day four (1).

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Hyeju woke up the next morning, groggy and still tired from the late night fun.

She rubbed her eyes to rid herself from sleep and sat up on her bed as her mind wandered over yesterday. It was an absolute delight to be able to hang out casually with Ken, Akiko, and Seongwoo. No language barrier could ever come between the fun of karaoke. And yesterday, she did feel that her friendship with the Korean lad deepened.


She blinked again at the name in confusion.

Why does the name now leave an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach?

Her eyes searched for her much needed phone, in which she looks at any messages she may have missed through the time she slept. However, she spotted her phone across the room on top of the pile of clothes she needed to wash. Okay so why?...

She obviously threw it over there.

Hyeju's eyebrows furrowed, still confused. She must've had a reason to chuck her phone at the other side of the room. She glanced around again, her gaze landing on the piece of lined paper that laid on top of her desk besides her. She plucked the paper into her hands and read its contents.

Then it clicked.

A mortified gasp escaped her lips as last night's events came pouring into her mind.

Hyeju had been so inspired after seeing Seongwoo perform with utmost... glory. They may have been in a closed off karaoke room, but that boy had danced and sung as if he were on a grand stage and in front of hundreds of people. The small preview of what he could do was enough to show Hyeju, Akiko, and even Ken that he was meant to be a successful performer.

After she had arrived home from their hang out, she was compelled to look up some Korean entertainment agencies on her trusty laptop to see if any of them were accepting auditions. She found a good chunk of them actually, many in which Seongwoo would be able to apply to. Thus, she began writing down all the auditions she could find onto a loose piece of paper. On the paper, she scribbled down the agencies' name, their contact information, and the dates of which their auditions were open.

In spur of the moment, she took a picture of her progress and without much thought, she sent it directly to Seongwoo through the Line app.

After sending the picture, she realized... how intrusive that must've seemed to him.

After all, she was only a random girl he had run into and had the chance of knowing a little bit through their doctor friend. But, this kind of effort, the time she wasted to find all that information for him, that was a bit too much for someone he barely knew, wasn't it? They were friends but not that close for her to urge him on a path he wasn't entirely sure on.

Stupid, stupid Nam Hyeju! Now Seongwoo's going to think weirdly of you for going over the line!

It was then she had thrown her phone away from her so to save herself from the embarrassment that was about to come. She really must've been sleep deprived for her to not think that through. Maybe even a little buzzed from the small amount of alcohol they also had last night?...

A buzzing sound snapped her away from her frantic thoughts.

Crawling over her bed, she managed to reach over and grab her ringing phone. She quickly answered the call. Thankfully, a chat with her best friend will help her set her mind back to normal.

"Oh, good morning, Akiko-chan, what's up?"

"Get ready soon! We're going to be doing something fun today. If you don't get ready in an hour, we're leaving without you."

Hyeju narrowed her eyes. "Who do you mean by we?"

"I mean, me, Ken, Dr. Lee, and your bae! Dr. Lee invited us to go to Disneyland and he wants to go soon so we can grab an early lunch before heading over!" In the background of Akiko's call, Hyeju could hear the sound of running water echo in the room. "And you know how Ken could be in the mornings. So once you're ready, go get him too since you both live in the same dorm building! I'll call you later, I'm going to go shower."

Soon after, Akiko hung up the call. As her friend's words finally sunk in, Hyeju toppled out of her bed so to get ready for the day. She may feel shy around Seongwoo over her little unnecessary act last night, but hell to it! She wasn't going to miss out the golden opportunity on going to Disneyland!

Hyeju did her best to be quick with her usual morning rituals, from washing her hair to brushing her teeth. She had to hurry if the duty of getting Ken off his ass was thrown at her. The young architect-to-be simply wore a woven sweater to wear inside her black coat, to be paired with her ripped jeans and black sneakers. With a scarf in her bag in case of a sudden decrease in temperature and a beanie properly placed over her faded red hair, she was dressed to go.

