Three: Logan

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The door opened and Logan held Virgil closer. Remus laughed.

"Oh how cute!" He turned on the light. Logan put on his glasses.

"What do you need Remus?" He asked as he made sure Virgil was still asleep. "You'll wake him..."

"Oh but that's what I wanted to do. VIRG WAKE UP!" Virgil jumped scaring the crap out of Logan. He looked over at Remus and back at Logan.


"Come on Virg, you know what time it is." Virgil glared at him. "Do you want me to hurt Logan?"

"Hey! Don't use me against him!" Logan pushed Virgil away from taking Remus hand. "I'm not letting you hurt him Remus, leave him alone." Remus smirked.

"Alright then, let me show you to my room Logan!" He happily dragged Logan after him. Virgil ran after the two.

"Remus stop!" Virgil grabbed his arm, which he knew was a mistake. Logan looked absolutely terrified. What did Virgil just do! "I'll you in the bathroom okay? Just don't hurt him."

"Virgil I am a grown adult, I can take care of myself please don't do this." Logan looked at Virgil sadly. "Please." Virgil pulled away.

"F-Fine." Remus scowled.

"Oh so you'll listen to Lo and not me Virg? Cage, now." Remus started dragging Virgil after him towards the bedroom.

"Remus no!" Logan went after them. Virgil struggled.

"Please no anything else!" He was shaking and crying as he fought against Remus.

"Get in the cage." Remus shoves Virgil into the cage, locking the door. He walked over to the bed grabbing something and smirking. "I know you hate the dark, and there's too much light in here." He wrapped the black sheet around the cage. Virgil screamed.

"Please! Remus don't!" Remus attached the sheet to the cage so he couldn't remove it and then threw a blanket over the sheet so it was even darker. He walked out of the closet, locking the door behind him.

"Please let him out of there! He can suffocate!" Logan shouted. Remus glared.

"He deserves it for talking back to me. Now, you want to stay here you will listen to me and not release him until I say you can. Let's go to work." Remus walked out. Logan wiped his eyes of tears and looked back at the closet door. He walked over and knelt down.

"Virgil, I'm so sorry." He glared at the door. "I'll find a way to fix this I promise."

"Lo, come on! We're gonna be late for school!" Logan left the room, remus grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the house.

When they arrived at the school they walked in like everything was normal. Logan walked to his class and Remus followed. Logan shook uneasily watching Remus. He walked over and kissed Logan's cheek.

"See you later!" He left the room and Logan collapsed into his chair. The bell rang and students filed in confused. Logan looked up at them.

"Oh hi." He got up and passed out the work for them to do. "Just...yeah sorry, I'm not feeling the best today."

"Mr. Sanders, you never get sick! You also just handed us random coloring sheets! Are you alright?!" Suddenly students around the room gasped.

"Oh my god he really did..." Logan sighed.

"Sorry...uhm..." Logan walked over to the phone in the wall and dialed Patton's number. Patton answered.

"Hello!" Logan looked at his class and stepped out into the hall.

"Hey, it's Logan. We need to talk." He mumbled.

"Okay, but aren't you supposed to be teaching!" He laughed a little.

"Yeah, I'm sort of out of it today...c-can we maybe have someone come cover me so me, you and Roman can discuss some things?" He asked. Patton said something and Logan sighed. "See you in a few Patton."

****A few classes later****

"Logan are you feeling okay?" Roman asked. Logan sighed and sat down in one of the many chairs Patton had in his office.

"I made an arrangement with Remus." Logan said. Patton and Romans eyes widened.

"YOU DID WHAT!" Patton cried.

"He let Janus go did he not?" Logan asked.

"Logan..." Patton looked at Roman. Roman looked down sadly.

"We haven't heard from Janus, and neither has his parents. Remus still has him." Roman looked at Logan as he gasped and started shaking.

"N-No..." he thought about Virgil being stuck in the cage in the dark and he started to cry. What did remus do to Janus if he did this to Virgil? Was it because of him? "I thought..." he then remembered how quick Remus was to wake them. Remus didn't care what happened to the two kids. He was a psycho.

"What deal did you make with my brother Logan?" Roman asked. Logan started to cry.

"I stay with him if he lets Janus go...I-I stay in that house with him and Virgil and won't fight him when we come to school to teach. I told him I wouldn't call the cops because he has Virgil locked away and he hid the key and I don't know where it is...Virgils so scared...god this is all my fault I should have made sure he let Janus go now I don't even know where he is!"

"Logan, why would you ever go with him in the first place! Remus is manipulative!" Roman cried.

"Remus came to my room yesterday, and Janus called my phone I answered it on accident and Remus...he knew it was them calling me. I had to distract him somehow and he-he knew what I was doing. When we got to his house I panicked..." Logan looked down. "I can handle this, but I'm also scared he'll continue to hurt them."

