Chapter One

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-The First Month-
A small leaf fell from a great oak tree onto a small child's face, Amber was asleep. The girl clutching a throwing knife in her hand suddenly shot up upon feeling the leaf fall onto her face. She looked around panicked, when she realized there wasn't anyone near she let out a sigh. Not that there would be anyone around, the girl thought scolding herself. She then stood up wiping her eyes tiredly with her free hand as she leant back onto a tree, the sun bursted through Eden allowing numerous colors to shine which gave a sense of comfort to the young child. She bit her lip holding back tears as the fear of being alone took over, it had only be a couple days since primfeya and she had been scared of being alone. She hadn't attempted to visit the bunker knowing all to well she'd get lost, besides she felt safe in the tiny village she now called home.

When she had first awoken from a painful slumber the girl could barely walk, and seeing all the bodies of those who had previously lived peaceful lives made her sick. At night she prayed up to the stars, praying for a miracle...she prayed for her friends to be safe both in the bunker and on the ark.

Amber slowly began to walk back to the village, having been so tired she had passed out on the ground. Her eyes wandered around as her hands ran against the bush that laid promptly with small berries protruding from it. Her mind wandered as she tried to find some hope. There was Amelia. The older girl who's smile became so familiar to the younger girl it was second nature to smile back. Amelia had mentored Amber, and was the reason Amber was who she was today. The girl couldn't help but tear up at the thought of Amelia being dead. Then there was McAllen. He was the humorous boy who always comforted Amber when she was upset or ill. She couldn't express enough gratitude for the older boy. There was Lewis. One who reminded her of her older brother, she remembered first meeting him and thinking he was a jerk. More like misunderstood. As for her thoughts on him now, she feared for his well being. There was Skylar. Skylar was the badass older sister Amber never had, she was positive strong and caring. All the characteristics Amber looked up too. She just wished she had been with Skylar, to see what the winner of the conclave would become. There where many others, but she truly loved Melody. Hoping the younger girl was alive and doing well in the ark.

When Amber snapped back to reality the girl let out a hiss as a small prick had caught her finger, dark black blood sprung up. She wiped her finger on her jeans messily. Once the bleeding had come to a stop, the girl continued walking as she finally reached the village. She had only set up a small table with fruit and all the weapons that where in the houses. She hadn't gained enough courage to move the bodies, she then  locked "eye contact" with one of the bodies. Her own skin had been damaged due to primfeya but seeing the deceased body just made her realize how lucky she was to be alive. She had already started working on a schedule so she wouldn't go crazy being so alone.

Amber would first wake up at around dawn, she'd then secure all the traps she planned to make to capture animals. She'd then sooner or later move the bodies and burn them, later in the day she would train with the weapons. Wanting to be equally skilled in all the weapons she had found.Lastly she would practice her Trigedasleng. There where many books written in them, and she'd do her best to decode them with her previous knowledge of the language. At the moment the girl stood staring down at the weapons, she picked up a long blade with a curved tip. The girl squinted her eyes as dried blood surrounded the top, but the blood was much darker. She attempted to spin in knowing only extremely skilled warriors had the ability. Amber nearly pierced herself as a small shriek escaped her lips, she dropped the sword her heart racing. "Dumb mistake," The girl muttered to herself. She looked around at her home, "practice makes perfect... the three ps...patience, practice, perfection." She said looking up at the sky. Her blue eyes twinkling as she felt the sense of hope she'd been searching for.

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