we all need to rest first. You can't just go looking for him when clearly we are all exhausted after being stuck there..." Patton pulled up to a house. "Let's go inside." Patton opened his door and walked inside. Everyone else followed after him. Roman followed after Patton as Patton went and grabbed pillows and blankets from the basement.

"Patton, please." Patton turned to face Roman, throwing the blankets and pillows in his arms.

"I don't want to talk to you about this right now." Patton continued to grab things. "You just have to accept it."

"Patton why does it matter what happened!? It's in the past!" Roman followed after him. Patton dropped the supplies on the couch and turned towards Roman.

"If you hadn't hidden those letters, he wouldn't be the way he is today and none of this would have happened! Virgil would be safe!" Patton shouted. Janus gasped.


"Oh my god Patton..." Logan held his hand over his mouth in shock. Patton backed away from Roman as tears flowed down his face.

"It's your fault he's like this." Patton stormed away angrily. He got into his room and leaned against the closed door. Tears flowed down his face faster and he turned to open the door to apologize but pulled back. He went too far. Patton sighed. He deserved it but he went too far. Patton walked downstairs an hour later only to find Logan and Janus cuddled up to each other, Logan protecting Janus as if Remus could come grab him at any moment. Roman was nowhere to be found. Patton heard crying from the balcony and walked over to it to find Roman leaning on the rail crying. He quickly grabbed a blanket from the living room and walked out, throwing the blanket at Roman who jumped.

"Patton?" He asked. "I thought you were asleep..." Patton sat down in one of the chairs and looked at Roman.

"I'm sorry, about what I said." He looked at Roman who wiped his face and sat down wrapped in the blanket.

"I-It's fine I deserved it." Roman was shaking.

"Wait Roman...why are you out here in the cold?" Patton asked.

"I wanted to clear my head..." Roman whispered.

"Then why didn't you just sit down with a bla..." Patton stopped talking as tears flowed down Patton's face faster than earlier. "Holy shit." Patton stood up and ran over to Roman pulling him into a hug. "I'm so sorry please never ever do that! Oh my god Roman I didn't mean to hurt you that much! I didn't mean what I said I'm so sorry!" Roman pushed him away and bit his lip. They walked inside.

"Thank you for apologizing Patton, but I deserved it. I really am i horrible person." Roman walked over to a box of his stuff that he hadn't fully unboxed. "Here...these are yours." Patton gasped as Roman pulled out a stack of unopened letters addressed from Remus. He wiped his face.

"You never opened them?" Patton asked.

"They weren't mine to open...and I was going to burn them but Logan stopped me so I kept them all this time." Roman looked away. "That still doesn't excuse what I've done."

"Roman, you aren't evil. I know what I said but I was just angry that you hid them from me all this time, remus is the evil here. He kidnapped us for crying out loud! And he's probably doing worse things than he's done in the past to poor Virgil and he probably wanted this to happen! He wanted me to get mad at you! Roman...were you really debating jumping?" Roman nodded his head sadly.

"I'm sorry I know that it's stupid and selfish of me-." Patton pulled him into a hug.

"I love you so much Ro." Patton leaned forward and kissed Roman on the lips. Roman kissed back gently and smiled when they pulled away. "I promise to never ever blow up on you like this ever again." Roman wrapped Patton in a hug.

"Let's go find Virgil." Roman said. Patton smiled and nodded.

"After you get some sleep of course!" Patton scolded. Roman laughed.

"Of course, after we get some sleep." They both went up to the room and climbed into bed, pulling each other close and closing their eyes. Patton snuggled even closer and wrapped the blankets tighter around them. He will keep this promise, even if it's the death of him he will never go off on Roman again.

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