CH - 5

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Author note at end pls~

Y/n Pov

I stir and stretched a little then finally woke up it was an habit now waking without being pored a whole bucket of water by your aunt or by alarm clock early in the morning

I felt a little pain in my lower area and  gasped when yesterday's night events came in my mind and felt a heat rush my cheeks with my heart beating with a fast pace

I turned and a beautiful sight came in my view of Taehyung and I smile shyly seeing his cute appearance , he was hugging a pillow with his face was squished by the pillow underneath his head which caused a small pout on his pink lips

I slowly lift my hand and caressed his bangs and smile softly

He is my first kiss
He took my first time
And gladly he will be my first and last , making this marriage worth it

I thought and got up slightly and place a soft and small peck against his cheeks and smile widely which was genuine which probably I did after a long time

I than got up and gasped seeing myself completely naked and made my way towards the bathroom quickly

I locked the bathroom and it was very big , I looked in the mirror and saw some red marks on my neck, cleavage and jaw and again my face heated up by seeing them

I came out of the bathroom after taking a short and warm bath with a towel covering my naked form and saw Taehyung still sleeping

I walk towards the closet slowly and open the door and it was a walk in closet I gasped yet again seeing the big closet

It was a board path with draws and racks on either side and a small single couch on the end and look to my right and saw
ᴋɪᴍ ʏ/ɴ

This is surely the work of eomma-nim I smiled and opened to see so many dresses and I gasped I use to have very less clothes and all were of Jennie who she doesn't wanted to wear or were too plain

I took a simple outfit it was nice and decent with the fabric being soft

She didn't have to buy me so many dresses Aish eomma-nim

I thought and smile wearing the dress

I made my way outside and went to the dressing table applying some lotion I  read the things written on the lotion then only applied it and put on a small hair clip and let my rest of the hair to dry

Should I wake him up or not
If he had to go to work and would be late he could be upset with me and I don't want that

I thought and went near him and said "wake up Tae" he did not even bulge

Aish y/n if you will say so softly he will not wake up dumb

I scolded myself and grabbed his shoulder shaking him and said "Tae wake up"

He stir a little and I immediately withdraw my hands from him and he stretched his hands and finally opened his eyes and I smiled a little and said "good morning"

He look at me with a blank look and then sigh getting up from his bed he looked at the side watch kept on the nightstand and said "breakfast at 9:00 sharp" and made his way towards the bathroom

He didn't even say good morning
Did I did something wrong

I thought as tears welled up in my eyes but I quickly blink my eyes not letting any tears escape my eyes

I went downstairs and made my way to the kitchen and saw a old lady there who I didn't knew

"Hello ahjumma" I said and she looked at me and then gasped "hello young miss"

"My name is y/n ahjumma not young miss" I said and smiled slightly she then shooked her head and said "you are the wife of our young master right"

I nodded and she said "so you will be our young miss" I smiled slightly "please ahjumma just call me y/n cause I am younger than you and it will be back manners if you will call me young miss"

She smiled and said "okay y/n" I smiled and nodded

"So can you tell me about your job and other thing in this house" I asked and she nodded and said "I cook the food and do gardening while there are three maid who cleans the house daily they will come at 11:00 and go at 1:00 and guards are all surrounding the mansion"

"Oh okay Can I make the breakfast for Tae" I asked and she widens her eyes and says "no young oh I mean y/n I will do it"

"Please let me I know how to do it" I said and she sighs and nodded ,I smiled

"So what Tae likes ahjumma" I ask and she widens her eyes saying "you don't know"

My cheeks heat up due to embarassement as I don't know about my husband and I said "it was a arrange marriage so I don't know much about him" she nodded understanding

"He eats everything which is edible but with less spice and medium salt , his favourites are japchae , any type of meat , ramen with pork slice , kimchi , he dislike coffee and prefer tea or any other drinks" she explained and I noted them in my mind

"Okay can I make pancakes" I ask and she nodded and said "I will go do gardening if you need anything child just ask me" and I nodded and she went away

I had tears when she said child so politely but quickly wiped them and made the pancakes with maple syrup and butter

I place them on the dinning table with tea and wait for Taehyung to come and soon I heard footsteps to see Taehyung walking downstairs with his bag in white shirt with a black tie and grey coat , black pants

And my heart paced up when his eyes met mine he held no emotion just blank and my cheeks heat up before looking down

Wow he is so handsome

I thought and smile shyly he came and sat down and started eating

will he praise me or not

I thought and stood beside him , waiting for his any order or something but he said nothing

he finished his breakfast and wipe his face with tissue , suddenly he called me "y/n"

did I do something??
did I made a mistake in making breakfast ?? dose he not like it?

