3.40: Childhood Hero

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Childhood Hero

Author: Nainai19

••Captain America/Steve Rogers••

My Opinion:

This was a truly different type of Captain America fan-fiction. The beginning is so different and I love it, there was so much that went on and it has so much heart and justice. The whole work itself was amazing and I will forever love it. The whole time you see another side to everyone that no one ever sees and is often turning a blind eye to. The moral of the story is great: sometimes you can find love even if it's in the worst time possible. Not everyone is as they seem and sometimes they hide the gentle person they are. And lastly, sometimes you have to fight tooth and nails for live because it's not always easy, it never is. It's one of the hardest but most precious things to find and it should always be kept safe.

Listening To:


Captain America was Zoey's Childhood Obsession. She grew up with only her mother there for her, who refused to tell her about her father. She's a freak. She's a genius with mad combat skills that accidentally runs into a man with an eyepatch, more than once. When her mother and stepfather are killed on a holiday, Zoey is hell- bent on revenge for the one responsible, Loki. Zoey learns that only one team can stop him, The Avengers. She joins them, making friends with the other freaks that fight to protect the earth. But what happens if a childhood hero returns?Maybe it's meant to be, and maybe it's connected to her father? Can she find the truth, amongst her story of friends, family, death, hate and love, with a giant intergalactic war raging, that she has to fight in? - - - copyright nainai19 ©

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