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"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," Avery Perez laughed. She stepped off her Delta flight surrounded by her two girlfriends. Linking arms with Ebony Goodman and Vivian Nguyen, she marched toward the baggage claim area. Each girl shouldered a carry-on and grabbed a fluorescent-colored rolling suitcase. They located their Uber and sped toward the Strip.

"You are so going to love it here," Avery exclaimed. She sat in the middle of the back seat and spread her arms across the back. She was the only one of the three girls who had spent time in Las Vegas.

Ebony and Vivian stared at the bright flashing lights surrounding them. Their eyes widened when their Uber stopped at the Bellagio. Everything about the casino/hotel excited them. Ebony snapped a selfie in the lobby and posted it on Instagram immediately. She couldn't believe she was actually in Vegas.

Ebony's eyes traveled over everything. Inside, she practically jumped all over. It took her most of the year to save up for the trip. After graduating high school, she took a gap year and started working for Panera Bread. The break from college turned into a three-year stint in the popular restaurant. She met Avery and Vivian there, and the three girls shared an apartment.

The Vegas trip was her first vacation without her family and her first trip west of the Mississippi. She felt grown-up and in charge of her life. Avery traveled widely during her childhood. Her father owned a chain of liquor stores in three states. Ebony thought Felix Perez was the wealthiest man she knew. Vivian returned to Vietnam occasionally to visit her family. Until she moved into their flat, she lived with her Aunt Bao.

Their hotel room was huge and luxurious, far exceeding Ebony's expectations. Avery flopped on one of the beds, Vivian on the other. Ebony wandered into the spacious bathroom and dropped her carry-on on the floor. The counters were soft pearl-colored marble, and the sink and shower had gold fixtures.

"What are we waiting for?" Avery asked, appearing beside Ebony. She fluffed her long dark hair and applied heavy red lipstick to her plump lips. Vivian peered in the mirror and adjusted the spaghetti straps on her mini-dress. She swept her long black hair across her shoulders and posed provocatively.

Ebony also adjusted her hair and makeup. Her brown eyes wore an expectant look. She felt excited and a bit nervous at the same time. It was her first time in a casino. Always careful with her money, she decided on a $500 limit. Once she surpassed that amount, she would stop gambling.

"The sky's the limit, girls," Avery exclaimed, throwing her head back and laughing. Vivian joined her.

After a moment's hesitation, Ebony laughed also. Butterflies flit in her stomach, and she wondered if she made a mistake by coming on the Vegas trip. She really wanted to save her money and go to Hawaii. Avery and Vivian worked on her until she agreed to accompany them to Nevada.

The young women entered the casino as a team. They purchased chips and headed toward the roulette tables. Ebony started slowly with a $5 chip. Her friends piled up theirs in the amount of $20. The wheel spun, and all three lost their bets. Ebony increased her bet and began to feel more confident. She continued to play, betting more heavily as time passed. They each won and lost and encouraged each other to bet on their winnings. Finally, Ebony's original $500 ran out. She excused herself to use the restroom.

"500 dollars already," Ebony thought to herself. Her expression in the mirror looked worried. She tried to smile but couldn't. Three days remained of their vacation, and she had already lost the money she intended to gamble during the entire time. Perhaps she should have set a daily limit instead of a whole chunk to cover all the days.

Ebony took her phone from her purse and transferred more money into her spending account. It would cover her for the following day, at least. Until then, she would tell Avery and Vivian she was returning to their room for the night. With a plan well in hand, Ebony stepped into the bright casino. She walked past the flashing slot machines and headed toward the roulette tables. Stopping short, she panned the area.

The faces in the crowd appeared different. Ebony scanned them carefully but could not pick out her friends. She felt sure she had left them at the second wheel, but perhaps she was wrong. She walked toward the area and paused. Moving slowly, she hesitated at each table, seeking her friends. Tears welled in her eyes. She couldn't locate them.

Ebony searched the casino, thinking Avery and Vivian had moved on to another game. They weren't anyplace she looked. Disheartened, she returned to the lobby to check there and then returned to the roulette tables. Still, they did not appear. Ebony decided to go back to the room and check there.

"Are you lost?" a gentle male voice asked.

Ebony nearly bumped into the man in a tuxedo, red cummerbund, and bow tie. He was tall and handsome, with gleaming white teeth and sparkling blue eyes.

"I've lost my friends," Ebony answered, choking back her tears.

"I'll help you look for them," the stranger suggested, offering his arm. "Cameron Huxley at your service."

"Thank you," Ebony whispered, accepting his arm. She smiled through her tears.

"Where did you see them last?" Cameron asked, guiding her into the casino.

Ebony explained about the roulette wheel and her leaving to use the restroom. They toured the casino again with no sign of Avery or Vivian. Ebony's distress escalated. Her face crumpled, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Perhaps you would like a drink to calm your nerves?" her companion suggested. His smile grew more tender. His eyes looked suave and confident. Ebony nodded. Cameron led her into the bar and ordered a whiskey and soda.

Ebony rarely drank, but her nerves were shattered. Her friends' disappearance unnerved her. She sipped the alcoholic beverage and accepted a second one. After the third, she excused herself to the restroom. Cameron had another drink waiting for her when she returned. Ebony felt a little tipsy but accepted the drink.