These thoughts came into my mind running because he spoke like this but I stood infront of him as he gestures me with his hand to the seat right ext to him

I sat down with my head hung low and then he said "you are living here in my house so you need to follow rules understand" and I quickly nodded

"first making me breakfast at sharp 9 and dinner at sharp 10 I eat it or not it should be made on time , second no friend or family members of yours are allowed until I grant you the permission, third no going out until I take you , fourth house cleaning is now your job no maids only maria will be their , fifth you should behave with me , sixth if I told you something you had to follow these six rules should be registered in your mind understand" he says and my eyes filled with tears but I blink not to let them fall

"If any rule breaks get ready to face punishments and y/n they will be worse" he said in a low dangerous voice and a shiver of fear ran down my spine and I nodded quickly

he stood up and walked towards the front door and I follow him when he turns and I stop with my head hung low

"What" he asks and I say softly with my head still hung low "take care bye"

he suddenly grab my jaw tightly and I hiss cause of the painful grip he makes me look at him and come dangerously close to with our nose almost touching each others

"look at me when I talk understand" he spoke coldly with the same blank face

"do you understand" he say when I don't say anything tears appear in my eyes and I nodded

he left my face and opens the door and slams it shut , I flinch and tears roll my down my cheeks continuously and I ran straight to our room

I thought it would be different but I got the same okay y/n you have to live your whole life with him so don't cry and never give up or you will regret it y/n be strong , it is okay after nights sun always comes but your life's sun dose not know he is your sun but your life will also lit hope and patience is you have to keep y/n

I thought and wipe my tears and wash my face

I did the whole work dusting, mopping , sweeping , making lunch for me and ahjumma is gone as her time is over and she will come tomorrow apt 7:30 again

I was tired it's 7:00 pm and you just finished all your work cause it is a big house

I then relaxed on the couch and lay there with nothing in my mind and sigh

I look at the time and then made my way to the kitchen and started making dinner

after some time I made kimchi bokumbap, noddles with chilled tomato broth, bulgogi chicken

I organised it neatly on the table and sat down , it is 10:00

he might be coming

I yawned and it was boring I look at the time it is 11:15 and I sigh

When will he come

tears started to form in my eyes

what is something happened to him
no y/n think positive , positive ,positive

I chanted and waited and waited but my eyelids became heavy but I fought to stay open

but ended up sleeping

Tae Pov

it was 1:00 when I entered the house and saw it was silent , I continue walking when I saw the dinning table it had plates covered with lids then saw a figure leaning on the table sitting on the chair

I sigh and saw y/n sleeping on the table but I choose to ignore and went to take a bath

when  I came back downstairs U saw she was still in the same position

I wanted to grab her and lay down so she don't hae a back ache but fighting it I chose to ignore who is she, nobody

I open the lid and saw the dishes it was looking nice but had been cold so I grab it and microwave it

and eat it she makes nice food tho no complain

she did not stir also is she a heavy sleeper i sigh and went to bed ignoring her completely

I went to the next room of mine and open the drawer and pick the white powder packet and spill it on the table
making a thin line and inhaled it through nose

I throw my head backwards due to the drug effect and blood came out of my other nose I wiped it with a tissue and make my way to my room with shaky legs

I fall on the bed my mind shaky I started taking two months ago or soon  because of stress and work and they helped

I was meant with darkness soon

Vote and comment

I will use ⚠️sign when the chapter
will contain use of drugs and alcohol

and please do not get influence
by any of these shits it have bad
effect and these I wrote
with help of internet so don't despise
me it is only a fiction story

I will write 18+ when mature
content is included


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