The Nymph Echo

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Not edited! Ignore weird mistakes and enjoy <3

"My veil!" I shouted.

My maid handed the white lace material to me with a bow.

"Get me Rachelle. Tell her to be quick!"

The young girl scrambled out of my chambers, nearly tripping over herself.

I'd get rid of her after my wedding, I told myself.

I slapped a ton of powder on my face, smeared red lipstick on my lips, and patted red powder on my cheeks. I was trying to look like those pesky humans that he liked so much. I puffed my chest out and shot my butt out.

"Makaria Eos! What on earth?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I look great. What are you going on about?"

"You look like a demon."

"I look like a goddess."

I heard her scoff. "Maybe because you are one?"

Finally, I turned to face her. "I will be," I corrected. " Can you stop talking and help me get ready? I can't have the whole earth waiting for me."

She crossed her arms over her chest and planted her small feet to the ground. For an earth nymph, she was tiny.

I giggled.

Her face fell flat.

We were opposites. While her dark skin matched her dark hair, my skin was very pale, and my hair was nearly white.  I was different, and I loved it. Most of the Nymphs around me were earth nymphs. They manipulated rocks and gems, walk through one, and a few could transform into statues. While I could manipulate light.

However, I felt like an outcast among my peers. Not that it mattered. For the first time in centuries, every nymph would reunite once again. Thanks to me.

The marriage of the last light nymph

Every Earth nymph, air nymph, fire nymph, water nymph would come together. Maybe the mountain nymphs would come out if they're feeling social, but who knows?

Rachelle pushed me into a chair and wiped my amazing makeup away. I kept still while she worked her magic.

"Are you done yet?"

"Shut up."

I twisted in my chair.

"I'm going to be late."

Rachelle ignored me.

I dimmed the light in the room with my mind.

"See? It's getting dark, Rachelle. The night will soon fall."

She ignored me.

I decided to give up and let her continue. She was as hard-headed as our father. Hmm, I really hope he's out of bed.  I will blind him if he's late for my wedding.

When I thought about Tristan, my fiancé, my heart leaped. We were finally going to get married! Every part of me was happy. I was getting married to the most charming man. Not to mention the fact that he looked like the male humans in magazines!

"Finished," she muttered.

I sprung from my chair to admire myself when she turned around and headed for the exit.


She didn't even answer me. When she opened the door, I angled the light to her face. She stumbled back in.

"You should be happy for me," I snapped at her.

"I'm not obligated to be." She gritted her teeth, standing back up while rapidly blinking.

"I get it," I spat. "You are jealous, aren't you? You act like it's my fault!"

"It is!" She screamed.

"Boo-hoo, little Rachelle, 22 and not married." I mocked. "You act like I stole your husband!"

Her eyes welled with tears.

"You think I had a say in who I wanted to marry, Rachelle? The council decided it, okay? You know this!"

"I love him," she choked.

I scoffed. "You were last with him over five years ago. Get over it!"

She shook her head. "Yesterday. We were together."

"I'm sure it was nothing more than what you wanted."

I gripped the chair when I saw her bury her head in shame.

My eyes welled up.

"You're lying!"

"I'm not!" She screamed back.

I stumbled back like I'd just been hit.


"He doesn't love you, sister. He...he loves me. He always had. He doesn't want to be with you. I'm sorry. I didn't know when to tell you— or how to."

"How long?" I asked, feeling my heart weigh down.

"Since the beginning." She looked away.

"We are sisters. How could—?" I cried.

"I didn't want this to happen, Karie! I knew it was bad, but somehow I couldn't stop. Tristan, he... he is like a sweet poison. I shouldn't want him, but I do. I...He...We... Forgive me!"

"Get out!" I screamed. "Out!"

"Karie, listen! Please!"

I fought to control the light balance in the room. I could blind her. But I didn't want to. Not yet.

I lost control.

The light hit her stomach.

She doubled over.

"Get out," I begged, falling into my chair.

(pov switch)

I tried to muffle my sobs as I stumbled out of Karie's chambers.

The maids scrambled and squeaked when they saw me. Pesky things were eavesdropping.

Karie had everything.

