filming day.

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In the midst of everything hectic going on in Wanna One's lives, the day to finally film their music videos had come. Yes, two, because they decided to give the fans the opportunity to play a role to their debut by choosing either Burn It Up or Energetic as their title song. They all knew it meant extra work to do, while they prepared both songs, but honestly they enjoyed the busyness of it all.

The boys and some YMC staff had to drive out all the way to Busan for the music videos. Apparently, there are multiple good places they  found for filming the varying songs. Some filming at the beach not far from the town house they have reserved, a couple run down, yet colorful stores just by the bay, and a renovated building with lots of spacious room to use for sets. Plus, it was in the quieter side of Busan, so filming in privacy doesn't seem to be a problem. It was a perfect all-for-one package that YMC Entertainment couldn't pass up.

The drive was undeniably long. The boys had to pile in their designated vans as early as three in the morning, and cruise all the way over to Busan to hopefully beat the traffic. They'll have about three days to film both the videos, so they can't waste too much time. It was to their advantage that they'll be staying on set for two nights, but they had a lot to do if they wanted a successful debut.

Majority of the drive, the boys have slept (as they should). However, by the time they were nearing their destination, the van have become lively with the boys' chatter, mostly of those who reigned from Busan themselves. Sure, the set weren't anywhere near where they lived, but it didn't stop them from naming some delicious foods that they should try while they're in Busan. Well... at least that was how it was in the van that consisted of the older members.

"I've had these fish cakes that wrapped around crab sticks and seaweed and it's so good," Kang Daniel noted yet another street snack he remembered having whenever he was in Busan. He nodded over to Jisung, who had tagged along with him before with their other MMO friends. "Remember, hyung?"

"Yeah, it was pretty good," Wanna One's leader agreed, as he pondered back on their last trip to Busan together. It had been a couple weeks before they filmed for Produce 101. He glanced over to the other Busan-born boy. "Minhyun-ah, what about you? Maybe we can convince our staff to bring us somewhere we want for dinner?"

Minhyun was only just waking up from his sleep, listening in quietly but with interest to his members talk about Busan food. He had his wrack his brains for anything that popped out to him from his dear hometown. "There's these dumplings my mother likes buying for me whenever she comes home from work... I'll have to ask where she buys them from though."

"Why are we talking about food right now?" Jaehwan whined from the back seat. "We haven't had breakfast yet and I'm starving! Let's not make ourselves suffer."

"Yah, eat these dried fruits I brought," Sungwoon chimed in the seat in front of him, holding out a small container of what looks to be dried papaya. With a pout, Jaehwan gratefully took a couple pieces from his hyung and munched on them in hopes it'll ease his hunger a while longer.

Seongwoo had to laugh at it all, with all his members eventually just teasing one another. As early as it was, sometimes it doesn't seem like it with his Wanna One members. He guessed he should be thankful for that to be able to take his mind away from irrelevant things.

By eight, the boys have arrived to their set. Every single member looked overjoyed that they will be staying just by the beach, that could only mean a little bit of late night water fun if they wanted. The area they have to stay in was not bad at all, definitely something that exceeded their expectations for their first music video.

Wanna One already seemed to be on a whole other level.

Once everyone was settled in the town houses they were assigned to, they went ahead to eat their much needed breakfast at the three-story building they will be using for parts of their music video, not too far from the beach. It was convenient that the building had their own cafeteria, a place where employees and guests could eat in.

Wanna One followed after their YMC staff along the lines in the cafeteria. It was a lively room, even when it was so early in the morning. It gave the boys some kind of motivation for the day, at least to Seongwoo it did.

"Jesus, finally, I swear if we waited any longer, my stomach would've ate itself inside out," Jaehwan chimed just as food was being put onto his tray. Each boy said their thanks to the kitchen staff, grateful for their hard work this early morning.

All eleven claimed a table of their own. With the way people weren't abruptly approaching them and the lack of invading privacy, the staff of the building must either not know who they are, or were informed to not disturb them. Either way, after the hype Produce 101 had brought them, it was kind of relief to be getting some space from crazy fans.

"Thank you, sunbae!" Across the cafeteria, a group of people must've finished their meal, as they all stood from their table at the same time. Seongwoo wasn't sure why he had his attention on the group, but he couldn't help but watch them put their dirtied trays onto the conveyer belt and make their way out of the cafeteria. One of them, an older man wrapped his arm around a young woman with shortly trimmed hair, leading her out with a smile on his face. In fact, the whole group looked to be very close to one another, it made Seongwoo curious as to what kind of team they were to the building.

