One: Virgil

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Virgil walked into his new school with his bag slung over one shoulder looking down at his schedule. Suddenly he banged into someone and he fell to the ground.

"S-Sorry." Virgil immediately went to help the person pick up their books.

"Oh it's perfectly okay! Oh you must be new here! Hello! I'm Mr. Hart, but most of the kids just call me by my first name, Patton." He smiled. Virgil stood back up hanging Patton his things.

"S-Sorry for bumping into you." He mumbled. Patton was looking down at something and Virgil realized it was his schedule.

"It's perfectly alright kiddo! I'm the principle, are you having troubles finding your classes I can show you your way if you'd like?" Patton started walking and Virgil laughed a little as he followed after the man. He reminded Virgil of a cat. Distracted very easily.

"So, your the principle?" He asked. Patton smiled even wider.

"Yep! It's actually a short story really, my father he had passed away so suddenly and since they couldn't find anyone to take over and they wanted to keep it as a family run school, I took over the position! Ooh your first class is with Mr. Sanders! He's fun!" Patton gestured at the English teacher standing in the doorway holding an attendance chart.

", he looks more strict than anything though." Virgil mumbled.

"Oh come on now! You'll be alright! Hello Logan!" Patton bounced over to him.

"Mr. Hart, what have I told you about the informalities at school?" He asked. Patton smiled and gesture at Virgil.

"This is Virg." He smiled at Virgil who cringed at the nickname.

"Uhm...hey." Virgil waves. Logan looked down at his attendance.

"Ah, yes. The new student." He nodded. "Welcome to my classroom. I hope we get along nicely." Virgil smiled at Patton as he walked into the classroom. He sat down in the open seat up front and the lesson began.

***Hours later: Health class***

Virgil stepped  into actual chaos. Students were throwing wadded up papers at each other, they were playing on their phones, the room was an absolute mess of papers...and some students were laughing at a student who was trying to hide their face.

"Where's the teacher?" Virgil looked around. Someone sat at a desk in a green suit, he was watching a movie on his laptop. Virgil groaned. Was this a substitute? He walked up to the desk. "Uhmmm...hi." He paused the movie and looked up.

"You must be my new student, Virgil right? Okay, well, Virg. Here's the rundown. This book and these papers need to be completed by the end of this term in order for you to pass. I don't give a shit when you get them done just do it. Oh and you can do whatever in my class, I don't really give a shit. The names Remus Duke." He smiles brightly. Virgil cringed. What's with everyone and shortening his name? "Problem?" He asked. Virgil took the stack of papers and shook his head as he went and sat down starting on the work.

"Oh look, a nerd." Someone walked over and shoved Virgil out of his chair. He groaned.

"Seriously what the fuck?" He asked. Remus laughed. "Why the hell are you-." Virgil was kicked back down. He winced in pain and held his arm to his chest.

"Now, since your such a nerd, how about we talk about getting the work done for us?" The billy grabbed Virgils arm. Virgil glared at Remus.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Virgil shoved the kid away, he grabbed all his things and walked out of the room disgusted. How was this Remus guy even a teacher? Remus followed after him pulling him backwards.

"Now kid, do you want detention? Get back in my class." He started dragged Virgil but Virgil shrugged him off.

"You mean your circus? Seriously?" Virgil started walking away. "I'd rather be anywhere else."

"Don't test me kid, get back in the classroom." Virgil turned to look back at him.

"Not a fucking chance." Suddenly Patton walked into the hallway and saw the two arguing.

"Oh hey Virg! What's going on here Mr. Duke?" Remus looked at Patton sadly.

"Virgil got frustrated during my lesson, and he just walked out I was just trying to get him back inside." Remus tapped the wall a few times without Patton noticing. Virgil looked at him. Was he really about to play the innocent teacher card against him?

"What's so frustrating kiddo? I'm sure it was a misunderstanding! Come on, go back to class." They walked towards the door and when Remus opened it, the circus was all cleaned. Everyone was quietly doing work. Virgil shook his head disgusted. How the hell was Patton falling for this?

"It's not even the class Patton, it's him." Virgil mumbled. Remus glared at Virgil and Virgil shivered a little. There's something not right with this guy.

"Well, I'll see you all later anyways. Im sure once you guys get to know eachother everything will be alright." Patton bounces away and Virgil watched. Remus suddenly shoved Virgil back into the classroom.

"Don't ever pull shit like that again, if he found out about this...let's just say nobody would ever be happy. Now. Go. Sit. Down." Remus glared at Virgil as he walked over and actually started to teach something. Virgil zoned out. It's health who cares?

****after school****

Virgil was packing up his things, being the last to leave the classroom. He walked out into the hallway and saw something that made his heart stop. Remus was standing by his locker. He walked over to it and opened it looking back at the teacher.

"E-Everything alright Mr. Duke?" Virgil asked. Remus laughed.

"Everything's fine." He walked out of the school. Virgil shivered. Something was definitely off about that teacher...but what the hell was it? He shook his head. He's just imagining things. Or so he thought.

*Time skip brought to you by a lazy author: One month later*

Everything was normal, Virgil went through his schedule, did all the class work and homework...but something didn't feel right. He walked through the empty hallways towards his locker when he heard feet shuffling behind him. He jumped.

"Oh don't be scared of me." Remus laughed. Virgil groaned. Remus has been nothing but an absolute thorn in his side this entire month. Pestering him about his work, an asking how much he has told Patton about his class. "Now, how about we take a walk Virg." Remus has Virgil put his bag, and his jacket in his locker. Virgil started to feel real uneasy when Remus told him to also lock up his phone.

"I don't feel comfortable doing so." Virgil said quickly. Remus hooked his arm in Virgils and they walked out of the school building. "Where are we going?" Virgil asked wearily. Remus shoves him at a car and suddenly he was trapped inside the trunk. He screamed. "HELP!" He pounded on the trunks door. "SOMEONE HELP! HES GONE CRAZY!" He hit his head and groaned. What the fuck did this crazy ass teacher just fucking kidnap him! He started to cry. Shit. He pissed off the wrong person.

AN I know I started it slow and then just got right into him being kidnapped I was being lazy. There will be flashbacks throughout the story and it'll make sense as to why Remus took Virgil eventually! Hope you enjoy!

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