8 Chapter Challenge Spotlight

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8-Chapter Challenge (From July to August 2024)

The justwriteit profile is back with another challenge to participate in–Are you ready to dive into another round of the 8 Chapter Challenge?

From July 1st to August 31st, you have two months to write your original idea's first 8 (or more) chapters. This challenge is designed to act as a newfound opportunity to give motivation while providing the space where other writers like yourself can participate.

No prompt, just complete freedom to create something new!

So let's not waste any more time and let your creativity soar–Just remember, the deadline for this challenge segment is August 31st (Midnight EST).

We cannot wait to see where your imagination takes you!

By the time you are ready to hit submit on the forum, you have already gotten through what some writers find the hardest part of writing.

Not only have you surpassed it, but you also have over 12,000 words to start on an amazing adventure, so why stop there?

This challenge is designed to support the writing community and continue to build the platform all while welcoming writers who may need a little more encouragement to put pen ☔to☔ paper.

No matter if you're an experienced writer here on Wattpad, or a reader who wants to make the step into writing for the first time, the challenge is open to everyone!

Upon completing the 8-chapter challenge and correctly following the guidelines to write and submit your story, you will receive a sticker for the cover of your story, letting everyone know that you successfully completed the challenge!

Remember, there are no winners, as this is not a contest.

Interested? Head on over to the justwriteit profile to join in on the challenge!

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