"Hey, Seongwoo." The mentioned boy snapped his gaze away from the interesting crew, and looked back at his own. He looked over at Sungwoon, who was the one that called for him. "What do you think? Should Jihoon-ah make yet another cringey aegyo thing when we debut?"

"What do you mean by cringey?" The famous wink boy frowned, while the others chuckled at the topic.

"C'mon, Jihoonie, you gotta admit that kku kku kka kka is pretty cringey," Jinyoung muttered from his left side. This earned an even more prominent frown.

"Either way, I got plenty more," Jihoon huffed. "The fans will love it!"

"Of course, anything from our Nation's wink boy," Daehwi snickered.

Seongwoo decided to join into the conversation. "Granted, we agreed he's in charge of aegyo in our group, right? That means he can do all the aegyo while the rest of us may be saved from embarrassment."

"Ah, hyung," Jihoon whined.

The day carried on as expected after their surprisingly delicious breakfast. Staff and members alike were bustling around, starting the day to film Burn It Up at the beach. It was, in a way, a slow day, since majority of the boys were still pretty new to the whole thing, but nonetheless they've made progress. At the pace they were going, they'll finish up the music videos on time. They also tried to film a bit for their upcoming reality show, mostly consisting of each member talking about their experience so far for their first music video.

After filming some scenes on the beach, the crew decided it was a good chance to film in the building for the time being, as the afternoon heat was beginning to get to everyone. Fortunately, this gave the boys about a thirty minute break while the filming crew went to check out the set. This moved everyone back to the renovated building that they were in only hours before. This gave them a better chance to really take in what the building was like, now that they were more alert from sleep. It was a big and spacious place, had a light air to it with the jubilant array of colors that painted the walls and floors. They could see to the right of it, that they were extending the building more.

A children entertainment center, it seems, from all the promotional signs the building had.

Wanna One was able to stay in one of the many holding rooms, which the staff of the building helped provided with snacks and drinks for everyone. So for now, everyone was resting before they have to be whisked away again for another wardrobe change and the retouch of makeup.

As of right now, the boys were going off about their recent game on Overwatch from the night before.

Seongwoo wasn't completely invested into the exciting topic, only listening to his friends rant off about it. This lead him to look around the room again to keep himself occupied. They had coolers filled with water and other varieties of drinks. Tables were lined with healthy snacks for the boys and the YMC staff to eat. Then there were lots of couches and chairs for them to sit and rest on, just like the boys have reserved the comfiest sofas of the room. It was a nice waiting room.

His eyes wandered over to the windows that overlooked the hallway and lobby. People have been walking past, without baring a glance into their room for the past ten minutes. However, now he noticed about four people standing just at the corner of the window, talking amongst themselves and looking into their room from time to time.

They must know who they were.

"Um, guys, I think we have some fans out there?" Seongwoo noted to the guys, pointing over to the window with his thumb.

Just as the rest of Wanna One's eyes drifted over to where Seongwoo was pointing, this gave a shock to the onlookers, instantly giving them to signal to escape before they get in trouble. The four sped away in a fluster, Seongwoo then noticed there was a fifth person, a woman who was hidden behind them, and she followed right after her group.

Short hair? Was she the same one I saw in the cafeteria? Seongwoo wondered to himself.

He focused right on her, getting the chance at her profile.

His eyes widened.

The boy scrambled up to his feet and rushed towards the door, ignoring the calls from his members.

Could it be?...

He needs a better look.

His hands pushed roughly on the doors, he was ready to run after the short haired lass. But had opened the door so abruptly that he accidentally smacked one of the security men supposed to be protecting them.

Apparently, if anyone needs protecting, it would have to be him from Seongwoo's frantic actions.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" A string of apologies flowed out of Seongwoo's lips towards the bulky man. While as the guard tried to reassure the idol that he was fine, it didn't wipe away the bad feeling of being reckless. And his eyes tried to search for that woman again, but they must've turned the corner before he could confirm it.

It couldn't have been her. That would be far too much of a coincidence when she would be all the way in Japan.

That's right, maybe he missed her a little too much and now he was seeing her in places.

Seongwoo shook his head at how ridiculous that was.

Dear god, he was hallucinating now.

He definitely have to move on.

. . .

