Chapter 2: The Question

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Please make me smile by voting and commenting!!!

Dedicated to WavesOfChaosAndLove Smoke_Forever cuppa-cocoa and caroline18031998 thank you!

3:00 pm- one hour before he shows up at Amber's house


"Hey Coda you showed" Zach said.

He invited me over to his house to play games and hang out. Our other friend was there also his name is Jake.

"Yo dude! We thought you were gonna be a no show" Jake said. He wrapped me in a bear hug. We had been best friend's for years.

We decided to play truth or dare. I dared Zach to take a selfie of him with swimming trunks, socks and his underwear on his head. It was funny. Then I dared Jake to text Melissa the teaches pet I love you. Jake and Zach both dared me to go to Amber's house. I had to go there and take a selfie with her. So I obviously went.

4:00pm at Amber's house

I walked up to her house. It was gigantic. I wonder if she has any siblings. She must have an amazing family though. I walked through her front yard. There was a giant oak tree on each side of her yard. There were flowers Infront of her house and I was walking on a stone pathway. The grass was that perfect shade of green and looked extremely fluffy. Her front door was white and the house was a maroon color.

I cautiously rang the door bell. A man that looked to be in his 40s answered the door. His hair was brown and had some gray. He had piercing blue eyes. I wondered where Amber had gotten her amber eyes from. Probably her mother.

"May I help you" the man asked in a deep tone.

"Yes, I am looking for Amber" I said.

"She will be down in a moment" the man replied.

I backed away from the door and stood waiting. A few moments later a confused Amber arrived at the door. She looked at me as if to ask why are you here. I could tell she had manners because she didn't blurt out and ask why I was here.

"Hello" she said in a sweet tone. I adored the way her voice sounded. I could listen to her talk all day long and never get tiered of it.

"Hi Amber."

"Why are you here" she asked me.

"Can I come in" I asked.

She stepped to the side. I walked into the most beautiful house I have ever seen. The floor was wooden and glossy. There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The white carpeted stairs glowed against the color of the floor. She started walking to a door that was brown with white trim. She opened it and it led to a long corridor. There were windows with white silky looking drapes She pressed a button on the wall and an elevator opened with a ding.

I stepped inside it. To my surprise there was a bench in the elevator. It stopped on the fourth floor. When the doors open we were at another corridor except it was bigger. There were doors leading to different places. She walked past two doors and then opened the door to her left. This door was diffrent. It had gold designs around the door frame.

She walked in leaving the door open for me to come though. I stepped into the most amazing bedroom ever. The floor was dark royal purple carpet that my feet sunk into easily. There were two queen sized beds. They both had dark royal purple bedsheets and two white pillows. There was a small brown bedside table separating the two beds. On one bed was Amber and on the other was a gigantic black dog. First I stood still shocked but when I noticed a dog bigger then me I about ran out the door.

"Her name is Midnight" Amber's sweet voice said.

"She is huge" I said.

"You can sit down on the window seat if you want to" She said motioning to the window.

That was when I noticed a window. It had dark royal purple drapes. I guessed that she must love that color. I looked next to it and saw a glass sliding door. I also noticed that it was open so the breeze was coming through. The warm breeze blew her blonde curls over her sholder.

I absolutely adored her, but I never knew what to say to her. I would watch her play soccer with the boys, watch her and Claire fight, watch her texting her dad, and I loved to watch her study in the café. She was a straight A student and I was jealous of that. She had a mind of her own when it came to school. Other kids would rather die then go to school, but Amber, she gets there 20 minutes early so she can study. Sometimes she will even stay after class so that she can ask the teachers a few questions.

"So why are you here" she questioned me.

"Why do you always work so hard at school" I asked totally changing the subject.

She paused. I looked at her with concern.

"My mother" she said quietly.

It hurt me to see her this sad. I thought that her mother must have not been upstairs because I hadn't seen her yet.

She continued "mom died giving birth to my sister" Amber choked out the words.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered.

I moved over to her bed and wrapped her in a hug. She tensed for a moment but then she cried.

I knew right then that my bet was over. I was a complete chicken. I am going to become her friend. I know that she has had a hard life so the least I can do is try to help her out.

"Amber" I asked her.

"What" she asked wiping tears off her cheek.

"Would you like to be friends" I asked.

Her face lit up and she smiled her breathtaking smile. I loved it when she did and I knew that if we were friends that I would see a lot more of that beautiful smile.

"YES YES YES" she screamed!

I left her house that night knowing that I had helped make that beautiful, amazing, breathtaking girl feel better.  As the cold night breeze blew across my face, I couldn't feel it because my smile was so big and warming.


AnimalBookLover2016: Hello everyone, I am so sorry that I didn't update. School is tight right now trying to get good grades. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Have a great day or night,
~Peace Out

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