3.01: Back To The Beginning

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Back To The Beginning

Author: sunshinelion_man_

••SPN--Dean Winchester••

My Opinion:

This was an amazing fan-fiction filled with so many twist and turns. There was so much love and compassion and love in this that you wouldn't even think it was a Supernatural. This was so heartwarming and I just love it.

Listening To:

Emerald Eyes-Blacklisted Me


When Lana's father dies, she decides it's time to take a break. Her sister, Ariana, and she move to Lebanon, Kansas. She's running from her old life and a couple of people going by the name Winchester. What she doesn't know is that she's planted herself right in the middle of everything. What will happen when she tries to bury old memories? And what new ones will she make? [this story is completed. A sequel was planned but I decided I will not be writing one]

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