Six: Virgil

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The door to the hospital room opened and Virgil looked up from his phone. The nurse smiled.

"Your dads here." She said. Virgil raised an eyebrow at that. His dad was dead...did that mean Patton had come back and pretended to be his dad or something? The nurse stepped out and Logan walked in. Virgils eyes widened.

"Lo!" He jumped out of the bed and ran over pulling him into a tight hug.

"Hey, hey calm down I'm okay." Logan smiled down at Virgil. Virgil pulled away and wiped his tears.

"But...why are you here I..." Logan looked away.

"Remus wants me to sign you out of the hospital..." Logan looked down. "He wants me to take you back there..." Logan shook his head. "Virgil I don't want to."

"Logan, if you don't do this he'll hurt you." Logan shook his head.

"He wouldn't hurt me, he has..." Logan bit his lip. "He has Patton, Roman and..and Janus."

"How did he get Janus!" Virgil cried.

"He threatened you..." Logan sighed. "Virgil I can't take you there I just can't he will just end up hurting you again..."

"It's okay Logan, you can't let him keep using you-."

"God you make it sound so is horrible it really is but the way you worded it just makes it sound like I'm some cheap whore." Virgil laughed and covered his mouth.

"I'm so telling Patton you said that." Logan face palmed.

"Can you not tell him." Logan laughed. "I'd rather not get lectured."

"Okay, I won't. Come on, we can't have him waiting for long I don't want him to hurt the others..." Virgil grabbed his phone and gestured at the door. Logan sighed.

"Why are you agreeing to go back Virgil he'll make you sick again..." Logan looked down.

"Because otherwise he'll hurt everyone else. Besides it's my fault he's gone all psycho anyways..." Logan shook his head.

"He was already mental I'm sure you had nothing to do with this." Logan said. Virgil grabbed his hand as they walked out of the hospital together. They got into the car. Logan looked at Virgil. "Are you sure you want to go back with me I can just take you-."

"Logan. Shut up." Virgil looked out the window. "Stop debating it in your head, stop asking me if I'm sure about this. We are going back there. I'm not letting hurt you for not obeying him."

"Virgil, you can get away..." Logan wiped his face. "You can go where he won't find you and you can-."

"ENOUGH LOGAN!" Virgil screamed. Logan froze. "Think! He has all four of the people that I actually fucking care about because he's insane! If I escape and he keeps you, he'll only hurt you. I'm not letting that happen. No way in hell. Now. drive. The. Damn. Car."  Logan started driving the car and Virgil wiped his face of tears. They arrived at the house and Logan looked towards the door sadly.

"Virgil..." Logan looked at him.

"Stop it." Virgil opened the door and slammed it shut walking towards the door, Logan following after him.

"But Virgil-."

"Shut up." Virgil turned and faced Logan. "Again I'm saying this. I'm not about to let him hurt you because you wanted to be stupid and let me get away!" They walked into the house and Logan wiped his face of tears when Remus walked into the hallway from the kitchen.

"Wow, you actually did it." Remus chuckled. "Good boy." Virgil glared at Remus.

"I only came so you don't hurt them anymore Remus." Virgil put his phone down next to the other phones. Remus raised his eyebrow and looked at Logan who stood frozen.

"Sure, Come on let's go get you some supper, hospital food is absolutely horrible. Lo...go to the others will you?" Remus walked over and harshly grabbed Virgils arm dragging him towards the kitchen.

"Remus dont-." Remus quickly turned around, releasing Virgils arm and pinning Logan to the wall. Logan flinched.

"What did I just say?" He asked. Logan looked away.

"Remus, please just let Virgil go back to the others?" He pleaded. Virgil held his arm to his chest and looked at Logan's shaking form in horror.

"Logan no!" Virgil cried. Logan wiped his face and looked at Remus.

"Please?" Remus shoved Logan even more into the wall.

"Aww Lo, trying to distract me from hurting him? How cute." Remus tilted Logan's face up to meet his eyes. "But we can do that later." He leaned forward and kissed Logan who tried to push him away. Virgil shook his head.

"Remus stop! Stop it!" Remus pulled away from Logan and laughed as he turned back to face Virgil, still pinning Logan to the wall.

"Both of you, go back there. I don't want to look at either of you." Remus walked away. Logan grabbed Virgils hand and opened the door to the hidden room. They walked in and as soon as the door closed Logan collapsed.

"Logan!" Virgil immediately was at his side.

"I'm so sorry Virgil." Logan started to cry and he started to cry hard.

"Logan is that you?" Patton slowly crept into the room. His eyes widened. "Virgil!"

"I-I'm Sorry Pat." Logan started crying harder. "H-He made me bring him back. I didn't want to I didn't...."

"It's alright..." Patton came over and hugged them. "Janus is asleep, I refuse to wake him up." Logan looked over at the clock.

"It's only 7Am? God..." Logan looked at Virgil. "Why were you up so damn early?"

"Language." Patton scolded.

"English." Logan sassily replied. Virgil laughed.

"Oh my god." He then looked at Logan sadly. "And to answer your question, I was planning on heading back to my place to get ready for school tomorrow..."

"I totally forgot about that..." Patton looked down. "How are we just going to pretend like everything's okay! He's a creep and he can take any one of those other kids! I'm terrified!" Suddenly the door opened wide and Remus stood there smirking.

"Aww Patton, I thought I was your only friend?" Remus stepped closer and Logan stepped between them.

"Don't." Logan pushed Patton back.

"I just want to have a word with my dear old friend Patton." Remus shook his head. "Go to bed Lo."

"It's 7am fuck off." Virgil glared as he stepped in front of Patton as well.

"I'll deal with you later Virgil, come on Patton." Remus grabbed Patton and dragged him past Logan and Virgil.

"STOP IT!" virgil cried. Remus dragged Patton through the door and Virgil screamed even louder as he pounded his fist against the door. "LET PATTON GO!" Logan walked over and held Virgil in a hug. Virgil turned and faced his chest crying into it. What are they going to do now?

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