Twenty-nine: Patton

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The door opened and Remus walked in. Patton looked sadly at Virgil and Janus.

"Bye for now kiddos!" Patton said cheerfully. He wiped tears from his eyes. The two walked out of the room followed by Remus. Patton immediately stopped smiling and started crying his eyes out. Virgil was sick and was getting hurt by being separated and taken away from Janus who was trying his best to take care of him. Logan was being taken away and Remus was hurting him for no reason! And Roman...Roman was hurt and he wasn't saying anything. Patton looked over at Roman who was still sitting on the ground but playing with the carpet.

"Hello!" The door opened and Patton flinched. Linus entered the room and walked over to Roman who's eyes widened.

"G-Get away from him!" Patton got up and pulled him away from Roman who was on his feet and pressed against the wall by Linus.

"Not now Patton." Linus turned to face Patton and shoved him back towards the couch. Patton tripped and fell onto the ground. "You know, remus scares everyone... I only scare you." He paused and smirked. "And Virgil of course."

"W-What!?" Patton screamed. But Virgil said he wasn't hurt! Why would Virgil lie to them!?

"Virgil said you didn't...Virgil had told us you didn't touch did you scare him?" Logan shakily asked. Linus smirked as he faced all three of them.

"You really believed him? Wow that kids a really great actor." He chuckled and turned to face Patton. "The entire time he was just whispering to himself 'I know you aren't Patton, Patton wouldn't do this. You aren't Patton. You aren't Patton.' It was quite laughable." Patton shook his head.

"N-No Virgil would have told us he...he wouldn't have lied to us he..." Linus laughed even harder.

"I scare him, I scare you." He walked over and grabbed Roman, starting to drag him from the room. "Remus doesn't like your happy ending." He dragged Roman from the room.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM! ROMAN!" Patton ran for the door and tried to get it open but failed. He fell to the ground and started to cry. That man was wearing his face, he scared Virgil and he was about to hurt the man he loved all while wearing his face! Tears flowed down his face as he continued to bang on the door. "Please..." Logan walked over and sat besides Patton pulling him into a hug.

"We'll get them back it's okay." Logan hushed Patton's crying. Patton pulled away and smiled sadly.

"Thanks Lo." He looked back at the door. "He...he has my face." Patton touched his cheek and then looked back at Logan. "What if he's actually hurt them in that way and-and they can't ever look at me without thinking about it?"

"Hey, they know it's not you of course they wouldn't ever think it was." Logan wiped Patton's tears away. "We'll help them okay? They love you they know you wouldn't ever hurt them." Suddenly the Tv turned on and Logan froze. He looked at Patton. "Did you do that?" Patton shook his head and they turned to face the TV.

Virgil was sitting on the ground huddled in a corner. He was glaring at the door and tapping his foot. Suddenly the door opened and he popped up running towards the door only to be pulled back and thrown to the bed besides them.

Patton looked at the screen in worry. Virgil was alone with Linus. He looked at Logan. "You don't think they're showing us-." Logan gasped.

"Oh those sick fucks recorded it!" Logan glared at the screen. He looked back at Patton. "H-He hurt Virgil and recorded it! T-that's what's on the screen...god Patton don't watch." Patton shook his head.

"H-he hurt Virgil." Tears flowed down his face. He touched his cheek. "Oh god..." they both looked back at the screen hearing the screaming coming from Virgil.

"Oh good you finally shut up." Linus grumbled as he kissed Virgil. Virgil didn't make a move to push him away like he was doing because he was now chained to the bed. Virgil looked up at the chains and then back at Linus.

"You can't fool me, I know you aren't Patton and I know that he would NEVER hurt me!" Virgil spat. Linus just smiled and suddenly he made his voice sound exactly like Pattons.

"Aww virg, of course I would never hurt you!" Virgil glared at Linus as he suddenly held Virgil tighter. "But sometimes, we do things we promise we'd never do...dont we?" Suddenly he was on Virgil again.

Patton gasped and covered his eyes leaning into Logan who was pissed.

"Patton it's okay, we'll...we'll figure out something." Logan whispered. Patton looked back at the video as Linus walked out of the room leaving a sobbing Virgil alone on the bed. The video cut out as Virgil was mumbling 'it wasn't Patton' over and over.

"God...I can't believe he did that..." Patton wipes his face and then looks up at Logan. "A-and now he's hurting Roman too..."

"They know it's not you Patton.." Logan held him again. "It'll be okay..."

"Are you so sure about that?" The door opened and Logan glared at Remus.

"You asshole! You let him hurt a child!" Logan shouted. "You let him hurt MY child." Logan stood up and walked towards Remus. "I will find someway to fucking hurt you! You fucking bastard!" Remus glared.

"Getting that fiesty spirit back?" Remus shoved Logan into the wall. "I'll have to fix that."

"Remus stop!" Patton cried. Remus glared at Patton.

"Don't start with me patton, you know you all deserve this." He grabbed Logan's arm and dragged him towards the door harshly. "And now, it's time I teach you both not to talk back to me. Punishment time. I'm separating you all from each other for another month." Patton looked at Logan worriedly.

"N-No you can't! Please Remus Patton didn't do anything!" Logan cried. "N-Neither did the kids please I'm the one who talked back to you!" Remus huffed.

"I don't give a fuck. You all deserve to be punished." He dragged Logan from the room and Patton fell to his knees as he sobbed. This was all his fault.

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