Day one of filming the music videos was over. After successfully filming plenty of scenes for Burn It Up, it was time they can head over to the townhouse to relax for the late night. The boys went ahead to change into more comfortable clothes before heading over to the townhouse in a random room.

To all the boys' surprise, their manager, had entered their make-shift dressing room with a box in his hands.

"What do you have there, manager-nim?" Daehwi chimed, noticing the box first.

Guanlin, who was closest to their manager at the moment, peeked over. Once noticing it, he gaped, "Oh, it's cake."

Upon hearing the word cake, all the boys then gathered around the lone man (some not even fully clothed yet). "Where did you get it from?" Sungwoon asked.

Through the plastic window of the box, they could clearly see it was made for them. The top of the cake said Wanna One Fighting!! It was a sweet gesture... literally. Seeing the delicious looking cake sent excitement to every member.

"It's not from me," their manager replied. He held a warm grin, he looked touched. "Apparently, you had a fan who had been waiting all day to give you guys this cake."

"Huh? But I thought no one knew we were shooting in this area?" Jinyoung asked, his brows furrowed together in confusion.

"Well, no, except all the people who were working in the building we were shooting at. They all got the memo that they couldn't spread out the info," the older man further explained. "But I don't think we should worry too much, she seemed to have good intentions. She did wait until now to give the cake to us."

"Did she make it?" Jisung chimed in.

"No, she said she had been so busy working with the renovations that she didn't have the time to. So, she bought it in a bakery down the road."

He then set down the cake on the table before the boys. They all moved closer to get a better look at the cake more. "One of you should bring it back to townhouse so you can all eat it. But do make sure to have dinner before eating the cake. I know some of you can probably finish this all in one go." He eyed some of the younger members suspiciously. "Go ahead home and get some rest and food, okay? We have an early day tomorrow."

"Yes, sir!"

Just as the manager was about to walk out of the room, he halted, turned and looked back at the boys once again. "Oh yeah, before I forget. The fan who gave me the cake wanted me to let you guys know that she had been an avid watcher of Produce 101 and wishes you all a successful debut."

"That's nice of her," Daniel grinned. "Did you get her name?"

The manager snapped his fingers. "That's right! She did give me her name." He looked deep in thought. "Ah, right, her name was... Nam Hyeju? Yeah, it was Nam Hyeju."

There was a sudden thundering of his heart against Seongwoo's ears. He couldn't have misheard that, no way would he ever mistake hearing the very girl's name. It couldn't be some other random girl... it had to be his Nam Hyeju.

"When did she give that to you?" Seongwoo asked, his whole body jittering on high.

"Um, just now, actually," the manager answered with a confused glance. "She was standing outside the door looking for a chance to give the cake before I came by."

"I need to go."

Seongwoo once again sped out of the room, ignoring the calls of his members and manager. His eyes darted up and down the hallways, but this time he was able to get a glimpse.

The same short-haired woman from earlier.

He ran after her.

There's her back.

"Yah, Nam Hyeju!"

He saw her flinch to his voice. The woman quickly turned her heel so to look directly at him. Even though she was at the opposite end of the hallway, he could make out her facial expressions perfectly. She looked absolutely the same since the last pictures she had sent to him of herself. Just her hair was different; a natural colored, short wavy bob, a drastic change to her usual long colorful hair.

But she still looked so beautiful to him.

Just as their eyes met, the girl was ready to cry, catching Seongwoo by surprise. His feet were already bringing him closer.

"I'm so sorry, Seongwoo," she began tearing up. "I didn't mean to suddenly drop you."

The idol engulfed her into a hug, letting her rest her head on his chest. He held onto her tight. This had been way too long, way too long. He couldn't even count the times he had dreamed of seeing Hyeju again, to hold her again.

But here, by chance? This had to be some kind of weird fate granting him his wish.

Another fateful meeting, it seemed, just like their first meeting in Japan when he had been hopelessly lost.

They must be connected in some way.

"Hyeju, you don't have to apologize, okay? Because, honestly, I'm just happy that I get to hug you like this again."

A/n: soooo I think maybe epilogue next already?

I never planned for this story to delve deep plot wise, it's more to give hope and fluff... and seriously to self-indulge into the beauty that is Ong Seongwoo. I was thinking through the story, and definitely it's not as exciting as my other ones, but it was a nice experience to write~ who knows, maybe I'll make a sequel 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyway, please do vote and comment if you enjoyed! Maybe if you want this a lil longer, you can suggest some scenes I can do?

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