I, nothing. Well, I had Tristan. Till she stole him from me as she does with everything I own.

She was special, and I wasn't. Everybody knew that. I was just as common as every other earth nymph; dark hair, dark skin, light eyes, useless powers.

But Tristan, he loved me for me.

He made me feel special. More special than I was. Special than Karie, than any other girl. Until three months ago, the council decided to choose Tristan as her betrothed.

Our relationship was a secret. Nobody knew we were together. Our families hated each other. Well, until the marriage between Karie and Tristan became an option. Now, they drink tea every afternoon.

Karie doesn't love Tristan.

Tristan doesn't love Karie.

But I love Tristan. And he loves me back.

Why should I give up the only thing I have because of politics?

Karie was the last full-blood light nymph. Tristan was a light nymph descendant, though he had earth nymph powers. They were to perform the blood ritual that only married couples could do. After the blood ritual was done, Karie would rest for a few weeks before transcending into the goddess that would bring our people out of oppression.

Nymphs want Earth, but so do humans.

A treaty was signed long ago, but slowly, humans violated this treaty. They cut down our trees, put fire in our forests, pollute the air and seas, killing many nymphs in the process.

With our goddess of light, we should be able to start a war and finish it. I don't know how, but I know it will be violent.

I shuddered as I thought of my little sister being responsible for the death of so many. She was too innocent, too young, too pure to kill.

I did not want this wedding to continue. A part of me hoped that Karie wouldn't come to her wedding after what I had just told her, but the other part was sure she'd come.

Was I being selfish?

Was I being too stupid and naive thinking I'd be able to stop this atrocity from taking place?

I hoped not.

Tristan deserved a better life. He shouldn't be condemned to sit by a goddess all the days of his life when he doesn't even love her!

He needed to be with me.

I twisted the gold ring around my finger.

Tristan gave it to me two years ago as a promise. He promised we'd elope, get married, and have children. He would finally be able to become the fisherman he always wanted to be while I'd be free to be who I wanted to be. I wouldn't stay in Karie's shadow anymore.

I'd be Rachelle not 'Karie's sister.'

My heart hammered at the thought.

I wiped my tears with the back of my palms and took my bag.

I wouldn't give up love for anything in the world, and I wasn't planning on doing so. Tristan was waiting for me in the garden.

I peered through my room window. When the maids and butlers left my vision, I flung my bag out of the window, then climbed down the ladder.


I sat in a tree, twirling a rose in my hand. I plucked the petals and arranged them to form a heart on the tree branch.

It had been one hour, and he hadn't shown up.

He probably couldn't meet me because of his butlers. It was probably too risky for him.

I ignored the doubt I felt crawling up my stomach. He was mine, no one else's. We were meant to be. He wouldn't give up everything we had for fame and power, would he?

I bit the insides of my cheek as I pressed my palms to my eyes.

Karie couldn't have him too.

I breathed in, shakily.

I was about to do something incredibly stupid.

Right as I jumped down, I heard the wedding bells ring. I forgot about my bag and rushed to the ceremony. My heart pounded in my chest. Tristan. Tristan. God, no. He didn't want this. I needed to save him from her— from them. He was a chess piece in their agenda. But to me, he was my everything.

What if...?

No, Tristan and I were in love. He'd never trade that for anything.

"Welcome the bride, Makaria Eos, daughter of the light."

With my head bent, I took a seat in the middle of the ecstatic crowd. Their claps and shouts thundered in the open space. The trees that surrounded us seemed to be clapping as their leaves shook. The birds in the sky circled above us, watching as my sister twisted out of a light ray.

They shouted in praise, marveling at their savior.

While they stared at her, I stared at Tristan. But his light brown eyes were fixed on my sister. His lips parted as she began walking down the aisle. From where I was, I saw his breath hitch. His dirty blond hair was slicked back, but he ran a hand through it. It was a habit he had when he was excited or nervous.

Not once did he look away from her face. As she got closer to him, his face lit up. His eyes twinkled, like a child looking at jars of sweets.

Karie was mesmerizing. Her golden dress flowed behind her like there was a natural breeze. Every step she took was elegant. With her natural hair and bare feet, she looked like a maiden in the stories we read.

