Pink trash bag

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"No, Kalon, I'm not going to the trash compactor with you!" Conan whispered.

"I swear, she's hiding something!" I whispered back. "Please."


"Conan! You owe me! I snuck an apple in for you yesterday. Come on. It's the least you could do."

"Do you know what a trash compactor is? It's—"

"A group work is not the time for discussion." Mr Sanjay, our teacher, threw us a warning look. "You should finish analyzing the structure in ten minutes. Play time is over."

I nodded meekly and pretended to be interested in this piece of rock. Wow, such a brown, round... rock. Very beautiful. Once I was certain Mr Sanjay had turned his back I raised my head to look at Conan.

Him , on the other hand, seemed mesmerized by this space rock. I was certain it had to be alien poop. It was brown and smelly! I dropped the poop-rock back on the table and faced Conan.

"You're a jerk. I'm going whether or not you decide to come with me."

"Kalon," Mr Sanjay warned.

Now this, this was embarrassing. The class— all eleven of them— snickered. Including Conan. They can kiss my ass for all I care. With a huff, I turned to my rock.

Smelly fella. I named her Becky like the blonde idiot in front of me.

Becky Norman. Daughter of the most reputable scientist on the Bridge, the space station— the last space station. There used to be 9 in total until some alien attack destroyed the other 8. But that happened before me so it's irrelevant. ish.

Becky is a blood sucking demon invoked from the deepest part of hell to make everyone's life miserable. And she is succeeding. Not for long though, I think I may have something to destroy her social status.

Everyday by 1:03 pm, she throws a pink trash bag (because she's just that extravagant and stupid. How come she gets a pink one and the rest of us get neon green?) into the general trash bin which then goes into the trash compactor. Lately, she's been acting weird. She forgot to glare at me this morning as she walked into class. She's hiding something and I'm going to find out.

On the table, i dipped my hand into the green sand and dumped it on my body. Then, I hit the table with my knee, causing my rock to fall down...and break. For a moment a stared at my broken rock with confusion, but that didn't matter.

I raised my hand but Mr Sanjay was already looking at me.

"Finally Kalon! She's the first one here to discover the particularity of this space rock. You may go clean up. Hurry up! In five minutes you should be back."

"I'll be back before you even know it!"

Mr Sanjay rolled his eyes.

"Kalon!" Conan whispered- shouted.

I ignored him and hurried out of class.

Step one: completed.

Now I have to get to the trash compactor without arising suspicion from the guards. Right as I turned around I bumped into someone. I could recognise that cologne from anywhere.

"Uh, hi, dad..."

"What are you doing out of class?" His dark eyes searched my face. Perks of having a soldier as a dad is that you master the art of lies as you grow.

"I was just going to clean my self. I spilled green sand on myself."

He raised an eyebrow.

"See you at dinner!"

Okay, maybe I've yet to master the arts of lies and deception, but im learning!

I could feel my father's suspicious eyes follow so as the smart person that I am, I diverted to the toilet. Yes, I was a terrible liar but my fingers were the stickiest in the spaceship. I threw my fathers ID card in the air and caught it with a grin.

Oh, I'll so get in trouble for this but who cares? We're going to die in a few months anyways. We're running low on oxygen and food supply.

But I was determined to knock Becky off  her high horse and take her place— I swear, I'm not obsessed. She's just a big bully. And it was time someone made her stupid face pay.

(I wrote this like 6 months ago💀 and it's still unfinished but I'm posting it either way bc it's almost funny. I really can't remember the main plot of the story so I can't continue it. Sorry lol)

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