1.59: The Irony Of Your Perfection

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The Irony Of Your Perfection

Author: ALessonNeverBurned

••AA--Daniel "Danny" Robert Worsnop••

My Opinion:

This was so cute, I loved it. There was so much that went on internally and externally that it was crazy. There was fighting and arguing. There were a lot of important things that you can learn from this. You can never take a person for granite, they are worth so much more than you think. There is abuse shown in this and that is another thing that truly happens. Everyday a child is being hit wrongly by an adult for a wrong accusation or reason. It's one-hundred percent wrong and everyone but that person sees it. They are ruining an innocent persons life. There is a struggle shown here and it revolves around being confused by your thoughts. There is always going to be conflict inside your head but you can think with your head, you must think and answer with you heart. If you don then it will end wrongly and your going to get the wrong answer to the problem. Remember these things and you should realize that what I say it true. I highly recommend this to everyone and I know you'll love this. Merci!

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