Twenty-five: Virgil

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Virgil opened his eyes and the first thing he did was start to panic. He was no longer in the hospital bed that he fell asleep in with Logan, His hands were tied up and his mouth gagged. He looked around and tried to squirm out of the bonds that held him.

"Ah, good." Virgil looked up to see a door open, and Linus standing there staring at him. "We thought we used too much and accidentally killed you." Virgil shook his head and continued to try and get out of the ropes that held him.

"Remus said that you have a tendency to not do as he says." Virgil started shaking. "I'm gonna leave the gag in your mouth, obviously you are confused as to how I got you from the hospital, But that part was easy. I'll wait for Remus to deal with you." Virgil started shaking his head trying to get the gag out of his mouth. Suddenly Remus entered and smiled.

"Good morning Virgil, Aww are you scared?" Remus got closer. Virgil backed away a bit and Remus got in his face. He took out the gag and it rested on Virgils neck.

"P-Please let me go..." Virgil whimpered.

"Aww is someone scared?" Remus wiped the tears off Virgils face and Virgil flinched away.

"D-dont touch me." Remus slapped him and Virgil cried out. "Grab him, we'll bring him to Patton." They dragged Virgil through a bunch of doors, one of those leading upstairs. They reached a final door and when they stepped inside Virgil saw a kitchen, living room, and a bunch of other doors probably leading to bedrooms of some sort. Virgil saw Patton sitting on the couch, his knees pulled to his chest. He was blankly staring at the tv that was shut off. "P-Patt?" Virgil called. Patton immediately jumped to his feet. He turned around and when he saw Remus holding Virgil he met Virgils eyes.

"Are you alright!" He asked. Remus held the ropes tighter and Virgil winced.

"Patton, sit back down. Did I say you could get up? Did I tell you to speak?" Remus growled. Patton looked at Virgil worriedly.

"Rem...his wrists are bleeding please will you let me take care of him?" Pattons voice broke as he stood there staring at Virgil.

"Fine. But you will be punished for disobeying me later." Remus shoved Virgil at Patton and him and Linus left. Patton held Virgil and started to cry really hard.

"God Virgil..." Patton looked at his wrist and then up at his cheek that Remus had hit. "How long has he had you?" He took Virgil over to the bathroom and started to clean up his wrist. It stung but Virgil let him continue to take care of him.

"I remember falling asleep with Logan in the hospital room and then I woke up in a room..." Virgil looked at Patton. "What has he done to you?" Patton looked away as he put stuff away in the box full of medical supplies.

"I'm fine." Patton whispered. Virgil grabbed his hands.

"Not what I asked." He said quickly. Patton looked at their hands and then back up at Virgil.

"He took Dee..." Tears flowed down pattons face. "He just...he took Dee and then he threatened everyone else and he..."

"Patton, what did he do to you?" Virgil asked. Patton looked up sadly.

"It was my fault anyways..." Patton looked at the ground and shook the tears from his eyes. "But he won't hurt you long as I behave."

"PATTON!" Virgil pulled away and glared. "HOW COULD YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!"

"I- Virgil I..." Patton just shook his head. "He can take control...I'll let him as long as he leaves everyone alone..."

"Are you fucking kidding me." Virgil glared at him, pulling his arm away. "Remus is manipulating you! Stop letting him-." The door to the bathroom opened and Remus glared at the two.

"Rem...please he didn't mean it!" Patton stood up quickly. "Please don't hurt him!" Remus pushes Patton away and grabbed Virgil, he shoved Virgil against the wall. Virgils eyes widened. He wasn't about to do what he thought he was about to do was he?

"And tell me why I shouldn't Patton dear..." Remus still held Virgil presses against the wall. He turned his face to look at Patton.

"Rem... please he's just a kid!" Patton cried. Remus turned back to look at Virgil who looked back at Remus in fear. Was he really about to do this?

"So were you." Remus moved forward and Virgil slammed his eyes shut.

AN okay I know I know sorry for the short update but I wanted to torture everyone haha

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