"Logan you can't just let him hurt you!" Roman cried. Logan sighed.

"I'm a grown man Roman, I can handle him touching me inappropriately."

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should!" Roman shouted.

"Roman, be quiet. I'm going to go back to my classroom now so he can take me back there to Virgil who I can hopefully convince Remus to let out of that damn box..." Logan went to walk away.

"Lo please..." Patton grabbed his arm. "Don't let him take things too far." Logan smiled sadly.

"If it's protecting Virgil from him, I can't promise anything." Logan walked out and into his room. He packed his bag, being sure to grab his phone. Remus entered. He walked over and kissed Logan's cheek.

"Come on, lets go home." Logan looked down.

"You said you let Janus go." He looked back up. "But Patton and Roman said he never returned. Where. Is. He?" Remus grabbed Logan's arm and dragged him out of the school, making it look normal so the kids left in the school wouldn't think anything of it. He threw Logan into the passenger seat. He climbed into the car and started diving without another word. "Where is he Remus!?" They drove to what looked like an abandoned warehouse where all those old storage lockers are. Remus got out of the car and yanked Logan after him.

"You want to see him so badly." Remus dragged Logan through isles and isles of lockers until they reached one. Remus unlocked it and opened it. Janus was tied to a chair in the middle of the locker, a table sat in front of him with bugs crawling about on a plate covered by plastic so they couldn't get out. His mouth was gagged and his eyes were blood shot from crying.

"OH MY GOD JANUS!" Logan pulled away from Remus and ran to him, untying him. He took the gag out and Janus started to cry.

"I-I promise I won't do that again please don't lock me here again I'm sorry Remus please..." Janus didn't even look at Logan.

"Remus, you can't just keep these kids locked away like you are!" Logan shouted. He held Janus close. "Please Remus..." Logan wiped his face and held Janus tighter.

"Get him to the car, it's time to go home." Remus started walking forward.

"Can you walk?" Logan asked. Janus shook his head. Logan lifted him bridal style and carried him to the car. He sat in the back with him. Janus fell asleep in Logan's lap.

***Twenty minutes later***

Logan helped Janus out of the car as Remus dragged them both after him into the house. He unlocked the door to the hidden part of the house and they both were thrown in.

"Remus, please let me go get Virgil from that closet-."

"NO!" He growled.

"Remus, please!" Logan grabbed his arm. "You can do whatever you want to me just let me get Virgil...he's been trapped in there for hours...h-he's had enough time to himself. Please?" Remus threw Logan the keys and he ran up the stairs. Remus followed after him. Logan unlocked the closet and then the cage, pulling the still crying Virgil towards him.

"Now bring him back downstairs, and come back up here." Remus gestured at the door. Logan nodded and lifted Virgil up bridal style and carried him to the couch downstairs.

"You need to eat, let me make you something real quick." Logan walked into the kitchen and made something small for virgil. He brought it over and smiled sadly at the two kids in front of him. "I'm going back upstairs now, please don't do anything stupid."

"You can't just go up there! There's something seriously wrong with him up here!" Janus gestured at his head. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"No shit." He mumbled. He then let his eyes widen. "WHAT THE FUCK!"

"Virgil calm down please, Janus was locked away...Remus didn't actually let him go. He was in a storage unit this entire time chained to a chair."

"Don't forget the bugs." He shivered.

"You aren't going up there Logan. No way." Virgil stood in front of the door shakily. "Please you can't let him just use you because your trying to protect us!"

"Virgil, I can handle Remus. I'm a grown adult." Logan walked over and gently moved Virgil back to the couch. He kissed his forehead and then did the same with Janus. "Take care of one another and I swear to god if you two do anything stupid after this I will fight you both, or I'll have Patton do it when he finds us." Logan slipped his phone out of his pocket and winked at them as he walked over hiding his phone in a closet. "I'll be back soon..." Logan walked up the stairs and closed the door behind him, locking it. Remus laughed.

"Making sure they stay downstairs? Smart." Remus was suddenly behind Logan, his hands wrapped around his waist. He rested his chin on Logan's shoulder. Logan closed his eyes. Oh this was not going to be fun at all. But he had to'll keep the kids safe.

"Well yes, and it keeps them out of the way." Logan pushes Remus away. Remus raised an eyebrow at that.

"Oh, you did say so yourself that you'd let me do whatever..." Logan shoved Remus against the wall and laughed.

"Really? You think I'm a bottom?" (I snorted when I wrote this 😂 I can almost feel Logan cringing at his own wording) remus laughed at that as Logan, trying not to show his discomfort in the situation, leaned forward and kissed Remus. Remus pulled him towards the room and Logan took a deep breathe glancing back at the door, purposely left unlocked with a message on the phone for the kids to run. Oh god he was really about to do this. Hopefully his distraction would last long enough to let them escape without being noticed.

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