Thirty-one: Roman/Virgil/Logan/janus

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AN I should warn you that this chapter does a time skip and I know I've done a lot throughout this book and never explained anything but like...this book is all over the place anyways haha well enjoy! This is the happy ending!

Roman: (a month later)

"Come on, you can go see them now." Linus entered the room. Roman looked up and rubbed his wrist glaring at Linus.

"How do I know you aren't trying to trick me?" He asked. Linus sighed.

"Seriously Ro? Come now." Linus dragged Roman from the little cell like room he was in and dragged him through the hallways. He ended up at a door leading upstairs. Linus opened the door and pushed Roman forward. Roman walked upstairs and once he saw the others he ran into Pattons arms and cried. Patton held him as he cried too. "Gross." Linus left the room and Roman pulled away from Patton and looked over at Logan.

"A-are you guys alright?" He asked. Patton held romans wrist.

"Ro..." Roman flinched at the nickname that used to be used by only Patton. He hated that nickname now more than ever.

"Yes?" He looked up.

"D-Did he do this?" Patton gently touched the branding mark on his wrist. Roman nodded. Logan walked over and hugged him and then pulled away when he noticed the bandages around his neck.

"Roman...what did he do?" Logan asked. Roman looked at Patton and smiled sadly.

"He was trying to make me think he was Patton..." Roman looked at Logan. "He got frustrated."

"Ro..." Roman flinched.

"Roman are you alright?" Logan asked. Roman looked up.

"S-Sorry Patt...he just..." Roman looked down at his hands, he clenched them into fist. "He used that nickname a lot and I just...hurts hearing it again." Patton nodded.

"I understand, god Roman has he even been feeding you!" Patton looked Roman up and down. He shook his head no. Patton held him and started to cry. "You look like a skeleton." Roman shook his head.

"I've had water and bread..." Roman mumbled. Patton held him.

"It's okay..." he rubbed romans back. Roman looked at Logan.

" have you been?" He asked. Logan looked at his hands.

"Well, I've dealt with Remus this entire time but other than that I'm alright Roman." Logan looked at Roman for a second and then at the door as it flung open. They all pulled away from eachother.

"Well, having fun you three?" Remus asked. Logan glared at him.

"Oh fuck off." He growled. Remus chuckled.

"I see being around these two has made you a fighting spirit once again...anyways." Remus dragged someone through the door and then walked out. Roman looked down and when he saw how small Virgil looked he gasped.

"Oh my god..." he immediately ran to Virgil lifting him up and bringing him to Logan who brought water over to them. Virgil glared at the glass and then looked up at them, glare disappearing. He jumped up and immediately jumped at Logan pulling him into a hug.

"Y-You aren't hurt..." Virgil was shaking as he held onto Logan. Logan pulled away and looked at Virgil sadly.

" are burning up oh my god are you still sick!?" Logan asked.

"Yeah...and that's because he's been forcing me to throw up..." Virgil looked at the ground. "But..." Virgil looked around. "Who can run the fastest out of you three?"

"What?" Logan asked confused. Roman raised his eyebrow.

"Virgil what are you getting at?" Virgil pulled something from his pocket.

"I'm a really good pick pocket." He smirked. "Now one of you needs to fucking run." Roman grabbed the cell phone and the key.

"This is so dangerous...and you are sick...and-."

"Roman runs the fastest." Patton said as he looked at everyone.

"You aren't seriously suggesting I run and leave all of you alone with Remus!" Roman gasped.

"Please....Virgil needs to get help and you are the only one who can run fast enough..." Logan looked at Roman and smiled sadly as he held Virgil. "We'll be fine."

"He'll hurt you-."

"Roman...please?" Patton looked at him with a sad smile. "And if anything I'm glad it's you that can run and get out..." Patton reached over and gently touched romans neck where the bandages covered the brand mark.

"I-I please I can't leave you all here..." Roman started to cry.

"Just go Roman, it's okay." Logan helped Virgil to the couch and then walked over and hugged Roman. "Make sure to hide so he won't find you, and keep them on the phone the entire time. We'll watch out for eachother we promise." Roman nodded and put the phone in his pocket.

"I'll see you guys soon." Roman looked at Patton and leaned forward kissing him. Patton smiled and pulled away. Roman wiped his tears.

"Don't make it too soon please." Patton laughed. Roman nodded and walked to the door pulling out the key. He looked at the others one last time before inserting the key and running from the house.

****a few hours later****

Roman bit his lip as they finally arrived. He jumped from his hiding spot and ran over to them. The paramedic rushed him over to the ambulance.

"Please go...he's sick!" Roman started to cry in relief. "There's two that are dangerous the others are safe.." the officers nodded. "Patton...Patton's the one without the scar above his lip. Make sure to remember that please pattons the good guy he has a doppelgänger he's the evil one..." Roman took a deep breathe.

"Okay Roman, what's the others names other than Patton so we know who we are searching for?" The officer asked.

"Virgil, Logan and Janus." Roman whispered. The paramedic started to remove the bandages from romans neck and Roman flinched and reached for her hand.

"We have to make sure you aren't hurt..." she said sadly. Roman shook his head.