Cameron told her she was beautiful. He edged closer and whispered in her ear. His lips touched her lobe, and he caressed it with his tongue. She didn't complain. It felt good. Her inebriation dulled her senses. She wouldn't ordinarily allow a man she had just met such liberties. Crossing her long, slim legs, she sipped her drink and smiled. It tasted bitter, but she thought perhaps she had too much.

Her companion's face blurred in and out, and his voice seemed distant. Ebony wobbled and straightened herself on the barstool. When she spoke, her voice seemed unreal and miles away. Cameron continued to kiss her ear, cheeks, nose, and mouth. He finally rose and extended his hand.

Ebony took his outstretched palm and tried to stand. The hotel bar rotated around her. She took a deep breath and a few steps. Her shoulder brushed Cameron's, and he steadied her with his arm. She collapsed against him. The elevator doors swung open and whispered closed behind her. It seemed to carry her upward too quickly.

Sunlight touched Ebony's face, bringing her to life. She sprawled across her bed, her legs dangling off the side. Slowly, she awoke. She blinked her eyes and sat up. The room looked different. Instead of two beds, there was only one. Her head swam and pulsed. Ebony tried to focus. She realized she was naked, and her thighs ached.

"Cameron," she thought, looking around. The hotel room appeared empty. The daze began to clear. She stood and wrapped the comforter around her body.

"Hello? Cameron?" Ebony called. She checked the bathroom and closets. Everything seemed eerily empty, void of suitcases, clothing, or other necessities. A strange feeling overcame her. Then she noticed her own dress and undergarments were missing. "Oh no, oh no," she wailed, sinking onto the bed and covering her face. She lay down and sobbed.

When she awoke again, she picked up the room's telephone and called the lobby. In a weak voice, she asked to have Cameron Huxley paged in the casino.

"Who?" the disgruntled operator asked. Ebony repeated the name. "One moment, please."

Ebony sat back and waited. Ages passed before the voice returned to the line.

"There's no one by that name registered here," it said, dismissing her.

"But...Wait..." Ebony shrieked when it sounded like the line was getting cut off. "Cameron Huxley. I'm in his room. He was here last night."

"There's no one by that name registered here," the voice repeated.

"PLEASE!!" Ebony yelled, grasping the receiver with white knuckles. "I...I think I was raped. Please help me."

It took an eternity for the operator to speak again. She told Ebony to wait where she was and not to touch anything.

"Most of all, don't take a shower." The voice seemed friendlier.

"I...I won't," Ebony whispered, a sinking feeling overcoming her.

Two female police officers and three EMTs arrived. Ebony accompanied them to the hospital, where a rape kit was performed. It turned into a long and grueling day. She filed a report and finally returned to the Bellagio. Fatigued from the formalities at the hospital, she took the elevator up to her room. Falling flat on her face, she fell asleep instantly and remained there most of the day.

The police didn't give her much hope of finding her rapists. They acted as though her experience was routine. When she awoke, she felt miserable and bitter. Life could not remain the same for her. All her innocence disappeared. Ebony felt dirty and used. She sat with her grief—isolated and alone.

The door cracked open, and giggling voices permeated the room. Avery and Vivian stepped in. They flopped on the other bed and kicked off their shoes. Ebony turned downcast eyes toward them.

"Where were you?" she snapped harshly.

"We were comped," Avery stated, laughing. "We partied hard in a penthouse all night long. All the free food and champagne we could handle. You shouldn't have gone to the restroom. You coulda come with us."

"Yeah, we met a couple of guys up there, too," Vivian put in. "There was a really cute one for you, but you weren't there." They continued to giggle and cling to each other in their mirth.

"I was raped," Ebony stated flatly.

Her friends continued to laugh and exchange stories. Her words hadn't penetrated their thick minds.

"I was raped," Ebony began again, raising her voice. "RAPED, RAPED, RAPED!!" she shouted. Rushing toward her friends, she grabbed Avery by the arms and yanked her up. Shaking the girl, she continued to cry RAPED!

Avery's mind cleared, and she caught her breath. Vivian leaped up and embraced her friend. The girls formed a circle and clung to each other. All three sobbed. Finally, they sat on the bed, grasping hands.

Ebony told her story, her voice cracking with emotion. She told of her search and Cameron Huxley's seemingly kind assistance. His drink offer soothed her, but later, she discovered he had taken advantage of her shattered nerves. Ebony spoke of her horrible day in the hospital and the fact that the police might never locate Cameron.

"Cameron Huxley probably isn't even his real name," Ebony concluded.

"What's going to happen next?" Vivian asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'll have to identify him if they ever catch him," the distraught girl explained. "It's not likely. He's probably far away by now."

Silence prevailed in the room. Each girl reflected upon their behavior since she arrived in Las Vegas. There was plenty of blame to go around. They sat on the bed, clinging to each other.

"I want to go home," Ebony finally stated. She rose and began packing her carry-on.

"Me too," Vivian agreed, picking up her stuff too.

"Girls?" Avery said, standing in the room's midst. Her friends turned to look at her. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?"

Ebony and Vivian remained silent for a long time. Avery grew anxious and bit her bottom lip. She tried to smile and urged on only a slight uplift of her lips.

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," Ebony finally echoed.

"I agree," Vivian complied a moment later. "What happens in Vegas, etc., etc., etc." She waved her hand with each etcetera.

They hugged again, then separated to pack up their belongings.



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