Chapter 2

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*Lily's POV*

We arrived at Hogsmeade Station and rode the carriages up to Hogwarts. I walk into the entrance hall and head to the Hospital Wing with James since he wanted to come with me to go check on baby Sirius and baby Elizabeth.

We walk to the 1st floor corridor to the Hospital Wing. We enter the Hospital Wing and Madam Pomfrey is sitting by a bed close to her office waiting on me.

"No one else is allowed to be in here right now, Mr. Potter," she says. He starts to leave while giving me a sad smile, but I pull him back to me.

"He's the father, Madam Pomfrey. He can stay," I tell her while giving her a dangerous look.

"Okay, then come on over you two, " she sighs. We walk over to the bed and I hop onto the bed while he pulls a chair up next to the bed. "Hold very still, Ms. Evans." Madam Pomfrey waved her wand over my stomach repeatedly while smiling down at me. Her smile slowly faded and I was starting to worry.

"What's wrong?" I ask while going wide-eyed.

"I'm getting a few heartbeats. You're having twins, aren't you?" she asks us. She stops waving her wand over my stomach.

"Yeah. Why? How many are there?" I asked, calming down a little bit.

"There's 4 heart beats." she said shocked. She went back to waving her wand over my stomach repeatedly. I look at James with wide-eyes and he looks at me with wide eyes. I give him a huge smile.

"What's the genders?" I ask, excited now.

"2 boys and 2 girls," she tells us, smiling.

"Are they healthy?" I ask.

"Yes, dear. They're all healthy." she says while putting her wand down.

"Can we go now?" I ask her.

"Yes, you two may go," she says. James stands up, helps me back down, and we walk out smiling at each other. Wow! We're going to have quadruplets! I can't wait to hold them and carry them around with me. I hope James is taking this okay. I'll have to ask him.

"James?" I say. We look at each other. "Are you okay with all of this?"

"Absolutely! I just had to let it sink in," he said, smiling at me. Suddenly, he stops walking, turns me to face him, picks me up, and spins me around making me squeal and laugh.

"We need to go see Headmaster Dumbledore, if you want to get a special room just for the two of us, so that we can keep the kids with us," James says, while putting me back down.

"Well, let's go. Come on," I say while trying to pull him along with me.

"And what's in it for me?" he asks.

"Getting to go to school with me while we raise our kids here for the rest of the year and next year," I say. I pull at his hand, again, while trying to move him and finally succeeded. We go up 2 more floors and to the headmaster's office.

"Lemon drops," I say. James and I hop onto the first 2 steps quickly when the gargoyle started moving, so we wouldn't have to walk up all of those stairs. It stopped moving, we approached the door, and I knocked.

We heard a quiet 'come in' and we entered to see Professor Dumbledore sitting behind his desk. We sat down in the chairs in front of his desk.

"We have something that we need to talk to you about and it's really important," I say.

"Okay. What is it?" he asked, with twinkling eyes.

"Can James and I have a special room to ourselves, so we can take care of our children together while at school. And before you ask, I am not sending my children to my parents, so they can raise them. It's not going to happen. I'm going to do this," I say quickly.

"Calm down, Lily. I'm going to let you have your own special quarters, but what are you going to do with them while you two are in classes?" he asks.

"Well, we were going to take them with us to the classes," I say. "After they're born, we will need to get them on a schedule, so can we have a little bit of time off? Like maybe 2 and ½ weeks or even a month off so that we could do that and spend some special time with them, just the 6 of us?"

"That's sounds good. Is that all, Lily?" he asks.

"Yes, sir. Thanks so much, Professor Dumbledore," I say, while smiling at him. We got up and was almost at the door before he spoke again.

"Congratulations! I'll come and see the children after their born. Got any names picked out yet?" he says.

"Sirius Remus and Elizabeth Rose so far." I say, while still smiling. After that, we turned around and left. We went to the Kitchens and ate alone, instead of going to the Great Hall and embarrassing ourselves. After we were finished, I got a couple packs of crackers from the Kitchens and brought it with me. If I don't eat crackers when I wake up, I end up having morning sickness until noon.

We went back to the Gryffindor Common Room to find everyone staring at a new door in between the 2 sets stairs that each led to the Girls' and Boys' Dormitories. We walk hand in hand towards the crowd.

"It's just a door! It's not that abnormal!" James yells. This makes everyone jump and stare at us. Sirius, Remus, Jen, and Peter appeared in the front of the crowd.

"Is that your room?" Sirius asks.

"It's mine and Lily's room. Why?" James says.

"How did you get it a room all by yourselves?" Sirius asks.

"We explained our situation to Dumbledore and he understood and I think he knew that if he said no to Lily that she would go crazy on him," James says, while trying not to laugh. Everyone in the room was laughing at that, including me.

"Night, guys! See you in the morning!" we scream over the loud crowd. We began to push our way through the crowd. After what seemed like hours of trying to get to the door, we finally did. We quickly entered the room and decided to look around. There were a small kitchen, a good-sized living room, 2 separate bathrooms, and 2 bedrooms. Everything was decorated in red and gold.

One of the bedrooms had was a queen sized bed with 2 night stands, 2 chest of dressers, 2 wardrobes, 2 large vanity mirrors, and an alarm clock on one of the stands.

In the other bedroom, there was 4 cribs, 2 diaper changing tables, 4 different wardrobes, 2 rocking chairs, and 4 car seats.

In the kitchen, there was a fridge, stove, sink, microwave, a coffee pot, and lots of cabinets full of bottles and mugs.

In the living room, there was a big couch, a small diaper changing area, a good-sized TV, a VCR player, a DVD player, a few end stands, a mini fridge, and a book stand in the corner.

Both of the bathrooms had 2 large walk in showers, 2 sinks, a bathtub, and 2 large vanity mirrors.

We went in our room and unpacked all of our stuff together. After that, we both got in our pajamas and went into the living room where we watched TV and talked until midnight. We got up and went to the bedroom when James did something unexpected.

James picked Lily up bridal style and carried her into the bedroom while they both laughed. He laid her on the left side of the bed and laid down beside her. Lily smiled at James and he smiled at her.

"What do you think about Kaitlyn Jane Potter and Dylan Ray Potter?" I ask him. His eyes light up and his smile grows bigger.

"I love it!" he shouts.

"Don't shout! You'll end up waking them up and I'll have to deal with them kicking me all night long, James!" I say, getting angry.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, love," he says quickly.

"Night. Love you," I yawn and roll over.

"Night, Lily. I love you, too. Night Sirius James, Dylan Remus, Elizabeth Rose, and Kaitlyn Jane," he says, quietly as he wraps an arm around my stomach and pull me towards him. He kisses my stomach 4 times and the side of my forehead before we both fall asleep.

*Emma's POV*

Severus and I talk until we arrive in Hogsmeade. Severus and I get into a carriage and head for the castle. We walk into the Great Hall and sit down at the Slytherin Table, so we can watch Lily and James's Gryffindor group, but Lily and James aren't with them. They glare at us, so we glare at them. We glare at each while the Sorting Ceremony occurred.

After the feast began, we ate, talked to each other, and glared at the Gryffindor group. The feast was soon over. Severus gave the older students the password while I gathered the new Slytherins. We took the 1st years on a short tour, showing them where their classes would be before leading them to the Slytherin common room. They all headed off to bed. Severus and I sat by the fire in the common room and talked until we were sleepy. We headed to our rooms, unpacked, and fell asleep quickly.



I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!

Lots of love,

sierravanmeter12335 xoxo

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