Like a princess, she picked up the front of her dress. One foot in front of the other, she climbed the steps. She let go of our father's huge arms.

Tristan extended his hand, and she took it gracefully.

The mouth of the high priest moved, but I heard nothing. I could only see the hidden smiles the couple exchanged on the altar. I could only see the way his thumbs circled her hands, just the way he did when I was nervous. I could only see as he mouthed 'I love you' to her.

"Makaria Eos, do you take Tristan Nwe as your life partner and husband?"

"I do," she breathed.

The crowd buzzed.

"Tristan Nwe, do you take Makaria Eos as your life partner and wife?"

My heart thumped. I held onto the last string of hope. He loved me. He loved me. He loved me. He loved me.

"I do."

My heart shattered in my chest.

"Before we continue to the ritual, does anyone oppose this union?"

"I oppose!"

The crowd went so silent that if I'd dropped a pin, the noise would have echoed.

Finally, his eyes left her veiled face and rested on me. I saw a flash of surprise on his face before it transformed into disgust.

She gripped his hands, and he reciprocated the motion.

"What is your reason?" The High Priest asked.

I walked forward. "He doesn't love her."

"I don't think you know what you are saying," Tristan told me. "I am in love with your sister."

It was the harshness of his tone that made the tears spill.

"How can you say that when you were with me last night?" I asked, my voice breaking.

The crowd gasped.

He glared at me.

I looked at my sister with pleading eyes. "Makaria..."

"You are delusional, sister. You should be in one of those hospitals the humans have."

"Tristan?" I called out.

Lowering his voice and letting go of Karie's hands, he said, "I don't want you. I don't love you. I don't want to have a future with you. I don't even want to be a fisherman, Rachelle."

A strangled sound escaped my lips.

"Don't you get it?" He asked, cupping my cheek. "It was only for fun. Nothing more."

I grabbed his hand before he let go. "Don't say that, please. You don't mean that."

Karie slapped my hand away and held his as they walked back up and smiled at the crowd.

"Nothing to worry about,"she assured them. "I know you all have that one person that will do anything to sabotage you."

The crowd murmured, spitting and throwing food in my direction.

"Get away from here!" Makaria yelled.

I turned around, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Homewrecker !" Someone yelled.

"Husband snatcher!"

"Enemy of progress!"

Like the pathetic useless rat I am, I ran away, tears running down my face.

My surroundings were a blur as I ran. I ran to the only place that I felt safe, seen. The forest.

I fell on my knees. I had nothing. No friends, no talent, practically no parent. I was utterly alone.

I cried into my hands, wishing for the pain of it to end.

What had I done to deserve such a life? How could he betray me? Was everything a lie? Had he ever loved me? Was everything just for fun?

Once again, Makaria had stolen the last person who made me feel like I wasn't a rat. She was everything I wanted to be, and more.

I was heartbroken. Tristan broke my heart.

My shoulders shook violently as I sobbed into the earth.

No one loved me. Not even my father.

Why wasn't I good enough for anybody?

I didn't believe Tristan could do something so atrocious. How could he? How did his conscience let him use me?

The earth quaked under me.

He was a monster.

They were all monsters!

I leaned on a boulder in the forest, puling.

I lost everything.

And maybe the worst part of this story is that I lost myself along the way.

I rested my head on my arm and closed my eyes.

I was tired, too tired to continue. Maybe in another life, I'd be brave enough to continue, but not in this one.

I let myself go and felt the buzz of nature one last time. I touched the rock and let the hardness run through my veins.

"In another lifetime," I whispered before my heart turned to stone.

Soon, I became a statue lost in the middle of a forest. A victim of a broken heart. A figure to be loved and marveled at in centuries to come.


This short story definitely took me out of my comfort zone. I've never written something like this before haha it was refreshing.

Ah yes, leave your thoughts and feedback. Do you like Greek mythology?

My answer: Yes! I used to hate it before but actually reading on my own and not in school made me appreciate it more. I still can't name the gods and their roles though💀

That's itttttt!

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate it <3

Till the next story,
Nelly ;)

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