Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Amira! Help me into my dress!" Yara shouted.

Setting down the bucket of soapy water, I leaned the mop against the wall. "I'll be right there!" I knelt down and quickly brushed the ash from the previous night's fire into the metal bucket.

There, I thought to myself with a smile, all of my chores are done! Now all I have to do is help my cousins and then I can get ready for the ball!

"AMIRA NOW!" yelled Yara.

I raced up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"There," she said pointing to the dress.

I picked up the amethyst colored gown and held it above my cousin's head. Avoiding the elaborate twist in her hair.

She slid both arms through the straps and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Okay, I want you to pull the corset as tight as it will go," she instructed me.

Tugging on the corset strings, I dug my heels into the floor and pulled with all of my weight.

"Tighter," Yara gasped.

Frowning, I asked, "Are you sure you can breath?"

"TIGHTER!" she repeated.

Shrugging my shoulders, I pulled the strings as tight as possible and tied them in a knot. "Good?"

My cousin nodded, as she reached out to steady herself on a nearby bookshelf.

"How do I look?" asked Rima as she twirled in her emerald dress. Her golden tiara sparkled over her perfectly curled hair.

"You look beautiful," I answered.

Yara and Rima jumped up and down squealing, "We're going to the ball! We're going to the ball!"

"My girls, you both look absolutely stunning," gushed Aunt Fatima. "The Ambassador's son is going to have a hard time deciding who he likes more."

"Aunt Fatima," I asked quietly. "Would it be alright if I went to get ready now?"

Her smile faded. "Are your chores done?"

"Yes, everything for today is done and I already finished most of tomorrow's chores as well."

Aunt Fatima's lips formed a straight line with slightly turned corners. "Well then, I guess you can come with us."

"Oh! Thank you, Aunt Fatima!" I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.

"We're leaving an hour. If you're not ready, we'll leave without you."

I released my arms and rushed down the stairs.

The mice poked their heads out of the shoebox lined with straw.

"It's happening! It's really happening," I told them. "I get to go to the ball!"

I quickly slipped into my dress and slid my feet into the shoes from my cousin. "Let's hope the glue keeps that heel on."

Zada squeaked in agreement.

"Now for my hair," I whispered to myself as I began expertly twisting my hair into a bun. With one hand holding the bun in place, I reached for bobby pins with the other hand.

I slid them in one at a time until the bun was secure.

Make up time! I grabbed a shimmery eye shadow and my mascara. After applying both, I checked my reflection in the mirror. I froze. My mother's image looked back at me. Blinking several times, I finally realized it was my reflection.

My hands trembled as I raised them to my face. Tears filled my eyes. I wish you were here with me tonight.


I reached out and gingerly touched the mirror. I vowed to come back and tell my mother all about the ball. She can hear me. I just know it, I thought to myself.

I grabbed a tissue and dabbed under my eyes. There we go! Good as new!


"I'm coming!" I shouted before running up the stairs.

Yara stood near the door tapping her shoe. "You're going to make us late!"

Rima froze. "Why does she have on my dress?"

Yara scrunched up her nose. "She's wearing my dress too!"

"WHY IS SHE WEARING MY DRESS?" they demanded in unison.

My Aunt stood with a bemused look on her face.

"You can't wear that," shouted Yara. She took two steps forward and ripped one of the straps off.

I immediately clutched my chest, holding up the torn fabric with my other hand.

"You took my dress without permission and I don't want you to have it," Rima snapped. She reached for the skirt and tugged. The fabric gave way easily.

I gasped and used my free hand to cover my exposed waist.

"What a shame," said Aunt Fatima shaking her head. "You should have asked."

"I did ask," I stated with tears running down my face. "You said it was okay."

Aunt Fatima's face turned a deep shade of crimson. "Are you calling me a liar?"

My jaw dropped. She had given me permission last weekend. I even showed her the dresses before I did anything to them.

"Looks like she didn't really finish her chores either," sneered Rima as she picked up the bucket of ash from the fireplace.

Yara grabbed the bucket from her sister's hands. "Yeah, you were supposed to dump this outside!"

"Let go," shouted Rima as she reached for the handle.

"NO, you let go!" shrieked Yara.

Rima gave a final tug, sending the bucket flying from her sister's hands and into the air.

The bucket flew through the air until it smacked me in the chest, sending ash everywhere.

Forgetting their fight, Yara and Rima burst into laughter.

Tears welled in my eyes as I looked down at the ash-covered dress. Even if I could sew the torn fabric back together, it wouldn't be possible to clean the black soot from the dress in time.

"She's covered in it!" giggled Yara.

Rima threw her head back and continued to laugh. "I'm going to call you Ashmira from now on!"

"Ashmira! Ashmira! Ashmira!" snickered Yara. "It fits her so well," she said to her sister.

The girls burst into a fresh round of laughter only to be cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.

Aunt Fatima opened the door. A young man stood in a black and white tuxedo with white gloves. His eyes widened as she saw Amira.

"Don't mind Ashmira," giggled Yara.

"Looks like you won't be going with us after all," smirked Aunt Fatima as she ushered my cousins out the door. "Oh, and one more thing, Ashmira. Don't forget to clear up this mess."


Dearest Lovelies,

Thank you for reading Chapter Four of Amira and the Red Bottom Shoes!

Poor Amira! Her cousins and aunt are truly the worst!

Do you think she might still magically make it to the ball?

Leave a comment below and let me know!


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. All votes and comments are hugely appreciated!

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