Chapter 2

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"Y-you don't have to put it that way!" you exclaimed despite the heat rising in your cheeks.

"Sit down and come eat.." Levi made a gesture to the seat across from him.

You hesitated but slowly approached the table. You sat in the wooden chair and looked straight at Levi. He had his elbows rested on the table top, holding both of his hands together and his chin rested on them. "You can go ahead and just eat."

"Sure.." you mumbled as your eyes went back to his but you looked away instantly.

"Hmm, what is it?" He asked coolly.

"N-nothing.." you were blushing, you could feel the warmth on your face.

"Just dig right in." He kept insisting.

You reached for your utensils when you heard a knock on the door. Who could that be? you thought.

"Hey! Levi! Open up!" You recognized the voice.

"Coming." He got out of his seat and walked towards the door and your eyes were glued to his legs. He really did have no pants on. Before you realized you were ogling his muscular legs Hanji bursted through the door.

"_______!" She ran to you with open arms and embraced you. "Are you okay? Levi didn't do anything to you right!?"

"H-Hanji.." you tried to breath through her squeezing arms.

"I'm glad you're okay!" She finally backed away and patted your shoulders.

"Thanks Hanji." Your shoulders became relaxed now that she was here with you. They had been tense from being alone with Levi.

"So, are you ready to leave? I'll take you home." Hanji suggested.

"No, _______ hasn't had breakfast yet." Levi crossed his arms as he took a seat in his chair.

"Oh, then let me join you guys too!" Hanji invited herself and began to dig in. "You know, ________." she said in between chewing. "I've asked Levi to come cook for us at the restaurant but he won't."

You gave a puzzled look as you grabbed some food and moved them to your plate. "You're kidding.. right?"

"Nope! Try it, he's a great cook!" she stuffed her face once again.

You were a little hesitant but you finally ate the food. "Wow.." Levi was watching you closely. "It's actually not that bad!" You began to eat more.

"Heh," Levi sipped what was probably tea. "Eat it all if you like!" Levi got up from his seat and headed to his bedroom. "I'm going to get dressed."

You and Hanji just had some small talk and enjoyed Levi's food while he was away. Suddenly, the image of Levi falling flashed in your mind.

"Hey, Hanji." you put your fork down, making a loud clink against the white plate.

"Hmmm?" her cheeks were puffed up.

"Is Levi... okay?" your brows furrowed. "Yesterday he seemed like he had a high fever or something."

"Oh, is that right..?" Hanji didn't seem surprised at all as she patted a napkin to her lips.

"Yeah.. And he fell down as he was walking home.." you continued.

"Well.." she thought for a second. "Levi has-"

"A weak immune system." He walked in, pulling an arm through a navy blazer. "Last night I was out and probably caught it sometime then."

"That's right," Hanji turned back to the food. "Levi's not the strongest in those kinds of situations."

"Then.. shouldn't you go see a doctor or something?" You turned to Levi with a worried look in your eyes.

"I'll be fine. Worry about yourself, _______. You are the one who's not wearing any pants in a man's home." He cocked an eyebrow.

The red in your cheeks returned as you heard Hanji laughing behind you. "Levi, don't be so mean to her, she's just a kid!"

"I-I'm an adult Hanji!" Your cheeks began to burn a little more than before.

"Okay, adult.." Levi gestured towards you. "Go put your pants on so Hanji can take you home. I have to leave soon."

"Ahh.." you retuned back to reality. "Wait.. I'll clean this up for you if you like.. And you go ahead and leave. Hanji will stay with me!"

Levi paused and sighed deeply. "Fine.. But if you don't so an efficient job, you're coming back here." He said as he began walking towards the door.

Hanji waited for the door to slam shut before opening her mouth. "You know, now you have to make his place absolutely spotless.."

"What are you talking about?"

"Levi's also a clean freak." She stated.

You sat there blankly as you realized what you got yourself into. "Ugh, whatever, I'll just clean it however I can."

"That's the spirit! I'll wait for you over here then."

"Hanji, you're not helping out..." she jumped onto a couch. "Hanji!!"

-- Hey guys! I hope you guys are liking the story so far. It's not much since I just started though... orz

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