Chapter 4

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My eyes immediately blinked frequently. I was already tired of ending up blacking out every single time. The only difference was I wasn't just on a bed. I was actually on the bed with Adrian's head.

"You monster!" I cried, as I threw a pillow at him which made him jerk out awake.

I was confused. I couldn't see his bleeding or monsterous face. He was even more handsome than I could ever imagined.

He sat up quietly and stared at me. I felt foolish instantly. Like screaming wouldn't even help and again, I was this badass. A badass that is expected not to give the damn about anything.

I sighed softly and glared at him, "Whoever you are, set me free!"

He sighed and scratched his nose in a funny way. I hindered the urge to laugh. "Could you be less scared?" He asked, as if he were just a normal human.

He wasn't!

He was a wolf in a cute teddy bear clothing.

He was this guy, every girl in the school had crushed on and still crushing on. He wasn't even the bad boy that girls rush after but he had this body that was even more hot.

I frowned, "I'm not. Tell me who you really are, Adrian!"

"You are to fix it yourself. Do you remember the stranger you met? The one who told you, he knows what you need to do?"

"No one! Are you playing pranks on me?"

"Try to remember, you dummy!" He gritted his teeth.

It was something miraculous seeing him utter up to five words. I used to think he was suffering from a permanent mouth injury that enabled him to speak very less apart from him being the school genius.

I tried to remember what happened that particular day. But nothing really happened. I was injected and ended up in Daisy's bed. It couldn't be more.


I ran out of the building when I heard the sirens. They were too slow! Dylan died already. He died already!

I kept screaming like a crazy woman. I abruptly stopped as I saw someone mentioned my name. Scared, it was the same person calling or asking if I would rather be dead or have the dead alive, I attempted to run back to the house which now had lots of people including neighbours. But something cool about his voice called me. His voice was vaguely familiar.

I walked slowly to the stranger. " How do you know my name?" I said. I squeezed my face as I recalled I had said something similar earlier but I just couldn't figure when.

"I know what you need to do," the man said with a grin, after he stared at me for a minute. There was an electricity shock that ran across my body  just by the eye to  eye contact, but it was due to the fact that I needed someone to comfort me.

I knew it was one of the useless people that just come to tell people useless things for money. "I have no money! I have bloody no money. Get the fuck off you, crazy motherfu*ker!"


"Yes. I remember someone telling me he knew what I could do to stop the mess. I remember, but what does it have to do with you ? I saw you. You are a monster! A devil! Who the hell are you? Tell me before I expose your secret to anyone!"

He stood up and sat by my side. I cringed at his proximity and threw the pillow at him. I didn't know why but I just felt like really beating him to pulp and poop!

He sighed heavily like his life depended on it. He slowly took in his full lips, "You must be really crazy! Someone decided to help you but you chased him away with your idiotic attitude? If someone had tried helping me, I wouldn't have ended up this way! I wouldn't have!"

My tongue froze as I tried talking back at him. But I was too stunned that I didn't know what reply to give him back. Amelia couldn't be really out of words, could she? Not me!
"Adrian or whatever you are, if you aren't going to confess, I would scream out my lungs and make sure you rot in prison, while pulling numerous charges against you. Including kidnapping, rap..." I stuttered. What was I thinking?

"Why the hell would I want to have sex with you, talk less of raping you. When would you get your sanity?"

"I'm sane, Adrian. It is left for you to pluck out yourself from the pool of your own insanity! Nerd!"

He rubbed his hair harshly and muttered, "Tell me, I'm not doing this! Fuck Zolla! Fuck whoever made this shit!"

"What?" My eyes widened as I heard the word, 'Zolla'. I had heard of it somewhere but I just couldn't make myself to recall.

"What is what?" he asked, annoyed.

"What the heck is Zolla, dumb-ass?"

"And why should I let you know, moron?"

"Please..." I said feigning puppy eyes.

"What the heck is that?" He asked me surprised. I guess he wasn't thinking I could just suddenly drift into being cool after stressing out the veins in my neck.

"Please, please... Please Adrian. I need to know what it means."

"It's too late, Amelia. You would rather pay if you want me to let it out. I am so tired of your chants. I can't bear you, anymore."

I asked almost immediately to my surprise, "What do you want? I would do anything. I just want to know how to repay whoever did this to me!"

"We'll talk about the payment later. I'm glad you came back to your senses. Your family was killed by..."

We heard strange noises St the entrance.

We both looked at the door as it opened. I gasped when I saw a woman who looked like in her early forties but was still gorgeous. She had a pretty round face, big eyes and a slight sharp jaw which looked contrasting to the shape of her face. Her smile was eloquent as the black gown that rested on her body.

"Mum! I thought I told you not to disturb."

His mum? Thought, I thought he had no mother. He told me he had no one right?

I looked at the woman he just called, 'mum'. She was drop dead gorgeous, too pretty to be denied. Her ebony hair was packed into a high ponytails with some hair falling on her ears. She was maybe two inches taller than me but at least, Adrian should be about 10 inches taller than her. She looked worried and she sat beside me in the bed. "Amelia, are you alright?"

I nodded.

"Thank goodness you are okay. Adrian told us he saw you laying unconscious on his way back here."


My eyes rolled to his standing posture and he just shrugged.

"Yes ma'am. My family's death was devastating!" I didn't know when the tears I had been forcing back rushed out again.

"We are so sorry for your lost, Amelia." She looked at Adrian, "Hey you, whenever you are done consoling  her, let her have her bath and bring her to the dining room."

He nodded and his mum smiled at me before walking out.

"Adrian. What's her name?"


"Why did you have to lie? Why do you have to lie that you had no one that loves you? What about this woman huh?." I almost shouted.

He looked a bit taken aback but I really couldn't explain his reaction. I was just not used with reading people's reactions. It's unwise. But the fact that he could deny his own mother?

"All what I said back then is true," he answered be like he wasn't concerned.

"Why do you just call her mum if she isn't?"

"You won't understand!" He shut me off.

I was really dumbfounded at his reply. He had a mum and he even had the gut to disown her?

Just by recalling the event. My mum's cut off arm made me burst into tears. I tried consoling myself by standing up to excuse myself or by just pocketing my hands to actually feel manly. Men don't cry.

By touching my pocket square, I burst into another round of tears but quickly used it to rub off the tears. I needed to be strong. I'm a badass and couldn't be crying before this nerd.

"Stop faking to be strong, Amelia. Cry it out! Cry all out!" He muttered as he put me to sit beside him.

All he was saying was supposed to make me feel nervous but he was really doing the opposite of consoling and it made it worse to hold back my tears.

He adjusted a little and pulled me to his hug.

I felt that need to punch him away when I remembered seeing his frightening face, but there was a reason behind it right?

I relaxed in the hug and shed all my tears out.

I used to feel awful when crying and I only did cry freely with, Dylan.


You left me!

After exactly ten minutes, I pulled out from the long hug. I wasn't feeling good. I guessed my oxytocin increased and I hated that.

Remind me, not to get hugged by a boy again for that long, okay?

After trying to think for a while, I asked, "Adrian, who killed my family?"

"The demons."

Words count: 1588
Total words count: 8536

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