"It's a brand Mark..." Roman whispered. "It's...I'm disgusting."

"It's Alright Roman, they'll get them safe." The paramedic smiled sadly. "We just need to protect you as well okay? So can we just have a look? Make sure it's not infected like your wrist?"

"Just...okay..." Roman closed his eyes and the paramedic took care of him. Hopefully they get there on time.


"STOP IT YOU ASSHOLE!" Virgil tried to run at Remus who was kicking janus but Linus held him back.

"You let him escape!" Remus growled. "All if you deserve-." Suddenly there was sirens and Remus glared.

"Come on Remus, lets go." Linus went to grab Remus and Remus laughed.

"Not without him." He gestured at Virgil. Linus smirked and his grip got tighter on Virgils arm.

"Of course." Virgil screamed as they dragged him away from Patton and Logan. Patton was helping Janus, but looked up in fear. Logan ran over and tried to get virgil away from them.

"HES SICK YOU BASTARDS!" Logan pushed Remus away from Virgil. Linus held him tighter and Virgil cried out.

"Well he's coming with us either way." Linus laughed. Logan went to run after him but Remus got up off the floor and grabbed him. Linus dragged Virgil through the door and Logan screamed.

"STOP HIM! NO! VIRGIL IM SORRY! VIRGIL!" Linus dragged Virgil outside and suddenly they were surrounded by police. Linus leaned on Virgil and smiled at the officers pretending to be Patton. An officer pointed a gun at Linus. Virgil looked at the officer.

"Shit I can't tell if this is the good one..." Virgil immediately shook his head and shifted uncomfortably. He couldn't move properly. Linus glared.

"Where's Ro?" Linus asked sweetly.

"LIKE YOU CARE AT ALL LINUS!" Virgil screamed. He looked at the officer and shifted, the officer shot at Linus and Virgil dived towards them. The officer caught him.

"It's okay, your okay." The officer took Virgil over the ambulance.

"I-Is Roman Alright?" Virgil asked. The officer nodded.

"Let's take you to him alright?" He nodded at the paramedic who helped him into the back of the ambulance. He was going to get better...and they were going to arrest Remus and he will be locked away forever. Linus would be too if he even survived that gunshot. He can finally live happily with Logan. Things will be alright again.


Logan struggled against Remus. Remus laughed and shoved Logan back against the wall, pinning him there.

"You can come with us, but you have to be good for me." He whispered. Logan looked at Patton who was trying to stop Janus from getting up.

"I-." Suddenly there was a gunshot that echoed through the house and they all fell silent. Remus laughed.

"Guess that means-."

"EVERYONE HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM! NOBODY MOVE!" Remus froze. Logan jumped away quickly as the officer handcuffed Remus. He was going over his rights and then dragged him from the house. Patton was holding onto Janus and crying. He looked up at Logan and wiped his face.

"Roman did it...he did it. Everything's going to be okay." Patton held Janus who was smiling and wiping tears from his eyes. Paramedics rushed in and looked each of them over. They said something to Patton who nodded and they helped Janus up and out of the house. Logan looked at the paramedic who was looking over his wounds.

"W-who got shot?" Logan asked. The paramedic looked at him.

"The man that looked like that one." She gestured at the door as it closed. Logan laughed and wiped his eyes.

"A-and Virgil?" Logan asked.

"He was taken to go recover, come on you can see them all soon let's get you all to the hospital." She helped Logan up and they walked towards the ambulance. Logan sat down and as the door closed he laughed and leaned back closing his eyes. Things are finally okay.


He asked the paramedics to let Patton stay with him. He held tightly to his hand and didn't let go. The paramedic said that his ribs were bruised, and he has a slight concussion and that he was malnourished which made sense...he was trapped in a fucking closet alone for a whole god damn month with no food just a dog bowl with water. They said all five of them will be in the same room recovering from what happened together. He had asked what was wrong with Virgil other than being malnourished but Patton had refused to speak up. They reached the hospital and they were brought to the room. Patton immediately ran into romans arms.

"Hey guys." He ran towards Roman and hugged his second dad.

"I'm so glad you are alright. You did it Roman you saved us." Patton kissed Romans cheek. Roman smiled and then kissed januss forehead.

"I'm just so glad you all got safely out." He wiped his face of tears and they all sat down on the bed watching some Disney movie. The door to the room opened a little later and Janus immediately got up and ran for Virgil. Virgil pulled him close and started crying into his chest.

"I'm so glad you are alright Dee.." Virgil looked at Roman and Patton and smiled.

"Where's Logan?" Patton asked. Logan entered the room after Virgil.

"I'm so glad that everyone's alright now..." Logan sat down next to Roman and they all continued to watch the Disney movie, being stopped by nurses every hour or so just so they could check on them and see how they were doing. Janus smiled and curled up closer into Virgil who ran his hands though januss hair.

"I love you Dee." Virgil whispered as he leaned down and kissed his cheek. Janus smiled and laughed.

"Love you too Virg." Janus closed his eyes and for the first time in a long time, he actually managed to get some rest.

AN holy shit that was really hard to write for some reason my writers block is being a bitch and it's so difficult to try and figure out how to write a happy ending at all haha hope you liked it! And now for the angst end!!!

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