She hurried out of her small dorm, locked the door, and bounded down the hallway towards where Ken lived in. Quickly, she grabbed the spare key to his dorm from under the welcome mat, a thing that only she and Akiko knew about. Unlocking the door, she let herself inside Ken's typical messy dorm.

Hyeju had to admit that she was disappointed that she was no longer fazed by the messiness of Ken's little place. Trash bags were beginning to pile by the kitchen wall, empty beer cans scattered the grounds, filthy clothes were seemingly elaborately placed on every piece of (limited) furniture. This was the main reason no one had ever planned on visiting Ken's place much. And with the extra key under the mat, coming into here was definitely only for emergencies.

"Ken-kun, I'm here!" Hyeju called out as she stood around.

By her surprise, Ken had come out of the bathroom, casually shirtless... but nonetheless ready to go. The girl shuffled back, her gaze locked onto his. "What? Are you that appalled by my glorious abs?" Ken teased with a smirk. He flexed his muscles... which only made him look far more pathetic than before.

Hyeju scoffed at his claim, "I didn't know the bar had been set very low on what is described to be abs." She stepped forward, poking his squishy chest. "Come on, Akiko-chan is waiting for us."

"Yeah, okay. If only you could appreciate my good looks like everyone else, Hyeju-chan." That really made the girl snort with laughter. Once Ken had put on an appropriate shirt and sweater on, they made their way out of his dorm. The male frowned, seeing that Hyeju doesn't really believe his words. "Oh come on, you have to admit that I'm quite popular with the ladies on campus."

"And for some odd reason, you're still single," Hyeju shot back. They were out the dorm building now, and were on their way to the ramen restaurant to complete their usual trio. She glimpsed over at her friend, surprised that he hadn't a replied. "What? Cat got your tongue?" She felt a little bit bad, seeing that she must've hit some nerve if he hadn't made any comeback. "Sorry, but you can date any girl you want on campus. Honestly, what about Suki-chan? I don't know much but I'm pretty sure she got something for you."

"Huh? Suki-chan?" Ken shook his head at the idea... which was odd to Hyeju because even she can't deny that Suki was an attractive person. And she can really imagine her two friends as a couple. They'd be a very cute and visual couple, in her opinion. "I have my reasons to not date."

"Why? Do you like someone?" The question wasn't even supposed to be serious. Hyeju was only saying as it just randomly popped into mind. However, she was met with reluctance again. Her eyes bulged over to her Japanese friend. "Wait, do you really?"

His expression... looked unquestionably serious. What was with that look? "Yeah, but it's kind of one-sided."

"How do you know?"

"I just do."

"Do I know her?"

"... yeah you do."

Of course, Hyeju wanted to press on this topic, the curiosity of who the lucky girl was eating her up inside. Ken may be a pain sometimes to be with, the redhead knew that he would be an amazing boyfriend. He would make his girl feel safe and welcomed, as well as be a gentleman despite his usual goofy personality. He was well-liked on campus for plenty of reasons. Handsome, with a great personality. But now there's a chance for a girl to date him! Hyeju wants to do everything she could to help her friend be with the girl he likes.

However, Hyeju and Ken finally reached the very restaurant, which meant the end of their interesting conversation. Standing outside wasn't only the lone girl who had called her only an hour before, but two other men. The redhead instantly smiled upon seeing the younger Korean lad, her stomach already doing flips over how attractive he looked today. But once remembering her idiotic act from last night, she gulped and walked a little behind Ken, letting him take the lead towards the awaiting trio.

"Hyeju, Ken! Hello, glad you two can make it," Dr. Lee chimed in genuine delight as the two youngest arrived. He held up what looked to be his car keys and unlocked the car that was parked just at the curb. "Shall we go? Everything will be my treat today!"

"Huh, your treat?" Akiko interjected. "Doctor, you don't have to, that's going to be a lot of money!"

