Author's Note

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Sorry for such a long wait for a new update for this story. I have been focused on my other stories lately and I had ran out of current ideas for this book, but I'm back now with some awesome ideas. Thanks (tag LilySelenaGreyback) for the story ideas, suggestions, advice, and etc. for this book. It really means a lot to me.

I have created an update schedule and I plan on trying to update this story every Wednesday. Hopefully, I stick to my schedule, but no promises because stuff happens and I do have school work to do.

I'm thinking of making a new book on here that will include some random stuff from me, such as random facts, rants about my life, important news that you need to know about my stories, and etc. If you would like me to do this, let me know. I'll probably end up doing it anyways, but I would love to hear whether you want me to do it or not and some more opinions from you all. I'll let you all know when the book is up, so you can add it to your library.

I have changed this book around a little, so it fits my new ideas better. Also, it helps the book flow better and it makes more more sense that it did. Hope you like my changes and I hope to hear from you all soon.

I'm back at writing this book, which makes me sooo happy. I have missed writing this book so much, but I didn't have any ideas for it, which makes me very sad. See ya soon!

Peace Out!✌

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