"First of all, I think we're all pretty cool enough for you to be allowed to call me Eunhyuk outside of work. After all, I'm not that much older than the four of you," the doctor responded. "Secondly, I saved a lot of money and I want to show my good friend, Seongwoo, a great time! I promised that I'd take him somewhere fun, and it'll be better with more people to come along. I have the money. As the oldest in our group, you can trust me." He then ushered over to the car. "Shall we get going then? I'm starving and I know a really awesome place where we can make our own *takoyaki!"

*A/n: Takoyaki are ball-shaped, wheat flour-based appetizer/snack with octopus in it

Dr. Lee glanced over at Hyeju and told her in their native language, "Hyeju, you wouldn't mind sitting in the back with Seongwoo, do you? He said he wanted to sit with you."

The poor girl's heart leapt.

Seongwoo then cut in. "Ah, hyung! That sounds so weird if you put it that way," the handsome lad muttered, his cheeks unusually pink. "I meant it in a way that I'd be more comfortable to sit by you since you're the only person I can really talk to besides Eunhyuk-hyung. And Eunhyuk-hyung would be driving and all..."

Why is he so cute?

"Yeah, that's totally fine by me," Hyeju chimed.

The sitting arrangement ended up with her in between Seongwoo and Ken in the back seat and Akiko in the passenger seat. Now, she had to admit, sitting this close to him wasn't good for her health, but she couldn't help but feel giddy.

Plus, he hadn't brought up about last night. Maybe he completely dismissed and forgot about that list of auditions she sent. That's fine, at least he had the decency to not embarrass her over her eager, prying ass. For now, she'll just pretend it never happened so she can have another good day with Seongwoo.

It was his last day in Tokyo, after all. She wasn't going to mess that up if he was willing to move on from it.

After their lunch at the restaurant Eunhyuk recommended and paid for, it was finally time for fun at Tokyo Disneyland. The buzz of excitement hung in the air from all the people who were there. Hyeju was no exception, as her whole body jittered with anticipation.

Disneyland had always been a place Hyeju dreamed to visiting ever since coming to Tokyo. The cute characters, the thrilling rides, the iconic Cinderella's castle, the themed foods, and the nightly firework show. Everything about it that perfectly deemed the place as the happiest place on earth.

It was a shame that Hyeju never had the time nor the money to go to the themed amusement park. And now that they were there on such a good day with people she liked surrounding herself with already made her extremely happy.

"Our Disneyland experience would not be complete unless we all buy Mickey ears!" The enthralled redhead said, her arm already tugging at Akiko's. Without much complaints, the five entered the spacious gift shop to get their much needed accessory. Both the girls gaped in awe at the various designs for the famous Mickey hats.

Hyeju wandered around looking at the different designs. There were so many, she wasn't sure what she would want to pick out. Glimpsing over at Dr. Lee, he was actually looking at a couple possible hats with Ken, the theme they were going for was Pirates of the Caribbean. They chuckled along as they picked out one with pierced earrings in the Mickey ears. Akiko was close by her side, her expression full of disappointment at the wide variety of the frilly pink designs.

Seongwoo was?...

"Hyeju-sshi!" The redhead froze once Seongwoo's presence seemingly appeared out of no where. He had a cheeky smile as he held out a classic; a Minnie Mouse styled head with a red-polka dot bow on top. He held out for her to try as he already sported a Mickey Mouse cap, black and simple. "Try these on!"

That would mean we would match?...

Hyeju pushed away the intrusive thoughts and gratefully took the headband from Seongwoo's hands to try on herself. She glanced at the nearby mirror and beamed at how cute she absolutely looked in them. Her faded red hair really does work well with the red bow the best. "Aw this looks really cute on me," she commented as she fluffed her hair to admire the look more.

"It really does look cute on you." Seongwoo appeared right beside her as they looked at each other through the mirror. Hyeju couldn't help the fluttering butterflies erupting in her stomach just staring at his reflection. "Want to get these?"

"Ah, you want to?"

Seongwoo gave an adorable nod.

"Everyone picked out which ones they wanted?" Dr.Lee butted in, sporting not a Pirates of the Caribbean themed hat, but a Goofy hat complete with floppy ears. He glanced at the two younger Korean duo with a warm smile to his lips. "Are these what you two wanted?" Seongwoo and Hyeju both agreed. "Wow, you two kind of look like a couple with matching hats, huh?"

Dr. Lee, why must you mortify me like this?

After the oldest went to pay for all of their desired hats, the real fun began. Hyeju was already listing rides she was interested in riding, all of which were rides that were highly talked about in reviews. She was already dragging Akiko and Ken along with her, pointing at various things around the park. Fountains, high roller coasters, the colorfulness of every building and road.

One by one, they had gone to the rides they wanted to go on. They started with the ones that were closest to them, majority in which weren't too high in height, but were pleasantly fast. After their third rapid ride, Ken had begun to feel nauseous, already feeling the takoyaki they had eaten earlier coming back up his throat.

"Yah, you were already feeling bad, why did you insist on this one?" Hyeju asked with a concerned frown for her friend. It was about two in the afternoon now. The five of them had stopped at a bench in between roller coasters for the Japanese lad. The sudden paleness of his face after the last ride showed that he was at his limit.

"Idiot, you should've told us. You always have been weak to fast rides," Akiko nagged her cousin, shaking her head in disappointment. She sat down right beside him to rub his back out of comfort. "You're going to have to sit it out for a bit."

"It's a bit far but I can go run back to get you some water, Ken," Dr. Lee offered. "We should try to walk over closer to a bench by a bathroom if you ever need to. How about you guys go ahead and find the closest bathroom while I go buy water." As the four agreed to the plan, Dr. Lee had zoomed off to do his task. Seongwoo and Akiko were the ones to support Ken to his feet and bring him over to a more convenient bench with the bathrooms only feet away from them.

They all waited around for Dr. Lee to return for the dizzy and nauseous Ken. Hyeju glimpsed over and spotted that they were just by a roller coaster she had wanted to try. She pouted knowing that it might be impossible to ride with her friend out of commission.

"Did you want to ride that, Hyeju-chan?" Akiko asked the younger girl. "That's a fun one so it always has a longish line to ride it. But today doesn't seem to have a lot of people so you should be able to ride it quickly." Akiko saw her friend nod along to her words. Hyeju looked kind of solemn, obvious that she desperately wanted to ride it. The Japanese girl glanced over at Seongwoo. "Seongwoo, I think you two should go ride it."

"Huh?" Hyeju turned her gaze from the roller coaster back to her friend. "What about the rest of you?"

"Ken definitely won't be able to ride that, and I've ridden it a couple times before. You two should go since it's your first time here," Akiko insisted. "You don't have to wait on us."

"Are you sure, Akiko?" Seongwoo asked.

Easily understanding the question, the short-haired lass nodded.

And thus, Hyeju and Seongwoo went ahead to join the short line for the extreme looking ride. As they reached closer to the front of the line, it really showed Hyeju how tall the ride truly was, and she gulped nervously upon seeing it. Before she could figure out how she truly felt about the ride, the two of them were already climbing into the cart.

"Seongwoo-sshi, I have a confession. This is my first ever official roller coaster I ever been on in my life and I'm kind of scared," the redhead murmured just as the safety bars had been set down securely in place.

"Really?" As if it were a natural reaction, he held out his hand towards her. Hyeju stared at it in surprise, before peering back at Seongwoo's face. "It's okay. If you want to hold my hand for support, you can."

First the headband, and now this?...

Why does Seongwoo seem to be the most perfect guy? If this roller coaster doesn't kill her, his charms definitely will.

Shyly, she slipped her hand in his. While both their hands were chilled from the winter day, this... seemed comforting in a way. Maybe she was so nervous that her hands were beginning to warm and sweat from it, but having Seongwoo's hand tightly gripped on hers really did give her a boost of confidence.

And a boost of her admiration for him.

It was beginning to hurt being that today would be their last full day to hang out. And that after tomorrow, she won't be able to see him anymore...

The roller coaster began chugging forward, creaking and rumbling as it climbed up the hill to get its great plummet. At this Hyeju squeezed her hand a bit harder on Seongwoo's, her eyes darting at their surroundings. Was she afraid of heights? She never really had an experience where she would have to worry about a thing, not until now. She could sparsely see Akiko, Ken, and the returned doctor, at the bench far below. Besides her, Seongwoo shouted over to the three and waved enthusiastically. The girl got to admit that his relaxed, cheery nature did calm her in some way.

"Want to do something crazy before we plummet to our death?" Seongwoo asked as they slowly clicked upwards in their cart.

"Yah, Seongwoo-sshi, that's not funny," Hyeju huffed. But with a roll of her eyes, she agreed to whatever he had in mind.

"Well, we're pretty close now, don't you think?" Seongwoo questioned. At this, Hyeju nodded at the boy. For goodness sakes, they were holding hands, they were close to some extent for this to happen. "We ask each other a question, like a really personal question, and we won't answer it until the roller coaster drops."

"That's an interesting game," Hyeju noted.

"Yeah, well, and because we'd be too focused on the ride, if you have an embarrassing answer then it could probably be forgotten by the time the ride ends."

Very interesting.

"Okay, Seongwoo-sshi, you peaked my interest. Do you already have a question to ask me? Because we're almost at the top."

"Do you have one for me?"

Hyeju nodded. She couldn't help it, she was very curious now. And if this roller coaster can save herself from the embarrassment, then so be it. "When you go back to Korea, will you actually attempt to be an idol?"

This question caught Seongwoo by surprise. "That's a weak question, Hyeju-sshi."

"But that's what I'm most interested about," Hyeju replied. "Because I know that if you actually try, you would make it, but it just takes a first step in the right direction."

A sudden smirk tugged at his lips. "Like trying out for one of the many auditions you found for me?"

Well shit.

Blinking away from Seongwoo, she realized that in only mere seconds, they would reach the very top of the hill. "Well, okay, you better hurry, what's your question to me?"

There was a brief pause as the cart finally reached the top.

"Would you date me if we had more time together?"

Hyeju's eyes instantly met Seongwoo's, full of bewilderment. He had that mischievous grin to his face, even when not knowing the answer to his unexpected question. Did she hear correctly? Was the pressure already getting to hear for being this high up in the air that it's affecting her hearing?

"W-Wait, repeat that?" She sputtered out. At this point, the cart was already hanging over, their great drop about to happen at any given moment. The suspense only growing. But was the tightness in her chest from nervousness of the height or from the boy beside her?

Both, most definitely.

"I know you heard me, Hyeju-sshi," the brunette lad uttered. She can now see that even though he has quite the confident attitude, his flushed face says otherwise. "So you have to answer properly, okay?"

Hyeju had a million questions, in which she felt she had to ask at this limited period of time. But before she could even utter another word, the cart bumped forward, the plummet into the deepest dip of the roller coaster about to happen.

And then, they fell.

Hyeju squeezed even tighter on Seongwoo's hand as their cart zoomed downwards on the railway. And even with the rush of the wind and the other riders' screaming filling their ears, they made sure to shout out their answers to each other's questions in hopes it was loud enough to hear.

Both of them which yelled out the same answer as the roller coaster whisked them away with amazing speed.

A/n: oh my, lemme just say, even though I was the one that wrote this out, I literally was fangirling so much. Cheeky Seongwoo is such a fun thing to write and AH, I love that boy so SO much!!

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